

When Unii turned her gaze to Nangong beside her, the other party turned her head, and she also heard some melodious whistles.

'It's outrageous! '

Why are you still whistling!

The very responsible principal was the first to notify the Super Victory Team, who would be on call whenever there were special circumstances.

The notice has been reported, so will I still have to go to class next?

There is no class for the time being, waiting for the super victorious team to get the testimony, otherwise the other party might think that they are being played here.

'At least you get three days off, right? '

Nangong was a little embarrassed, it would be better to choose a more gentle method next time.

'You probably have some misunderstanding about the school holidays. '

Uniq still remembers the time when Empat and Tiga were active ten years ago.

The holidays are messy. The so-called holidays mean that you will spit out as many holidays as you take.

Now that the activities in the school have stopped, what should be done?

Before going to Yanshan to inquire, Uniyi has another thing to do.

"Mr. Lihua, is it convenient for us to chat?"

She walked up to the head teacher and sat down. She was very angry about the matter of Chancheng.

After being silent for a while, Lihua shook his head, sighed and asked:

"What do you want to know?"

Anyway, it's nothing more than——

"What happened to the parents in Chancheng? Such a big thing didn't happen? I didn't see anyone all night."

Uniform's statement instantly made Lihua realize one thing - the other party had been waiting in the hospital all night.

What a... I don't know how to describe him.

"Huh... do you know that Saitek Group?"

Nangong was a little surprised when he heard this term, because this was Zhengmu's company back then.

"Her father is an executive inside, so it is only natural that he is busy."

Well, busy.

Hearing this rhetoric that was no different from an excuse, Unii took a deep breath in her heart. If she was busy, wouldn't her police father be busy?

Because I'm busy, I don't have to care about it, so what will happen when I lose it?

If she and Nangong hadn't happened to be nearby this time, Chancheng would have been killed by that cat again.

"I think no matter how busy you are, you shouldn't be unresponsive when your child is admitted to the hospital."

Uniform expressed her opinion, and after hearing this sentence, Lihua let out a helpless breath.

"You know what? It's not that I didn't inform them."

What she said was what happened last night.

"It's just that they didn't answer my calls at all. This is no longer a one-time or two-time thing. Frankly speaking, they may not care about what will happen to Chancheng."

The reality is that.

"Also, Teacher Asakawa, I want to ask you one thing first."

a very important thing.

"Who are you from Chancheng?"

loved ones?friend?

"Her teacher."

Uniqlo's answer was as expected.

"In this case, then you should not care about anything. She is only your student and will only be your student. I will stop here."

Li Hua stood up and left the office.

Her back view, her rhetoric, and her attitude form a silent answer—'I don't want to get involved in this matter'


One second, two seconds, three seconds.

"I thought you would be very angry."

Sitting another person in the empty seat, of course Nangong could feel the discomfort in the other person's heart through a special connection.

I still remember that in the case of Tomo Uesugi ten years ago, Uniform was a person who did not care much about the consequences.

And... there is only a thin line between being helpful and being nosy.

"If there's one thing I've learned since graduating, it's not to judge other people's choices."

If it was ten years ago, UNIQ would definitely jump up and accuse the other party of not doing anything.

It’s different now. Let’s take an example. When a person is drowning, someone jumped to save him. Should we blame those who did nothing?

Don't use morality to kidnap others.

"And Teacher Lihua is right. She is neither a parent of Chancheng, nor a close friend of Chancheng. She is just a teacher. It is normal for her to withdraw and ignore her."

There is no such responsibility or obligation.


Nangong nodded, but did not object to this point of view.

"So you want to let it go?"

He continued to ask.

"Huh? Are you stupid? How is this possible!"

Uniq grinned, and the answer was completely inconsistent with the previous point of view.


Nangong smiled dumbly, he already knew what the other party was thinking, that was——

"I don't care what other people choose. The important thing is how I choose. I just want to take care of this matter."

What the hell is going on with parents who don't care about their children?

If you don't investigate clearly, you will definitely not sleep well.

"Okay, go to the hospital after school, and now go to Yanshan and ask about ghosts."

With thoughts and plans in mind, Uniform got up and left the office feeling refreshed.

Ten minutes later, she and Yanshan were sitting on a bench in the playground.

When Nangong and the other party looked at each other, they noticed the movement of quietly pulling away.

"No, I'm a good guy... a good ghost?"

'I don't know if it's a good ghost, but it's not a normal ghost anyway. '

Yanshan still remembers that strange gesture of raising his hand, there is a problem with you.

"Actually, we have something we want to know about with you. What was the city like before?"

Yui asked about it bluntly.


Yanshan was stunned, what does this mean?

Why don't you know?

"But can't you see?"

"Actually, I didn't see it until he was attached to me."

Uniform pointed to Nangong beside him.


Yanshan fell silent, what happened to this comic prologue?

If you connect a little bit with recent events...

An ordinary high school teacher, Asakawa, lost everything because of a monster attack. When she was dying, she was possessed by a strange ghost, and became a demon-killer against ghosts. Monster Killer 2018... what of!

How could such a thing happen!This is not a comic book world!

"Actually, the first time I could see something was three years ago."

Yanshan told her experience, at first it was just something like hallucination, and then gradually, it became overly agitated.

Slowly from seeing it everywhere from time to time to being able to see it everywhere.

Just as this side was asking for some information, there were fighter jets heading for Kumamoto.

"I just narrowly escaped death, so is it really reasonable for me to continue the mission?"

Asuka sat on the co-pilot behind and complained.

"I think you still have the energy to complain, aren't you very energetic?"

Liang couldn't see how this so-called 'near escape' affected him at all.

Besides being rescued by Ultraman, I don’t know how many people have no way of encountering it. Doesn’t it mean that if you survive a catastrophe, you will have future blessings?

"I acted like I was okay so that my teammates wouldn't worry. I protected everyone's hearts. I'm really the gentlest man in the world."

"Yo huh? Still have the strength to talk poorly?"


Asuka felt that this nonchalant senior was probably his nemesis.

Even if you can't fight him with words, you still have reliable and strong fists.

'It's too violent. '

There is no one in this world who is stupid enough to like this kind of woman, there is nothing wrong with it!

"It landed."

"Okay, okay, really, how could there be monsters in the city? As for ghosts, do you really believe that there are ghosts in this world?"

The α fighter plane landed on the dedicated apron, and the two prepared to drive a special car to the scene.

At the same time, in the command room of the Super Victory Team, in order to summarize the battle, the battle video in the fighter plane was retrieved.

"and many more!"

Because of this, Captain Xibi saw a figure.

"Mai, turn backwards for three seconds and slow down ten times."

Following this command, Mai pressed the play button again two seconds later.

The smooth movement became extremely slow, and then Captain Xibi gave the order again:

"Pause, here, zoom in."

Another half a second, this time, everyone saw that figure.

The woman in white has messy black hair.

"This woman is—"

Kariya immediately recognized the other party, that is the woman who appeared in yesterday's video!

Chapter 28

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