"That's the Super Victory Team? Could it be that the car can still be used as a tank?"

"I don't know if it can be used as a tank, but I know that the tank can't drive that fast, and the barrel is not so short."

"My cousin who lives in Aoba City said that the car fired light beams instead of cannonballs, which is extremely exaggerated."

The Seret car arrived at the school, and its presence was so distinct that it instantly attracted the attention of the students.

For ordinary people, the monster-fighting super victorious team is basically invisible, and it is best not to see it.

After all, wherever they appear, it basically means that there is an abnormality.

Even so, the restless hearts of the young students still could not calm down.

If you want to ask why, if there is an abnormality, it may be a monster, and if there is a monster, there is Ultraman.

Since the reappearance of Ultraman to the present, the parents at home have talked about these things more than once, saying how it was at the beginning.

For the previous generation, Ultraman is a special existence, and it has actually had a strong impact on life. It is an experience that was thought to be forgotten in peace, but found that it cannot be forgotten.

Under the influence of eyes and ears, they also had a strong interest in Altman.

"Look, someone is coming down!"

The car door was pushed open, and all eyes were on it.

Asuka instantly understood what this meant. Everyone in the corridor of the teaching building and on the playground looked at him.

'Not good!I suddenly can't stand it! '

Unlike when he fought as Dyna, this time he appeared as himself.

I'm neither a celebrity nor an anchor, but the feeling of showing my face in front of so many people at once is really...

A little shy and a little complacent, before he could raise the corners of his mouth, he heard a reminder from his teammates:

"Asuka, don't be dazed, take down the instrument."

Liang walked to the car trunk after taking out the car key and put it away, and opened it.


Asuka responded energetically, thinking of so many people waiting for them to do something, the strength in his body suddenly surged out again.

At this moment, the principal, the teaching director and others also came out to welcome the two of them.

The two sides met together, introduced themselves to each other, and shared the current situation.

"Students and teachers in the entire teaching building felt the shaking of the earthquake, but the people on the playground didn't feel anything... Just listening to it felt something was wrong."

Liang nodded.

"We'll start an investigation right away."

"Thank you, I'll leave it to you!"

The principal thanked him very sincerely. He thought that the Super Victory Team would also be there for a while, but he didn't expect him to be so caring and ran over with his tools.

"this way please!"

The two followed the invitation and walked towards the interior of the teaching building. As soon as they stepped into the interior of the teaching building, Asuka felt very nostalgic.

Since graduation, he has joined TPC's recruit training, where he has been training continuously, and it has been four years since he joined the Super Victory Team.

'The school used to be like this, it seems that there is almost no change from before. '

Put the instrument down, and the built-in power supply is enough to support its use for 24 hours.

Liang was a little surprised that Asuka quickly operated after opening it.

"I thought you'd have black eyes and no idea how to use it."

She teased this person who clearly stated that 'reading materials is boring to death'.

"Of course I have to be proficient in this method of finding monsters, and the lectures given by the vice-captain are very simple and easy to understand."

Asuka said that in one-on-one situations, even a little distraction would be caught, and there is really no room for fishing.

"It turned out to be the vice-captain..."

You are too gentle, Vice Captain!

"All right!"

Accompanied by the words, Asuka pressed the last button on the instrument.

Based on this, the downward-diffused wavelengths search for anything suspicious.

He stood up and handed one of the handheld detectors to Liang.

"Let's split up."

"No problem, I will go down from the top floor, and you will start from the first floor."

Liang took the detector, left this sentence and set off.

Asuka blinked, feeling a little emotional for a moment:

'It really is the Iron Lady. '

Take the initiative to take on more strenuous duties.

"Principal, please help me to watch here, and don't let other people touch it casually."

"No problem, no problem."

After explaining, Asuka took the detector and started walking into the aisle.

The portable detector in his hand is a prop used to detect abnormalities nearby. After all, the main body is searching the underground with all its strength, and they will do it on the ground.

When the investigation began, the students were ordered to stay in the classroom and not to move around.

In class C of the second year on the third floor, the students were rather interested in the new teacher.

"Teacher, how does it feel to be in love with someone? Is the other person handsome?"

"Uh...it's too early for you guys to do this sort of thing."

"Isn't it too old-fashioned to say this time, is he handsome? He must be a handsome guy, right? He can't be an uncle who drives a luxury car?"

"Don't you think your question has a lot of malice?"

Uniform was communicating with the students, and there was no need to attend classes anyway, so Teacher Lihua brought the new trainee teacher here.

There is only one reason, that is, it is better to care about more people than one person.

As an outsider, intervening in other people's families will only lead to worse consequences, which is not good.

People who have just entered society from school will always have a little innocence, but society will not be gentle, and people will eventually find that taking care of themselves is the most important thing.

Frankly speaking, at least the environment inside the school is much better than outside.

Lihua didn't want this new teacher to anger Chancheng's parents because of something superfluous and get kicked out.

If there is a blemish on the resume, you probably don't want to be a teacher.

Isn't all the years of study in vain?

'Phew... Ultraman. '

At this time, Lihua suddenly remembered this existence.

She had seen that figure many years ago.

It was a glimpse in the process of escaping. The huge body blocked in front of the monster like a city wall. People could not see the brutal giant beast, but only the reliable giant.

However, even if he can protect people from monsters, he can't protect people from people. It's not ironic, just emotional.

"My boyfriend...he..."

At this moment, Uniform's words attracted Lihua's attention.

The corner of her mouth couldn't help but curl up. Of course she knew that the other party's so-called boyfriend was a lie.

For example, a man and a woman who are in a passionate relationship can't wait to be together 24 hours a day, but this person usually doesn't even take out his mobile phone.

Are you just casually throwing your boyfriend aside when you were in love?

Li Hua wanted to see what kind of image the other party could create.

"He's about fifty...I mean about 180 five centimeters."

'Don't talk nonsense, okay? '

Nangong, who was listening on the side, instantly understood what was going on.

' Long-winded!You just stand there and let me pull it off casually! '

Recalling the man who paid more attention to before, Unii thinks carefully, it seems that there is such a man.

Just as she was looking Nangong up and down, and was about to say a few more words, there was a knock on the door of the classroom.

"Excuse me, may I bother you?"

"Please come in."

Teacher Li Hua responded, and the door was opened.

A young man with a helmet on his head completely covering his face walked in.


Asuka blinked, and the unique fluctuations that could be detected with instruments before suddenly disappeared inexplicably.

It can't be a malfunction, and it can't be such a coincidence.

'let me see. '

He raised his head, and when he was about to walk around the classroom, he immediately noticed the women surrounded by the students.

"Aren't you Asakawa?"


Uniq was stunned for a moment, the familiar voice reminded her of the past and more.

"It's me! Asuka!"

Just pull up the mask in front of the helmet, and Asuka will show his true face.

The face I have seen before, the face I see now, the two overlap.

In an instant, in addition to the joy brought by the reunion, another emotion arose in Uniyi's heart.

"Asuka? Did you join the Super Victory Team?"

That is unwillingness and discomfort. Apart from envy, there is also a trace of complexity that cannot be ignored.

He joined the winning team.

"Hey, Asuka, what are you doing?"

Liang, who also happened to arrive at this floor, looked at the motionless Asuka outside the door.

'Not good' - these two words were almost etched on his forehead.

Asuka quickly rearranged his helmet and focused on the detector in his hand.

"This classroom detected a special fluctuation just now, but it has disappeared now. I want to take a closer look."

Get moving quickly and walk around the classroom.

But the previous fluctuations disappeared completely, and they couldn't be found no matter what.

In the end, Asuka could only leave towards the outside of the classroom.

"Teacher! Do you know the members of the Super Victory Team?!"

The boys asked excitedly.

So there really is such a thing in this world?

"The King of Veterans on Campus"

"Special Forces Huadu Biography"

Although the gender is not quite right, but the novel passed over from a certain big country instantly came to mind.

"There were some origins before."

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