Uniq didn't go into too much detail, and the hidden Nangong reappeared.

'The young man just now was...'

Asuka of the Super Victory Team.

Nangong could feel the light energy hidden in his body, but it was different.

Unlike Dagu, the light in Dagu's body is integrated with him, regardless of each other.

As for Asuka, there is a thin barrier between him and the light, like...

'It's like the state of me and Uniq. '

In order not to allow one's own will to assimilate the other party's soul, a complete and incomplete fusion was adopted.

The lives of the two parties are connected, but the consciousness is independent of each other, which is essentially an unfair practice for Ultraman, because there is no self-action right in the state of life connection.

If you do this, it means only one thing.

'Dyna also has a consciousness of his own. '

Otherwise, it should be like Dagu, where light and body are integrated, Dijia is Dagu, and Dagu is Dijia.

As for him, it is another state, the light and the soul are united, because the body is gone.

As time passed, Asuka and Liang had already walked around the entire school completely.

Neither the detectors in their hands nor the detectors left on the first floor of the teaching building detected anything.

But the previous special fluctuations cannot be ignored, nor can people's feelings be ignored.

The detection splitters matching the detectors were installed in different locations of the school, and they reconfirmed the matter with the school.

"The school will be on holiday for three days, right? Please be sure not to let other people tamper with the equipment we installed."

Liang told the other party that of course she would not worry about adults.

But for a young girl at this age... It's not like she didn't do stupid things at this age.

"No problem, we will let the security guard take care of it."

The headmaster readily agreed.

After 5 minutes, it was like a tiger coming out of the cage.

The students suddenly got a three-day vacation, and one after another they left the school.

Watching this scene, Asuka suddenly noticed something.

"By the way, why didn't I encounter this kind of suspension for special reasons when I was in school?"

Is something wrong?

"Don't tell me you didn't go to junior high ten years ago."

Liang still remembers that the Gatanjeh incident shut down schools all over the world for a long time.

"No, no, I didn't have that kind of real feeling at that time, I was just a child."

Asuka recalled that at the beginning, the children in the first grade of junior high school hadn't felt the horror of going to school, and they still didn't understand what is called "cram school".

The two were chatting, and then, Asuka saw that person in his sight.

They waved to each other with Uniq, working hours are really not suitable for chatting.

"Your acquaintance?"

Liang was a little curious, this kid's personality didn't look like the type who would know girls.

"The seniors who were in the TPC boot camp were very good and worked hard. The instructors were full of praise, but then they quit without knowing why."


Hearing what Asuka said, Ryo touched his chin.

"It must be fun to train with beautiful girls, right?"

"of course!"

The words that could not be more straightforward came out of Asuka's mouth.


Rao Shiliang was also shocked by this thick skin.

"For example, now, I feel very comfortable when I perform missions with Senior Good..."


"I originally wanted to say that, but senior, your character is really too bad, minus points, if you are not so violent, then... Wait, senior, your eyes are terrifying."

Asuka instantly regretted making fun of the other party, because the female orangutan can crush a human's head with a single punch.

At the same moment, on the street, Nangong followed Uniyi.

"Did you want to join TPC before?"

"I had this plan, but I gave up."

Yui sighed.

Chapter 29 Psychological Counselor



It was a very long silence, so long that Uniq could not help but speak:

"Aren't you going to ask me why?"

Is it too fickle?

"Well... I can probably guess it."

During this period of time, when Nangong moved around the universe, he didn't simply go to different planets with bad environments.

Different civilizations have different races, but no matter how the races change, they all have one thing in common.

"Is it because of your parents?"

My own ideas and my parents' ideas may not be in common, and it is the same when it comes to UNIQI.

"That's it."

Uniyi nodded, she really wanted to join TPC, and she was working hard for it, but for her mother, the wish was different.

Compared with the future of human beings, she is more concerned about the future of children.

TPC is more dangerous than the police, and they are always fighting at the forefront of danger.

A woman who has lost her husband does not want to lose her daughter, even if it is her choice.

"The so-called dream does not mean that it can be realized through continuous efforts."

Uniyi knew that she was a little jealous of Asuka, and the position she worked so hard for was taken by others, not because she said she was inferior to others, but because she gave up.

It's like betraying yourself.

"Do you regret it?"

Nangong asked the other party, and if she wanted to talk, he would naturally ask.

This question made Unicorn nod without even thinking about it.

"Of course I regret it, but I regret that I didn't notice my mother's mood earlier."

On the left is the road leading to dreams.

On the right is the expectation of your parents, but it may not meet your wishes.

Which side will you choose?

No matter which side you choose, there is nothing wrong with it.

"She couldn't take the pain of losing her daughter anymore, so I gave up."

It doesn't matter if it will go against my four years of hard work.

"And am I not fighting in another way now?"

The calmness on Unii's face was replaced by a smile, and she raised her right hand.

"I believe that Ultraman is invincible, so there will never be any danger... It seems a bit too fake to say that, but you might as well hold that heart."

Never lose heart.


Nangong felt that he could understand the other party's thoughts. People always gain something and lose something in the choice. Uniyi just chose family affection.


"That's why I feel that there is no way to let go of the things in Chancheng."

At this distance, you can see the towering hospital. Did her parents go to the hospital?Or are you still doing nothing?

People who choose family ties do not understand those who give up kinship, and plan to intervene even if they are nosy.

"So what are you going to do?"

Nangong also held the same opinion, the question is how to do it?

The relationship between people is not formed overnight, unless there are extremely special circumstances.

"Anyway... In short, I'll go and talk first. Isn't there such a thing as the suspension bridge effect? ​​Chancheng just escaped death, didn't I just take this opportunity to take her down?"

Uniq is just talking nonsense, it's a matter of acting first and then talking.

"Sounds great, the question is, is it that simple?"

"If you go there, you will know that Jane is not simple."

The two finished the communication and moved towards the standing hospital more quickly.

Compared with Uniq's legs, of course vehicles and planes are faster.

The α-fighter returned to TPC's Far East base at a faster speed than the Feiyan EX-J ten years ago.

Liang and Asuka quickly walked into the command room.

"Captain, why is your tone suddenly so serious?"

The moment they entered the base, Captain Xibi asked them to go directly to the command room. Asuka, who didn't quite understand this, asked suspiciously.

Captain Xibi stood up solemnly, and under his signal, several pictures appeared on the screen.

That was the scene that the Shenying, which had been separated into three planes, inadvertently recorded during the battle.

From different angles, sometimes there are monsters and Ultraman, and sometimes there is no monster and Ultraman.

The second time, definitely not a coincidence.

"Isn't this the suspicious woman? She also appeared in this battle?"

Liang's expression immediately became serious, and then Captain Xibi nodded vigorously.

"That's right, when the monster appears, she will appear too. Last time, she was not captured, but this time, TPC's search force is conducting a carpet search, and the monitoring satellites floating in orbit are also monitoring. I must bite her next time."

He told the two men who had come back what the TPC had done.

"This should prevent the monsters from waking up one by one."

Nakajima added.

"Okay, great!"

Asuka smiled excitedly. If the monster can be prevented from waking up, people will no longer have to live in anxiety. Ultraman can also retire. Congratulations, congratulations.


Captain Xibi nodded.

"Okay, you two can go to rest."


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