It was exciting one second, but the hips were stretched the next. What's going on?

Asuka was stunned, didn't he call them back because he caught the other party's tell?

"Let you all know that there is such a thing first, so as not to have to explain it later, you must be tired after fighting all day today, especially Asuka, you did a good job."

Speaking of hitting here, Captain Xibi showed an encouraging smile.


Asuka, who hadn't expected this at all, couldn't react.

Because I used to use adjectives like 'rookie, idiot, fool, newcomer', this time I was suddenly praised.

"The duty of the Super Victory Team is to defeat monsters, and defeating monsters is to protect innocent ordinary people. Today you let us see your most realistic actions in that situation. Regardless of other things, your heart is qualified."

"Yeah, yeah? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

Asuka scratched her hair in embarrassment and smirked, and then Captain Xibi's expression immediately became serious again.

"But in theory, even the average passing line is not enough! The team awareness is not good! There is still room for improvement in fighting and shooting training! It is easy to get carried away when fighting!"

The boasting turned into scolding, Asuka's smirk gradually disappeared, and his fingers scratched his cheeks.

"Don't get too complacent! You still have more to learn than mountains! Come on! Go rest!"

"I know, I know......"

Really, praise people all at once and scold them all at once, what are you doing.

The little pride in Asuka's heart disappeared without a trace, and he turned and left the command room helplessly.

The door opened and closed, Ryo looked at Captain Xibi.

"Captain, don't you seem a bit..."

what is it call?Turning faces is faster than turning pages.

"That kid's personality is a little smoother, and his nose will turn up to the sky. If you don't beat him, he will be able to go to the house tomorrow. You guys, don't worry about it."

Anyway, it's not a big deal after sleeping.

At this moment, Asuka, who had returned to the room, leaned forward.

Sleep is better than thinking.

Fortunately, the pain from being beaten after becoming Dyna would not stay until now, otherwise the few times he was burned by that monster would be really fatal.

"Dyna, dyna, what are you?"

Taking out the flashing sword, the eyelids gradually became heavy, Asuka closed his eyes while lying on his stomach, and just fell asleep.

His day ends there, and another's continues.

Uniq arrived at the hospital and asked again, and got the exact answer:

"The patient, Chancheng Kui, had been discharged from the hospital before, at 13:00 in the afternoon."

"...I see, thank you."

Leaving from the front desk, Uniform was lost in thought.

Didn't I agree to come and see you after school?

Why did you leave alone?

The reason is actually very simple, very simple.

"Aren't you going to let us meddle in our own business..."

There is only one reason.

Uniform also understood two things, one of which was what Teacher Lihua said, that she was actually no one but a teacher.

The other thing is that she wants to continue to take care of it.

But before that, there is one more thing to do.

"It's time to meet my best friend!"

I need to get some advice from her!


Nangong tried to recall that person's character, and if she thought about it carefully, the first sentence she said would probably be...

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Go back, I don't accept people who are not Gu...not patients."

'I think so too. '

Nangong felt that this incident was completely as expected, but what surprised him was the current place.

The interior that used to be a coffee shop has undergone a completely different decoration. The dark place has become sunny and white, and the plants planted are not only grass potted plants, but also some fragrant flowers.

Where is this place?

This is a clinic, professionally a psychological counselor.

Nangong is not at all surprised that Xingzi has become this profession now.

"Did you just want to talk about customers?"

Uniq thinks she heard absolutely right, is there something wrong with you?

"Ha... yeah, I mean customer, what's wrong?"

Xingzi sighed, this time she didn't even plan to pretend, she just said she was a customer.

"Isn't it a bit..."

"Is there any problem? I will not empathize with the other party. I will conduct a precise analysis to find the cause and answer the customer's questions from a neutral perspective without involving any personal emotions. I don't treat the other party as a patient. I just feel The other party is a customer, is there a more neutral angle than this?"

Uniyi was stunned by the long paragraph, and her friend was still able to pull out a long paragraph that seemed to make sense.

"Besides, I am a psychological counselor, isn't it just to make money? What everyone does is ultimately for money. If you give me money, I will help you solve problems. This is just an ordinary transaction."

Sitting casually on the sofa on one side, Kyoko put her right leg on her left leg, resting her right hand on her chin and tilting her head to stare at Uniform.

"So please go back. A teacher is pretended to be close to the students. Anyway, after graduation, they will become parallel lines that will never intersect."

It was also true that very ruthless words came from her mouth.

To put it bluntly, Uniq knows nothing about the other party except for the name 'Chancheng Aoi'.

"How will you understand if you don't talk about it?"

She tried to persuade Kyoko, but the woman sitting on the sofa raised her eyebrows.

"Hmm, let me ask you if you have carefully observed the other party's performance this morning."


Absolutely not.

'I have got. '

Nangong said in his heart.

'This is my good partner! '

Uniq strongly admired the other party's reliability.

Through Nangong's narration and Uniyi's retelling, Kyoko felt miraculous.

'She actually knows how to look at other people's faces?Could it be that the sun rises from the west today? '

At the same time, Kyoko is also speculating through that description.

'Uh, miserable. '

She wanted to say something, but swallowed it down again. Although she didn't know what that Chancheng Aoi wanted to say, at least she could tell that she had something to hide.

There is too little information to analyze, but she can still see what the other party wants to tell.

Asakawa Yui, who is so troublesome to death, is the type who will rush forward because of this little sign, even if that person didn't say anything, she still insisted on rushing forward.

"Well, I don't see anything."


Yui narrowed his eyes.

"You know that every time you try to persuade me to give up, you blink suddenly and quickly, and your eyes turn to the left?"

As soon as the words came out, let alone Kyoko, even Nangong looked at Uniform with strange eyes.

"Do you have to observe me so carefully in such a useless and inexplicable place?"

Ah, meddling nuisance.

"Well, well, I can only see that she at least has something she wants to say to you. The reason why she didn't say it may be because she wants to keep a distance. You know, the lack of fatherly love and motherly love will always have a certain impact on people, such as Speaking of withdrawn, I like to hide everything by myself.”

'What's with this self-analysis-like explanation? '

Uniform complained about Kyoko's speech in her heart, talking about the lack of fatherly love and motherly love, right...

'Wouldn't it be rude of you to say that? '

Nangong was a little ashamed for a moment, why do you evaluate your friend like this in your heart?

'Ahem, I can't help it. '

Some things can only be thought in the heart, and now there is an extra person who can read the mind, who would have thought of that.

"Also, the average person who gives up on herself may not have much reaction no matter what you say. If she doesn't give up, she will probably be as difficult to approach as a hedgehog. The process may be quite long."

Kyoko thought for a while, and added:

"If you want to investigate, I suggest you start from the parents' side. Of course, this may also lead to troublesome things like 'you actually investigated me', which will touch the sensitive nerves of children who lack love, so let them go—"

"OK! Thanks! Kyoko!"

"Hey! I'm not done yet!"

The door opened, the door closed, and Uniform left the consultation room.

"...Well, it turns out that there are really people in this world who haven't changed much in a few years."

I don't know whether to feel happy or feel helpless.

Kyoko thought about it, and felt that it was better to plan for the other party to run in next time.

Chapter Thirty Parents and Children

"So do you want to investigate? You know this is actually a very simple matter."

What Nangong proposed was naturally to enter the database to investigate things about Chancheng's parents. In this era, except for deliberate situations, all newborns will be entered into the system at that moment.

Who was born and raised by whom, all these are clearly recorded.

Since Chancheng's problem was caused by her parents, it must be part of the plan to investigate her parents.

Yui shook his head at this.

"I'd rather have her tell me, and we have a lot of time, don't we?"

It's not a matter of convenience or inconvenience. In the final analysis, she must understand the situation with Chancheng herself.

Relationships between people are never resolved unilaterally.

"I don't know the phone number, I don't know the address, and I don't know anything. It's the same as Xingzi and Teacher Lihua said. Now I am no one."

However, it is not fixed that no one can not help others.

"So you know how to brainwash or hypnotize?"

While taking out the key to the apartment, Uniq asked Nangong on the right.

"There's nothing so convenient."

The natural answer is no.

If you really want to say that Nangong has any ability to change other people's thoughts, there is only one ability, possession.

It's a pity that at that time, he will be wearing another person's Pi Nangong. Essentially, he didn't change anyone's mind, but just used that person's identity to do what he wanted to do.

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