"It sounded like it was testing me."

Ultraman's questioning, Ultraman's questioning?

"It's not that complicated, because my boss...or my senior decided to follow up, and I also felt that I couldn't sit idly by, so I decided to continue the investigation."

The young man at that time gritted his teeth and refused to accept the result of 'suicide'.

That was the first time Arisukawa knew what kind of expression a person with hatred would show.

"That is to say, are you sure there is something hidden in it?"

Interest also came to Kirisaki's heart, and what he smelled was a special smell.

This story can be deduced with a little imagination. The boss forced the employee, and the employee would rather die than surrender and commit suicide. The employee's friends or lovers or relatives could not accept it, which led to the current situation.

"At least those colleagues who are reluctant to say more seem to have something to hide."

"Okay, let me join in too."

"That's great... wait, what?"

What did he just say?

"Let me join in, I'm also interested in this matter."

Regarding Empat, he doesn't like oil and salt.

And what about the other fighter?

What about the existence named 'Dyna'?

Kirisaki...or Tregear is very interested in Ultraman's heart, anger, pain, sadness, Ultraman is also a creature, but a creature that has escaped the shackles of the body, beyond the body , there's no detachment, and that's where it gets interesting.

As long as you have feelings, you will inevitably have a bias.

If there is a bias, it is no longer neutral, and it is no longer the messenger of light of order.

What Tregia is interested in now is whether Ultraman can really be called the 'Messenger of Light'.

Will Ultraman choose to give up protecting the existence that should be protected because of some things?

If his physical condition recovers at this time, he will definitely go to Dyna to have a good chat, and now he can only reluctantly investigate some things in the dark and watch the show slowly.

At least the upcoming drama will be interesting.

Thinking of this, Kirisaki looked out the window, the sun was shining today.

"Then what are you waiting for, the weather is so good to go!"

"Don't worry too much, people won't run away."

Following Arisugawa up from the sofa, Kirisaki poured all the remaining Coke down his throat in one gulp.

'So, what will Bogaru do? '

With anticipation, he walked towards the entrance with his hands behind his back.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

'Nangong, my superman! '

'You have already said that. '

'Nangong, my ultimate man! '

'Well, whatever you want. '

At this time, the weight of the handbag is basically non-existent for Uniqlo, and the overly versatile mind force offsets the weight below without leaving a trace.

Buy, buy, buy... There is no problem with saying yes.

At this time, what UNIYI is holding is a handbag with different brands printed on it, and the purchased clothes are inside.

Basically, as long as Mrs. Asakawa sees it right, she will be bought.

As all parents like to do, no matter how many clothes they have at home, as long as they are fancy, they will buy them for their children.

Regarding this point, although UNIQ was a little distressed, he did not object.


'I see you are quite happy. '

Nangong could feel some small thoughts over there through a special connection.

'How can I say I'm a girl too. '

Uniq thinks that it is part of girls to buy beautiful clothes when they see them, and to be greedy when they see discounted clothes.

"Uiyi, what do you think of high heels?"

At this time, Mrs. Asakawa looked at the shoe store on the side.

"No! I firmly oppose this!"

Uniq thinks her height of 169cm is enough, and the most important thing is that she doesn't want to walk on tiptoe.

"Really? What a pity, men will definitely be fascinated by you when they see it."

As soon as he opened his mouth, it was an invisible reminder to marry.

"Mom, I'm only 25 years old..."

The moment she heard these words, Mrs. Asakawa raised her eyebrows.

"You were already 25 years old when I was 6!"

In her opinion, the only way to cure Unii's troublesome character is to find a lover.

The so-called people are those who will change their own existence because they are fascinated by love.

"Besides, a girl who is over 25 is basically past the marriageable age!"

Once Mrs. Asakawa started talking, she couldn't stop.

When you meet a man you like, you have to chase after him boldly, don't be afraid to face him and run away, don't listen to those things on the Internet that make the other person's appetite, and so on.

Uniq felt his stomach ached, oh my god, is marriage really important!

'Of course it's important. '

Nangong gave the answer.

'Why do you even say that...'

why!Have you betrayed too!

'Because I've seen civilizations of forced marriages. '

Nangong recalled a certain planet he had been to, and the commission at that time was to help that person escape from his planet, in other words, escape from marriage.

According to Zam Xia, it is probably "I have to escape if the woman is so ugly."

Although he didn't agree verbally, Nangong agreed in his heart.

The inhabitants of this planet are not like humans.

'For a country, or civilization, the fertility rate is very important. Without new children being born, civilization will naturally decline and perish, so the marriage of the younger generation is very important. '

Nangong analyzed it from a rational point of view.

'Please, even if I don't get married, someone else will get married! '

What Uniform said was a very common idea, and this idea——

'Everyone thinks that's why the fertility rate is low. '

However, Nangong felt that there was another very important reason. The development of science and technology allowed people to find more interesting things than falling in love. No wonder most of the AI-controlled robots he saw looked different from the residents of that civilization.

If young people are more willing to fall in love with AI, it will be bad, let alone separate the sexes of men and women, so the technology of artificial fetuses is also deliberately not researched.

"Uiyi, look over there!"

Suddenly, Mrs. Asakawa's voice interrupted their conversation.

"Mom, there are winter clothes!"

"After you finish this winter, you don't need to spend next winter?"


what you say is what it is...

'It seems to be complaining, but isn't it actually very happy? '

'No mind reading!Don't just read your mind! '

After that, the mother and daughter have been wandering around.

More than one day, like those days to make up for the separation, Uniform's free time was completely occupied for three whole days.

Sunrise, sunset, on this blue planet, people are working hard for their own future.

In the outer training ground of the TPC Far East Base, one shot after another hit the target.

"Asuka! Move too fast! Cooperate with your teammates!"

"Why didn't they cooperate with me..."

"This kind of thinking is the reason why you can't cooperate well with your teammates!"

Captain Xibi severely criticized this rebellious newcomer.

The advantages are obvious, and the disadvantages are also obvious, what a troublesome kid.

"Come again——"

Suddenly, the words were interrupted by WIT's prompt, and Captain Xibi connected it.

"Captain! The search team found the woman in white!"

"I'll be right back!"

Finally got you!

Chapter 32 The Monster Who Swallowed the Monster

In the undeveloped forest, the trace of the woman in white was captured.

For TPC, how to contact it is a very difficult thing to decide.

Is it an enemy or a friend?

First of all, according to the performance in the video, this unknown existence far surpasses human beings in terms of physical ability, which makes guns useless to it.

It doesn't mean how powerful it is, but whether it can hit and whether it has time to pull the trigger.

Do you communicate after getting close to the other party?

The risks are simply too great to ignore.

However, it is not possible to attack without communication like this. Going back to the beginning, TPC does not know whether the opponent is an enemy or a friend.

More importantly, there are two existences in the record.

One is a woman in white, and the other is a black and blue flame figure.

At present, it can be asserted that only this woman has a certain understanding of that figure.

So, try to communicate first, even if the battle doesn't seem like communication at all.

Inside the dense forest, a woman in white came out.

Bogaru stared at the 'human beings' surrounding this area with a mimic human form

From just now, the other party has been speaking a bunch of languages ​​that it doesn't understand at all. This is a family that has not yet completed evolution in spirit and body.

However, Outer Objects seems to be developing quite well.

With its perception, it can clearly capture the surrounding objects.


What Bogaru recalled in his heart was the existence that was consistent with the appearance of human beings.

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