After finally escaping from him, what now?

'It seems that my position has been completely exposed. '

If there is any difference between Bogaru as a monster and other monsters, then the most important thing is that it has a certain degree of intelligence. To put it bluntly, it will think about the present and the future according to the current situation, and have a clear understanding.

Thinking eventually makes planning, so that's where it comes from.

The special wavelength emitted by Bogaru began to call, and this wavelength was caught immediately.

"This is......"

The equipment the technician is looking at is something else entirely.

'what happened? '

Is it a mistake?

Or is it used differently?

When Gu Dun woke up, TPC also captured a special fluctuation, and that fluctuation was completely different from today.

This time it's not so much 'wavelength'

Rather a 'pheromone'

They couldn't help but think more, the pheromone emitted by Bogaru could hardly be felt by humans, but for monsters, it was a completely different feeling.

A long slumber is directly disturbed, that is a special sign.

Monsters are also creatures, and basic biological functions exist.

The next moment, the world in people's eyes changed.

Ten years, a hundred years, or a thousand years?

This existence named Asagiri Mountain has undergone a major change.

The soil, trees, and rocks on the hillside began to shake and fall.

This is not a mudslide due to heavy rain, but a scene where an entire mountain starts to collapse.


Few, or almost no one, has seen such a scene.

The hill with an altitude of hundreds of meters began to separate from the center, and the moment the crack began to spread, countless broken rocks began to fall.

One hair moved the whole body, and the ground began to shake violently.

How much does a whole mountain weigh?

No one is clear, they can only see the colors mixed together.

The green of trees, the brown of mud, the gray of stone.

In addition, the sky was instantly occupied by birds, and their chirping sounds mixed together, forming a strange scene.

Today's time is 3:33 in the afternoon, and the sun is still high in the sky, which is why people are stunned.

Beneath the clouds is a new layer of 'clouds'

Nesting in Chaowu Mountain, the flying birds block the sunlight, and they seem to have difficulty reacting to the sudden situation.

But the intuition of animals has already told them the current situation.

Compared with doubt, the most important thing is survival.

The birds that were mixed together in the last second fled in different directions. From the top to the bottom, the collapsed mountain no longer serves as a shelter, and the sun shines on the existence inside.

From the mountain to all directions, the wreckage crushed the forest, and it was not just the forest that was crushed?

It is impossible for a whole mountain to be inhabited only by birds.

They have wings so they can escape.

The animals without wings are all buried at the bottom together with the soil, gravel, and trees.

The shaking of the ground stopped for a short time, and then shook suddenly.

The entire piece of wreckage there was crushed, and inside the mountain hundreds of meters away, there were monsters no more than tens of meters away.

However, this monster was able to completely tear apart the mountain from the center.

Super ancient times, monsters are rampant.

Its age was 3000 million years ago, and it began to sleep 3000 million years ago, with vicissitudes, wind and rain intertwined, and slowly, with monsters as the main body, objects were constantly attached to it.

Unknowingly, an existence called Chaowushan was formed.

Now the slumber ceases and it wakes up again.



The people who hadn't had time to retreat in the future tightly covered their ears, and the deafening roar was the vent after waking up.

The golden pupils are reminiscent of dinosaurs, the blue-gray body is not bloated, and the blade-like sharp corners on the top of the head reflect the light.

The ferocious monster Asteron, it was so named by the super ancients.

The mountain collapsed, monsters appeared, and they didn't even have time to communicate. The situation developed to where it is today in just one minute.

At the forefront, the TPC soldier wearing equipment got up from the ground, and he raised his gun to aim at the woman in white.

It appeared twice near Aoba City, and monsters appeared both times.

Now it appears in Chaowu Mountain, and the monster inside Chaowu Mountain wakes up.

There must be a connection, he didn't get the order, but he held the trigger anyway and was about to do it.

The next moment, the female figure completely disappeared.


The change cannot be detected with the naked eye, but the increase in volume can be clearly seen with the naked eye.

The original position of the female is occupied by an ever-increasing existence, which has a strange posture.

The gray body is covered with armor-like dark red lines, and the wing-like red structure on the back is inexplicably reminiscent of the cobra creature. Some flat heads have orange-red eyes on both sides, and the central line makes it even more beautiful. Like four eyes.

Bogaru showed its original posture, and in a short moment, two huge monsters appeared at the original site of Wushan Mountain.

"What the hell is this?!"

Members of the TPC fell back while the combatants aimed their guns at the two behemoths.

It's just that neither Asteron nor Bogaru paid attention to humans who were just bugs to them.

It is a matter of course that predators warn each other of predator-predator encounters.

Predators, however, are different.

For Bogaru, as long as the energy is sufficient.

It will even specialize in preying on other predators, skipping the warning phase.

Landslides and ground cracks, there is no problem in describing it like this.

In an instant, the shaking ground caused the TPC members who were retreating quickly to fall to the ground.

Not far from them, two behemoths collided.

After a brief stalemate, Asteron, who was proud of his strange strength, was pushed back.

Bogaru suddenly pushed forward, and when the prey in front of him staggered, he swung his raised right hand straight down.

No palms, just spikes.

And this spike instantly drew a long series of intense sparks.

Asteron withstood the injury with his hard skin. At this extremely close distance, it opened its mouth, and flames gushed out from its throat. The scorching heat distorted the surrounding air.

When the string of flames came into contact with Bogaru, it dissipated with the wind without a trace.

The fierce impact hit Asteron's jaw, and a little orange-red gushed out from the forcefully closed mouth.

Once, twice, three times, Bogaru kept waving the sharp edges of his arms, scraping the hard skin of the prey while moving forward.

It took a step back, only to see Asteron, who was spinning along with his strength, swung his hard tail.

After the loud bang, Asteron found that it couldn't move.

Bogaru wrapped his arms tightly around the tail.

Immediately afterwards, it fought back with its own tail, wrapping around Asteron's legs as if to retaliate.

The tail and both arms pulled vigorously at the same time, and the ground began to shake violently again.

Asteron's huge body fell to the ground in such a state of embarrassment. Before it could struggle, Bogaru let go of his tail and pulled him with his arms.

The centrifugal force made Asteron's tail tense, and his body drew an arc before hitting the ground hard.

The dirt was scratched by the horns on the top of its head, Bogaru let go, and swung his tail out again, this time wrapping it around the prey's neck.

Tighten, as if to crush that neck directly.

Asteron raised his hands and grabbed Bogaru's tail.

The hardness of the skin is indeed exaggerated, so the intense electric current is transmitted through the tail.

The roar of the beast echoed in this seemingly empty land, and the sound of electric shock was transmitted exaggeratedly.

Bogaru's taut tail pulled back, pulling Asteron closer.

The gap between the two was most vividly displayed in the battle, their strengths were not at the same level at all.

'One monster tortured another'

When the Super Victory team arrived, this was what they saw.

"The monster is attacking the monster?"

Liang stared at the current scene suspiciously, it would be great if this is the case.

Didn't it mean that the fisherman benefits from the competition between the snipe and the clam?

It's a pity that such a relaxed idea will soon disappear without a trace.

After confirming that Asteron no longer had excess resistance, Bogaru moved his arms forward and hugged him.

The seemingly gentle scene was instantly broken, and the two 'wings' behind it expanded and opened, directly forward to wrap its arms and prey together.


The sharp teeth that were originally all over the edges of the wings turned into sharp teeth after widening, and the inside of the sharp teeth is naturally the 'mouth'

No one can see what's going on inside, but people can hear the voice.


Asteron, who had been beaten to the point of losing his resistance before, let out a painful wail, but it was dull because of the completely enclosed environment, and the wailing quickly disappeared.

One drop, two drops, three drops.

Is it because you are too happy to eat?

From the inside of Bogaru's 'mouth', drop after drop of liquid fell on the ground, making a terrifying sound of corrosion.

"What the hell is this guy——"

Asuka's mind couldn't help but start to see images that shouldn't be imagined.

And this screen is dismissed by the command:

"The Victory Condor is attacking!"

Captain Xibi quickly ordered, although he didn't know what happened here, but there was no better opportunity to attack than this.

Under the operation, the three machines quickly separated, and the light was released after the trigger was pulled, hitting the back and head of the monster without hindrance.

The sparks flew quickly, and Bogaru, who was leaning forward slightly, still didn't let go, how could the meat in his mouth make it escape.

In the second round of salvo, Bogaru was hit again.

It raised its head and stared at the three fighter jets passing by above.

One of them looked different.

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