
Captain Xibi, who watched the battle from a very small range, cheered.

"It's good to win..."

Nakajima also let go of his worries, so he noticed a very serious problem for them.

"How do we get out?"

The emergency escape device was completely inoperable, and the body system immediately removed all connections when it detected the danger of detonation.

Now they are completely trapped in the fighter plane and have no way to get out.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"What? Solved?"


The explosion of energy, and the slow disappearance of light, undoubtedly signaled the end of the battle.

"Then why don't I just run out for nothing?"

Uniq felt that it was really not worth going to the toilet for nothing.

"Speaking of which, are you going to continue shopping?"

Nangong thought about it, it has been three days, why can the mother and daughter walk around without getting tired?

There is one more thing that he really wanted to say...

"You can't put anything in your closet anymore?"

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, what else can I buy?

Do you want to buy spring, summer, autumn and winter in 2019 next year?

Hearing this question, Unii raised the index and middle fingers of his right hand.

"First question, you must have never shopped with women, have you?"

"You scold again?"

Nangong, who was suddenly attacked by Yizhuan, felt very subtle. If the sentence was a little more straightforward, wouldn't it translate to 'you must be a single dog'

Although I don't really care about it, but this is how friends get along, exaggerated jokes and the like.

"Then go find a girlfriend!"

Uniqlo said that if you don't accept it, you will take off the order.

"Use your body to find it?"

If Nangong wants to use his body now, he can only use the opponent's body.

"Forgive me for prudently refusing."

Whether it's a woman or a man lying next to him, it's scary.

"Cough, anyway."

Yui cleared his throat.

"The key is not whether to shop or not, but who to shop with!"

This statement is both romantic and reasonable.

"Second point, even if the wardrobe in the apartment can't fit, the wardrobe at home can still fit!"

The original clothes were moved to the apartment, so wouldn't the original wardrobe be vacant?

"Girls are like this. Even if they can't fit in the closet, they can't help but buy it when they see a discount."

Uniform said swearingly.


Nangong nodded, feeling that he had gained a little more understanding of girls and didn't know if it was useful or not.

"What about the apricots?"

He suddenly thought of another woman who was the same age as Unii.

"She's not a normal woman."

Very impolite words came out of Yui's mouth.

"Okay, it's time for us to go back. By the way, Dyna actually won?"

"Why do you want to look like he's weak?"

"Because he has been rescued twice by us?"

"I was also saved many times by Da... Tiga."

"Oh? Big...big what?"

As soon as the conversation changed, Uniform's expression at this time was as excited as if he had stolen a fishy cat.

She felt that she was about to know who Tiga's human identity was.

"The big giant Tiga."

Nangong's answer was impeccable.


"I lied to you."

As he spoke, he raised his hand.

With a clenched left hand, on the sixth floor of the shopping mall, floating in the air, the balloon that looked like an inflated human face was crushed and exploded, and black water stains fell down.

"...I feel like I'm going to go to the bathroom again."

Uniyi suddenly felt very puzzled, why is this person beside him so proficient at crushing things?

"Because I saw too many robots back then."

Battle droids and such.

There are no monsters in Kumamoto today.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Not far from the downed β and γ fighters was the forest where Koda was dropped.

Asuka appeared here, and the deputy captain beside him was still in a coma.

"Is there a delay time for transformation?"

Because of the weird situation before, he whispered incomprehensibly.

In fact, this has happened more than once. There have been situations where he wanted to transform in front of Captain Xibi but was unable to transform, as if Dyna had his own will.

"If you have any ideas, please talk to me."

It's not good for the heart.

However, the flashing sword did not respond.

"It's fine if you don't want to talk."

Asuka put the flashing sword back into the inner pocket of the team uniform, squatted down, carried the unconscious Koda on his back, and walked out of the forest.

This dense forest, even though part of it was destroyed by the collapse of Chaowu Mountain, still looks very spacious.

In another corner far away from here, a woman in white is sitting under a green tree.

It stretched out its slender tongue, twirled it slightly and retracted it.

Chapter 34

"In the end, I didn't figure out who the woman in white was. Is she a cosmic being or a monster?"

Inside the base of the Super Victory Team, everyone was wondering about it.

Combining what the TPC members who arrived at the scene earlier and what the equipment recorded was all combined, it was still impossible to draw a complete conclusion.

I just know one thing, the other party is related to the existence of the monster and it was killed by Dyna.

"If we can collect body tissue, maybe we can figure out something."

Nakajima said with some distress, there is a very troublesome thing for TPC, that is, they basically cannot collect the body cells of monsters.

Almost every monster defeated by Ultraman will explode from the inside out, and those fragments will burn up in the heat and energy.

It can only be said that Altman's light is too powerful.

Initially, TPC also analyzed Ultraman's fighting style, and they were also wondering why Ultraman didn't use light skills to kill monsters from the very beginning.

The reason is actually very simple. What will happen if a monster evades and the powerful light falls on the ground?

Who knows how far the damage will spread outward from the point of impact.

At this time, everyone in the command room was contemplating, but Asuka looked left and right, he wanted to tell everyone that the monster had a clear sense of self, but what should I say?

Say 'actually I'm Dyna'?

It was a moment of brain fever at the beginning, but now I calm down and think about it, and I can't help feeling afraid for a while.

Although he is not a scientist, he has watched a lot of movies about scientists.

Like anatomy, anatomy, anatomy, and anatomy.

'I'm too young to be on the dissecting table. '

At this time, Asuka was a little grateful for the flashing sword that had no response at that time.

"Speak up."

At this moment, Liang's sudden speech drew everyone's attention.

"Since it was defeated by Dyna, does that mean that the period of frequent monster disasters is over?"

After all, if the continuous awakening of the monster is connected with the opponent, the mastermind behind the scenes is killed, and the conspiracy should be over, right?

So everyone looked at Captain Xibi at the same time.


Under their gaze, Xibi, the captain, closed his eyes and thought for a while and stood up.

"This kind of naive thinking is unacceptable!"

Stern, serious, all of a sudden let everyone stand at attention.

"Regardless of whether the monster disguised as a human woman has been killed or not, what is the mission of our Super Victory Team? Always be alert to monster disasters. No matter whether there is any existence behind it, this matter will not change. "

He knew that the players wanted to relax, but now was not the time to relax.

In the final analysis, it is just a unilateral belief that there is a connection between the two. Everything has to wait for the scientific research department to distinguish and draw a conclusion before it counts.

"If you think that this is the grand finale of chasing each other under the sunset beach and laughing, you are so wrong!"


One second, two seconds, the team members held back a complaint in their hearts and failed to say it.

"By the way...how many years ago was the grand finale of chasing each other on the beach in the setting sun?"

After all, Asuka couldn't hold back.

Captain Xibi raised his eyebrows, and at this moment, the door of the command room opened.

The air moved, and Vice Captain Koda, who just wanted to enter the interior, was stunned.

'How is this going?Queuing up for a mission? '

"Vice-captain! Are you okay? Is there any pain? Is there any discomfort in your body?"

Asuka immediately turned around and stepped forward to ask for warmth.

'Smelly boy, the topic changed quite quickly. '

Captain Xibi held back his words, but Asuka didn't really intend to change the subject, he wanted to know if the other party was injured because of his inexplicable delayed transformation.

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