During the process of returning to the base, he had been thinking about what was going on with this transformation.

The last time he wanted to transform in front of the captain and was rejected.

This time, there was an inexplicable delay when he wanted to transform, and he didn't complete the transformation until Koda passed out.

If there is one thing Asuka knows about Dyna, it is that Dyna seems to refuse to reveal his identity.

Facing this concern, Vice Captain Koda smiled relaxedly.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm fine."

While responding, he also felt a little strange in his heart. He went to the hangar to see the injured Victory Condor before, and the tragedy was enough to explain what kind of battle it was.

What I saw before I lost consciousness was the falling palm, and now I recall it with a strong sense of oppression.

But he was unharmed?

'It feels so strange. '

Although it is a good thing to escape from the dead, it feels very strange.


Asuka didn't know medical skills, so he could only ask again in doubt.

"Well, it's okay to give you extra lessons now."


"Okay! Give him extra lessons!"

The first to boo was Captain Xibi, who was worried about being evaluated as 'outdated' before.

Since the captain took the lead, the team members naturally followed quickly.

"Make up lessons! Don't let him sleep today!"

The booing crowd, the smiling vice-captain, and the bitter-faced Asuka, this is the scene inside the base of the Super Victory Team today.

The outside sunlight is gradually decreasing, the sky is getting late, and things seem to have come to an end for the time being.

TPC's investigation team is searching the location where Bogaru and Dyna fought fiercely before, hoping to find some important information.

It has been two hours since the end of the battle. This period of time is really long enough, because the comparison of the data does not need to consume much time.

Pheromones, also known as pheromones, refer to substances that are secreted by an individual and perceived by other individuals of the same species through the olfactory organs, causing the latter to exhibit certain changes in behavior, emotion, psychological or physiological mechanisms.

It has a communication function, and almost all animals have proved the existence of pheromones.

This is a certain characteristic of the monster this time. Through the diffusion of pheromone, the monster sleeping in Chaowu Mountain will wake up.

The question is, what happened last time?

Brainwaves transmitted through conscious thinking, pheromones disseminated through the body.

Is this a different method used by one monster, or are there actually two different monsters with the same manifestation?

TPC's scientific research department can't just smile and say 'everything will be fine' and ignore the possibility, so they will continue to search here.

However, their movements were still a little slower.

Even more distant, hundreds of kilometers away, inside the undeveloped dense forest is a woman who has stopped moving.

It raised its head, thinking in order to satisfy its appetite.

'Altman. '

What exists in this universe is different from the Space Guard it knows.

As long as they are on this earth, it has no way to enjoy the monsters buried in the earth.

If you want to eat all the monsters and Ultraman, you must temporarily suppress your appetite and wait for the time that will surely come.

'The blue one, the red one, and the one just now...'

Bogaru recalled the previous battle in his mind, and it admitted that the opponent was strong, at least when it could show weakness.

Fighting is a deliberate result, and being hit by the light is also a deliberate result. The energy generated by the monster that was eaten before was used to shed its skin and feign death. Even so, there are still a lot of residues left.

The next thing to wait for is the action of 'that guy'.

Bogaru, who was still thinking in his heart, suddenly moved, and the next moment, blood splashed and fell into the clear water.

There was a big hole in the neck of the fawn drinking water by the stream, and the woman in white was stained red with red blood. She buried her face in the wound and began to suck and bite.

'Let's satisfy our hunger with these things first. '

The not-so-bright sunlight gradually failed to penetrate into the forest, and Bogaru was hidden in the darkness.

As night fell on this hemisphere, in Kumamoto City, Japan, in houses that can be seen everywhere, Uniq fell directly on the bed.

The soft mattress shook as it lost its strength, she turned her head, and looked at the young man watching the play by the bed.

"It's been a long time since I came back, it's so cool."

After sleeping and sleeping, the bed at home is still the most comfortable.

"Not being able to enjoy this softness is the greatest loss."

Hearing these words, Nangong recalled the past.

So isn't it quite normal that there is no bed in the shuttle for two people?

Noticing his silence, Yui propped himself up and sat up.


In fact, she has felt this way since before, ten years ago to be precise.

I feel that the existence of 'Ultraman' is both ascetic and martyr.

The most obvious is the farewell at that time. Consider the original situation.

Name, thanks and gratitude of the world.

Li, as long as you stay, there will never be less.

Then, Empat and Dijia disappeared without a trace at this time, which cannot be counted as the situation of "doing good deeds without leaving names".

What kind of existence can be so low on desire?

"So what have you been doing in the universe for the past ten years?"

Out of curiosity and confirmation, Uniq tried to ask.

This question made Nangong think for a while. It didn't mean that he didn't know how to answer it, but that he had something else to do.

"Clean up the remnants of the empire, curb monster disasters, track down Tregear, and collect music scores of different races."

Probably did these things.

"Why collect?"

Keenly noticing the abnormality in it, Uniform's eyes shot out an inquiring emotion.

"Because I failed to learn."

Nangong suddenly remembered Zamxia's complaint at the beginning - when will they sort out those data disks?

'Anyway, I will definitely learn, so it will be fine to tidy up when the time comes. '

As a result, more and more piled up, and the pile remained untouched at all.

His score reserve is not much different from ten years ago.

"In other words... you just switched from defeating monsters on Earth to defeating monsters in the universe, and now you're back on Earth to defeat monsters?"

"Good summary."

If you think about it carefully, this is really the case.

"No...no personal feeling..."

If you want to judge from a fair and just point of view, it is a boring way of life.

"That's what happens when you don't have enough staff."

Nangong sighed, it's not like he didn't think about resting for a while or something.

The question is, if he doesn't do it, who will do it?

The Interstellar Alliance is waiting to be done, not to mention there are still many places beyond the reach of the whip. At this time, can't he just open a wormhole and rush through it?

"One person cannot control the whole universe."

In other words, even with 100 million people, there is no way to take into account the whole universe.

After all, the starry sky is so vast.

"I said so, and I didn't see you resting."

Uniq felt that the other party's rhetoric and actions were completely different.

"What you say is one thing, but what you do is another. Isn't everyone like this?"

Nangong shrugged, and at this moment, Mrs. Asakawa's voice came from outside the room:

"It's time to eat!"


Getting up from the bed, Yui left the room.

Night completely enveloped the city, and in the apartment on another street, Kirisaki stared at a dark corner.

"The sun rises, the sun sets, the sun rises again, and the sun sets again. It's like life goes on and on between birth and death, don't you think so?"

There was something philosophical about his words, and then...

"People's ideas are not the same, I just think you are fishing for fish."

Arisukawa squinted his eyes and looked at the 'Ultraman' who was going with him

You are really just a colleague!

Give some effect, give some effect!

"What kind of hypnosis, mind control and other tricks come out for me!"

It must be very comfortable for you to watch from the sidelines!

"Don't rely on the strength of others."

Kirisaki looked serious, and gave his answer, in exchange for a blank stare.

'not the right time yet. '

He thought in his heart that a performance must have an audience before it can be called a performance.

More power needs to be recovered, and by the way, Dyna's identity on Earth can be found out before the prelude can begin.

Speaking of which...mind control, hypnosis, that's kind of interesting.

Kirisaki looked at the sky, and there was a moon in this black interior besides the starry sky.

"Earth, how interesting."

The Kingdom of Light only has light that never disappears, but the earth is different, there is still a small moon hanging in this blackness.

When you see the night, you understand the meaning of the day.

Seeing the day, and understanding the meaning of the night.

Reflecting each other is the real world.

'Of course, that's just a life perspective. '

If you look at it from another angle, it is a sad nothingness.

The lights in the city are gorgeous and colorful.

This is not the case outside the city, however.

The animals that were not nocturnal creatures ran madly out of the forest, the earth shook and the mountains shook, the already dead volcano roared, and the dark fog gushed out, covering even the stars and the moon.

Chapter 35

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