Where is the old man?

A strange feeling arises in my heart, I don't know if it's nostalgia or... melancholy?

Nangong stared at that face, it was obvious because the skin was fair enough.

There were quite serious dark circles under Liang's eyes. The doctor's job was not easy. The operation could happen at any time, even at four o'clock in the morning.

"Oh... I see, I'll just prescribe it for you."

Liang who got up made Nangong break away from his thoughts, he stood up straight, and then subconsciously compared with his right hand.

'got taller. '

About three centimeters like this?

173 height.

"How about it?"

There are only two people left here, and Uniform asked Nangong how he feels now, ten years later, how do you feel?

"The time to write the letter has come."

There is never a moment when I want to write more than now.

"Speaking of it, don't we care?"

As soon as the subject changed, Uniq wanted to know what to do next.

According to Nangong, there was no negative energy left in that sea area that was desired by the enemy.

The question is, isn't the enemy still there?

As long as the enemy is still there, it will be recollected no matter how many times.

"The next time the enemy moves again, I will be able to catch him."

Nangong replied that he had the confidence.

That negative energy cannot be absorbed casually. If the other party wants to collect it quietly, it will definitely take a longer time. During this period of time, other telltale signs may not be exposed.

If the opponent intends to collect in one go, then they only need to rush to defeat the opponent immediately.

To act or not to act?

For the enemy, this is a matter of consideration.

"Wait for the rabbit?"

"That's it."

Nangong spoke highly of UNIQI's remarks.

At this time, footsteps sounded, and Ryo walked back from the door again.

"Your proof."


Unii took it after thanking him, but Ryo didn't let go.

"You're really not doing anything dangerous, are you?"

"What dangerous things can I do? Is it possible that I can become an Ultraman and fight monsters?"


After thinking about it, Ryo finally let go.

Speaking of Ultraman...

'That's why I don't come back. '

Liang thought of the TPC personnel who came to the house a few days ago to inquire. It seemed that they really wanted to find out where Nangong was.

' I don't know how he has been in the past ten years. '

For the person who is said to have changed his life, Liang naturally has concern in his heart.

It's interesting to say, but it was the two non-human beings who had the biggest impact on the Nishinomiya family.

"Then I'll go first."


After saying goodbye to each other, Uniform turned and left the hospital.


She wanted to ask Nangong something.

"I feel very tired physically, do you have any idea?"

Thinking about it carefully, I was also very tired after fighting that mechanical monster before.

"Because your life is now maintained by my energy. If I fight, my energy will decrease, and the decrease in energy will have a certain impact on your body."

Nangong thought about it again.

"In other words, almost all of my energy is with you, and I will extract energy from you when I fight."

Life is not something that can be saved casually.

"I'm really just a battery."

Uniq complained that she just wanted to go back to take a shower and sleep.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Thank you for your assistance. In this case, Gabixiu's problem will be solved."

Inside the Far East Base, the Daisies, who are about to take a plane back to the Russian branch, thanked everyone in the Super Victory Team.

Although Gabixiu's living bodies were not used for thorough research, at least there was no need to worry about them harming other lives.

"It's also our planet's responsibility."

Captain Xibi showed a smile. This time the battle was quite successful. The humans and the Daisies reached an agreement, and Dyna completed the mission together.

"Speaking of which, are there really many cosmic beings like you in the universe?"

Asuka, whose mind became more relaxed, asked questions obediently.

"It's a pity that humanoid races like the Daisies and humans are very rare, but if you talk about civilizations, there are hundreds of civilizations in the Star Alliance alone."

"Huh? Hundreds?"

Asuka opened his mouth wide, it must have been too much.

The Daisy star smiled, and he pressed the device on his wrist.

"Thank you, Dyna."


"Uh... what does that mean?"

For others, it's an unheard language.

The Daisy star pressed the device again.

"It's the farewell words of our Daisi people. Then, we will wait for you in the universe."

After leaving a word, he stepped onto the shuttle.

Asuka's face was full of pain.

'How did it get exposed? '


Chapter 42 Daily Life of the Star Alliance

The vast universe is covered with hundreds of civilizations capable of interstellar travel. They form an alliance to assist each other in developing technology, survey and protect habitable planets, and protect civilizations that have not yet left their home planets.

The extraterritorial disasters caused by meteorites and the killings caused by traveling space monsters are the biggest reasons for the destruction of civilization.

Especially monsters, if it is a monster like Bemonstein who is purely interested in high energy, it is okay, if it is a monster like Chimaira that is malicious to creatures and treats creatures as food and lands on a certain planet , What kind of tragedy will it lead to?

The fog destroys the self-will of creatures and transforms them into monsters. Most civilizations that have not developed interstellar technology will be destroyed as a result.

Therefore, the Interstellar Alliance assumes this guardianship responsibility.

It is precisely because of this that they feel close to the existence of Ultraman.

The actions and goals of the two sides are the same, not to mention the deeds that can almost be said to have destroyed the vital forces of the empire by themselves.

How a person with power uses his power is his own choice.

Isn't it taken for granted that people who choose to help others are admired?

In the interior of this galaxy, in the headquarters of the Alliance, the investigators who went out to carry out missions returned to this planet.

He reported the status of the mission, told what he had seen and heard on Earth, and the most important things were two things.

First, Altman returned to the planet.

Second, apart from the Empat and Tiga they knew, a new fighter appeared, and his name was Dyna.

Earth, three Ultramans have appeared on this planet.

It is really an incredible thing. Where did they come from? Are they born because of the earth?

On different planets, monsters also have different definitions.

For example, let's say King Aire of Pitt Star, this group is not so much a monster as a guardian beast.

So, is it possible that Ultraman is also an original existence?

But... He is able to travel to the stars alone. Are there really creatures that have evolved to this level in this universe?

Their form of existence is completely different from that of humans, which is really confusing.

"I know, thanks for your hard work."

Yuka Zamsha, who was sitting in the office, was lost in thought, nodding to the Daisian.

Just then, someone else walked in.

"Sure enough, you're back on Earth."

It is eight points similar to Yuka's clothes. The Zamsha clan is a warlike race, and their weapons are always on their bodies, but this person is different.

Hanging around his waist is a short stick that looks very wonderful.

"The earth is really full of disasters and disasters. Just after such a little time, it immediately encountered a crisis again."

The one who entered the office was of course Zam Xia, who had partnered with Nangong. For his family, ten years is of course only a short period of time.

"So should I go to Earth—"

"You have other tasks."

Before Zamsha finished speaking, Yuka interrupted him.

"You are short of manpower, you can't just run around as a viable combat force."

"I didn't see your butt moving due to lack of manpower... Ahem, I didn't say anything."

Noticing Yuka holding the big bow in his right hand, Zamsha quickly said that he didn't say anything.

Facing his complaints, Yuka shook his head. People of his family are basically like this, so no matter how many times he must emphasize this:

"It's not just a charge that can be called a battle."

There must be someone who needs to clean up these people's butts. The relationship between civilization and civilization is not simply a matter of forming an alliance, just like friends who do not contact each other for many years will eventually become strangers.

That's why Yuka held a certain position in the Star Alliance.

"Look at this report."

Yuka pushed the portable computer forward, and Zamsha picked it up.

In the projection are the photos taken and the text description.

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