"Black hole?"

He frowned, that was not something that could be formed casually.

"A total of 27 sightings have been reported, one of which was recovered from the wreckage of the shuttle."


Zamxia's expression became serious. There were already victims in this incident?

In response, Yuka nodded.

"The data defect is too serious, and only blurred images can be restored. You can look back."

So Zamxia swiped the virtual screen.

"It's too vague..."

It is almost impossible to see what it is, only that its size is abnormal, and there is a red light spot.

"What is it?"

He shook the lightsaber at his waist suspiciously.

"This is up to you and your friends to investigate."

Yuka shrugged. All she knew was that Zamsha knew people she couldn't figure out.

That wonderful lightsaber, and that shuttle machine with different technology from the Star Alliance, it doesn't matter who they are, what matters is how much they can play.

"I see, let's go now."

Zamxia took out his small terminal, and the two connected and transmitted data.

"Peace is so hard."

He couldn't help sighing.

"Only relative peace."

In this regard, Yuka made a supplement.

As one of the clerics of the Star Alliance, she understands the form of the universe better than the average person.

The most important of these is 'peace'.

There is nothing wrong with peace among civilizations.

The question is, what about outside civilization?

Powerful monsters act on instinct, like the natural enemies of civilization, appearing constantly.

The universe is so vast that even the Alliance cannot fully explore it.

In those unknown places, who knows what kind of monsters are constantly multiplying and evolving?

For example, this time, what exactly appeared in the black hole?

"Let me remind you first, don't forget what your mission is."

"Please, how long do you think I've been a mercenary?"

After leaving these words, Zamsha turned and left.

In 5 minutes, at the gate of the towering building, he looked up at the sun of this galaxy.

"It's a pity that I didn't come here at night."

That way you can see three moons.

"What it is, you have to actually fight to know."

Wouldn't it be better if it could be captured directly?

Zamxia took a step forward and headed towards the elevator leading directly to the universe port.

The public vehicle stopped on one side of the platform, and he ran up with a very careless image.

Anyway, I don't do activities here very often, so it's almost enough to take a ride.

Finding a seat at random and sitting down, Zamxia looked out the window at the scenery.

As expected of the headquarters of the alliance, people of different races can be seen chatting in the common language everywhere in the streets and rest facilities.

With his sight, he can see even from far away.

On a clearing, I saw the person I saw often.

The camera was aimed at him, so...

"It's hard work, the price of being a celebrity is really heavy."

As the vehicle moved away, Zamxia looked away.

The one he had been looking at was relieved when he heard 'it's done'.

"Well done, Guregel."


Guregel, the strongest personal force in the Star Alliance.

In the frontal battle, he defeated the powerful general of the empire, the immortal Grozan, one-on-one, and established the victory of the battle.

Even today, he is still being promoted as a celebrity, so he feels tired.

Guregel watched the busy staff, then raised his head and looked at the sky.

'What the hell am I doing. '

Participated in the war, defeated a powerful enemy, and then?

"Hey, have you heard? Empat is back on Earth."

"real or fake?"

Information always travels fast.

"Not only that, I heard that apart from Empat and Tiga, there is an extra Ultraman called Dyna on Earth."

"Another one? What kind of charm do you think this earth has that attracted Ultraman?"

The two walked away while chatting.

'Ultraman is on the earth... no, he returned to the earth. '

Guregel stared into the distance silently, and gradually, his confused eyes became firm.

He has already made a decision in his mind.

What is eternal and unchanging in the universe?

It is defined by every civilization and every creature, the great thing called 'time'.

As it passed, the huge energy polymer sun hanging high and powering the planet's facilities sank, replaced by three bright moons distributed in different positions, surrounded by stars.

At the end of the working day, relax in the bistro.

People chat about things that can be talked about, such as which civilization made which movies, such as which civilization promotes their specialties so that people from other civilizations will have a bad rejection reaction after eating them, such as what civilization has encountered recently Attack of monsters.

People communicate all sorts of things, and of course information goes around.

'Ultraman returns to Earth' or something.

"Guest, you are really strange. You only come here once in a long time, but you don't order anything and you still have to pay money when you come here."

The bartender questioned the strange guest in front of him suspiciously. He had a big mouth and eyes attached to the extended tentacles. He was a friendly Vatican.

Faced with this question, the Vatican star smiled.

"Because you opened this tavern, I learned a lot of interesting things. For me, this is the most important thing."

Only when you know interesting things will you go to that place, and then you can witness some good or bad things.

Just like this time.

He stood up and, as always, paid while the bartender was puzzled.

Leave the tavern, go straight to the elevator, and present your own spaceship when you arrive at the port.

In the space with only one person, his figure completely changed in a blur.

Its orange body has turned black, with blue eyes above its white face.

Those are the Mephilasians who aren't considered popular in the Star League, not because of anything they do, but because they don't.

Whether it was the war when the empire's star talent just rose, or the war that defeated the empire later, they did not participate.

Because of this, some civilizations are dissatisfied with the Mephilas civilization.

In order to avoid extra trouble, this Mephilas star changed his appearance.

"Ultraman... so curious, I finally caught you."

At the beginning, after the empire was destroyed, one of the family members returned to their hometown, and then shared things about the earth, things about Ultraman, and things about people's hearts.

There are not a few tribesmen who find it interesting because of this, and this Mephilasian is one of them.

It's just that Empat has been so ignorant that he can't find it at all.

But now that he's back on Earth, things get interesting.

As the saying goes, seeing is better than hearing a hundred times, the Mephilasians have a game they have thought about for a long time and want Ultraman to participate.

"Let me see whether you are worthy of your name or not."

Brainwave controlled the spaceship and broke away from the port.

Before going to the earth, there is another thing to prepare, let's go back to the hometown first.

The spaceship moved forward, preparing to leave the range of the alliance before jumping.

Then, Mephilas turned around curiously.

The spaceship that departed with him at almost the same time passed by on the right. Who was that?

"It's really a hurry to go."

The engine worked, and the spaceship disappeared into the distance at a superluminal speed.

And Meferas, who was not in a hurry at all, controlled the spaceship to move forward unhurriedly.

For the office planets of the Interstellar Alliance, the day passed without any waves.

When the sun came up again, directors with a slew of bookings were left wondering.

It is very strange that the person who usually does morning exercises in the training ground has disappeared.

When time became urgent and they still couldn't see each other, the director walked to Guregel's room.

Ring it and get no response.

Suddenly there was a speculation in his mind, he took out the small terminal and dialed it to contact the other party.

However, there is only one prompt, that is 'the other party is not within the scope of service'

Half an hour later, the password of the door was cracked and opened, and there was no sign of that person inside.

"I just thought that maybe at some point he would run away."

The director smiled wryly. For that person, it was still too difficult to act.

At the same time, the parties tens of light years away were watching the images on the screen of the spacecraft.

'Gregor' promotes the alliance, he defeats monsters in battle, defeats enemies, and is the 'guardian' of the people

However, this 'Guregel' is not Guregel.

So he wants to know the answer, this answer, maybe the real 'Guardian' can give him.


Its name is Empat, and Altman is not so much a name as an adjective.

Although Guregel is often compared, he knows that there is a decisive gap between the two.

That is, he cannot travel between the stars without the help of external forces. At the level of life, the gap between the two sides is obvious.

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