Chapter 43 The Daily Life of the Earth

"I'll count to twenty, if you don't hide quickly, you will be caught by ghosts!"


The moment they heard this sentence, the children scattered like birds and beasts, and everyone ran in the same or different directions. On this green grass, Liang watched the Asuka playing with the children with completely different eyes from before.

This is the orphanage, the orphanage in the seaside town where Gabixiu appeared.

When she was surrounded by children and at a loss, it was Asuka who made it out.

He explained the situation skillfully, and made the agreement skillfully. Today is the time to fulfill the agreement.

And that girl from back then...

Liang could see her happily climbing up the tree, as if she wanted to hide in it.

Asuka is really good at children.

"Nineteen, twenty! Good! Let me see where you all hid!"

He turned around and started looking for the hidden children like a child who hadn't grown up.

"I haven't seen them so happy in a long time."

At this moment, Ryo heard a happy exclamation.

Turning her head, the older woman lowered her head slightly.

"Thank you for coming to see the children in spite of your busy schedule."

"You are serious!"

Unable to bear this gift, Liang hurriedly lowered his head too.

"It's mainly due to Asuka."

She felt this from the bottom of her heart, compared to Asuka, she didn't know how to get along with children at all.

"And I think you're the one who's really helping the kids compared to us versus the Super Victories."

Open an orphanage to care for the children who lost loved ones when Gatanjah was ravaged ten years ago. The pain will not disappear, but it can be healed.

This is something the super victorious team can't do.

"But it's all thanks to you TPC."

The dean receives funds from TPC every month. After the incident, all newly opened orphanages were funded and established by TPC and continued to provide assistance.

This is not a matter of one person. There are hundreds of millions of dead and hundreds of millions of children left behind.

The pain caused by monsters to human beings is so shocking.

"Okay ok kids, it's lunch time!"

The dean clapped his hands, the time was 12 o'clock in the noon, and a word immediately drew the children's attention.

Having said that, they noticed their stomachs becoming deflated.

"You heard it too, this time doesn't count, let's continue playing after everyone has finished their lunch and took a good nap! It's an appointment!"

Asuka's words reassured the children, they liked this big brother who would play with them very much.

And the big brother can say some really powerful things.

Lunch, nap, and unlike adults, growing children need plenty of sleep.

An hour later, two people sat down on the wooden chairs standing horizontally on top of the greenery.

Looking in from the window, the children lay down on the bed one by one, and the curtains were drawn to block the midday sun.

There is a certain distance between the outside and the inside, so you don’t have to worry about disturbing the children when talking here.

So Ryo stretched out his hand and gently pushed Asuka's chest.

"You have a hand."

She rarely praised each other.

"I didn't expect you to know children so well and have fun with them. Have you ever thought about becoming a kindergarten teacher if you can't be selected by TPC?"

Ryo said half-jokingly, but Asuka just shrugged.

"That's not true, it's just that I grew up in an orphanage, so I know more about it."

He said this in a relaxed tone, and Liang's smile became a little stiff.

"However, unlike my situation, there is still such an orphanage..."

Asuka recalled his childhood, his father disappeared during the test, and he lost his family because of this incident.

The children here are different. They lost their parents because of the raging monsters.

"Well, I've made up my mind."

Rather, his determination has become stronger.

'Although I don't know what kind of existence Dynado is and where it came from, but since I got this power, I can't do nothing. '

I don't want more kids to suffer from this.

Asuka is very aware of the feeling of losing her parents, so she doesn't want others to feel the same way.


Noticing Liang's expression, he touched the tip of his nose.

"Why do you have such a sudden expression? After all, I have survived without illness or disaster, right? The key is not how you are, but what you do now and what will happen in the future, right?"

Although it is exaggerated to say it, we must fight for the future of mankind.

The universe is so vast, and there are still many things waiting for human beings to discover and develop.

And how magnificent will the civilizations outside the Milky Way be?

Just thinking about it makes me very excited.

This emotion was unconsciously revealed on the face, and Liang suddenly felt that she was like an idiot who was worried about the other party.

'This man is too heartless. '

I couldn't help complaining in my heart, but at the same time, I felt a lot more relaxed.


Probably because of this, he looks like this person usually.

Suddenly, the WIT in Liang's pocket vibrated, which was a reminder.

"What is it?"

Asuka was a little curious, maybe monsters appeared again and again, who could stand the monsters running around twice in the past three days.

Liang shook her head about this, she was not very clear, after taking out the WIT and connecting it, the faces of Mai and Captain Xibi appeared inside.

"Liang, that boy Asuka is not lazy, is he?"

'Ah this...'

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was caught off guard by stalking, and the most embarrassing thing was that that person was right next to him.

Before Liang could say anything, she felt someone grab her wrist and pull it away.

"Captain! What do you mean by that!"

Asuka asked in dissatisfaction, but Captain Xibi, who had never expected such a situation, showed a fleeting embarrassment on his face, and Mai who was next to him burst out laughing.

In less than half a second, the captain's face immediately changed into a serious expression.

"You should reflect on what you have done. If you don't play tricks at ordinary times, will I say that?"

"Are you changing the subject?"

"Flying bird!"

His eyes widened, not angry and prestige.

Shrinking his neck, he decided to follow his heart.

"Remember to be good with the kids."

Leaving a word, WIT's communication was hung up.

As soon as Captain Xibi's face disappeared, Asuka immediately became arrogant.

He grinned at the disappearing communication, which made Ryo laugh for a while, and even forgot that his wrist was still held by the other party.

On the other end of the loop, when Captain Xibi turned his head, Mai was snickering.

When he turned around again, the others were also laughing.

This scene is really embarrassing.

"Don't even laugh! If you laugh again, go to the training ground!"

The voice was spoken almost simultaneously with the sound of the door opening, and then Director Fukami, who walked in with a smile on his face, and Staff Officer Miyata, who assisted him, froze for a moment, their smiles still froze on their faces.

'Ah this...'

Wide-eyed and small-eyed, this time, everyone really couldn't help it, and there was joyful laughter in the command room.

Some leisurely time passed slowly every minute and every second.

On one of the streets in Kumamoto, a woman returning home happened to meet a messenger who stopped at the door.

"Excuse me?"

She asked the other party suspiciously, and naturally got that answer.

"There is a letter addressed to Nishinomiya."


Wu rubbed her chin in doubt, she thought for a while, who in this era would still use paper letters?

When she was puzzled, the messenger also felt a little puzzled.

While it's true that what's in front of him is an attractive woman, the question is... what's that on his shoulder?

A...cute doll?

Is it really okay to take this kind of thing on the street?

Older middle school patients?

This is really embarrassing for anyone who sees it.

In a strange atmosphere, after making a final confirmation with each other, it ended.

Taking the letter into the house, Mai stared at the sender's name on the letter.

'The East, West, South and North Palaces'

No matter how you look at it, this is a pen name in a pen name, but...

There is the word 'South'.


With much expectation in her heart, she leaned directly on the sofa and opened the letter.

At the same time, King Airi, who was tired of pretending to be a puppet, jumped onto Wu's lap, and the two black horns began to spin slowly.

The information inside is not too much, and it can be completed on one page.

The final pen was written by Nangong Lan.

From the beginning it looks like:

I'm sorry to contact you in this way, and I'm sorry it took so long to come back. There are hidden dangers on the earth that cannot be ignored.

The frequent occurrence of monster disasters, as well as the strange phenomenon that Wu also knows, I have grasped the flaws in them, and I will be able to solve them soon.

In the past ten years, I have traveled to various places and met different cosmic beings. They are both good and bad. There is not much difference between them and humans except for their appearance.

Liang, you have become a doctor, congratulations.

Wu, don't force yourself too much, do what you can, the most important thing is to survive.

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