Ye, I'm sorry I haven't been able to see you yet, but I'm sure I'll be back soon.

that's all.

Well, just such short letters.

"The first contact after a lapse of ten years turned out to be that I would definitely come back in the future... I am simply a workaholic."

Although this 'job' is a bit dangerous.

Wu put the letter back inside seriously. It was natural to say that she was disappointed, but it was not so obvious.

If she has any experience in the past ten years, it is that no one can live without someone.

People will always find new motivation, it just depends on whether they are willing to find it.

Although this letter is quite short, Wu still feels that the past ten years are definitely not as simple as the one in the letter.

The real reunion after a long absence, just save it for the next time.

"I am back."

Suddenly hearing this sound, the door snapped open and shut again.


A few seconds later, Wu waved her hand to greet her twin sister.

"Not at all girly."

Ye frowned, looking at the raised legs, and the movement of relaxing on the sofa.

"Are you an old mother?"

What's the big deal.

"By the way, I have a letter that can make people happy or disappoint, do you want to read it?"

She shook the letter.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

After school, where will you go, who will you meet?

"You, you stalker!"

"How can you be called a stalker who just happened to go the same way?"

On the street, the distance between the two was no more than ten centimeters.

Uniform, standing on the right, answered Chancheng's words seriously.

"And since school is over, isn't it time for free activities? You can't interfere with where I'm going, can you?"


This is too rogue.

'Are you a gangster? '

Chancheng's heartfelt feelings were asked by Nangong, and he suddenly felt that he could understand why Uniq did that in the bullying incident ten years ago.

It is indeed very rogue, the same rogue ten years ago as it will be ten years later.

'It's not hooliganism, it's walking on the same road. '

Uniq made up his mind and insisted not to let go, anyway, I just followed.

"up to you."

Chancheng turned around and started running on the street.

'Let you see the physical strength you have trained every night for night tours! '

She ran quickly on the street, attracting strange eyes from passers-by.


That's it, after 5 minutes.


Lungs, lungs are bursting, so my physical strength is so weak? !


Uniform brushed the strands of hair sticking to his forehead, breathing calmly.



Nangong looked at the panting Chancheng with sympathetic eyes, no matter how anyone who trained at TPC would not be able to outrun a high school girl.

At this moment, Chancheng gave Uniform a vicious look.

Immediately afterwards, Uniform gave Nangong a vicious look.

'? '

A feeling of doubt arises and passes on to the other person.

'What are you staring at me for? '

Nangong couldn't react.

'When you run hard for a distance and find that the person next to you is floating, you will also stare at him. '

This person doesn't even act in the translation, it's really scary.

After staring at Nangong, Uniyi refocused on Chancheng.

"Chancheng, in fact, your running movements are not standardized, and there is also a problem with the rhythm of breathing, besides——"

"Do you want to talk about this!"

Almost unable to catch his breath again, Chancheng sat back and leaned directly on the bench in the park.

To be honest, this feeling is quite... strange?

She would be chased by someone, literally.

On Chancheng's face, it's not the so-called 'anxious'

Instead, he seemed a little dazed.

Even if I didn't realize it, Chancheng did feel a certain "sense of importance" that she hadn't felt before.

Chapter 44 Sfia's Raid

"It's not a good thing to eat junk food at a young age."


Inside the McDonald's that can be seen everywhere, a hamburger was placed in front of two people who were not teachers and students outside the school.

Facing Uniform's rhetoric, Chancheng refuted angrily, picked up the burger, and bit down.

"And aren't you eating too?"

There is more than one hamburger on the table, and UNIQI also picked it up.

"After all, I've come here and smelled it, so of course I want to eat it."

Although she couldn't deny that the food in McDonald's was junk food, but at the same time, she couldn't deny that it really tasted better the more it was made.

In fact, this kind of food is not so much eaten simply because I am busy, it is better to eat it because it is delicious.

"So where are you going to play next?"

"No, why do you pretend to be a friend traveling?"

Chancheng couldn't hold it back, isn't it because you followed up shamelessly in the current situation?

"How about just answering my curiosity?"

Uniq smiled, the light outside had become dim, replaced by street lamps standing on the street.

Neatly lined up, people walking around.

'Does the average student hang out so late? '

'Isn't it because you've been following her that you let her hang out so late? '

'Of course not, I generally have a limit to what I can do. '

The silent conversation was going on in his mind. Although he couldn't see it with ordinary people's eyesight, Uniform could see that Nangong was sitting at the back of Chancheng, that is, on the back of the seat, very politely.


At this moment, Chancheng frowned suddenly, the headache coming from her temple made her feel a little uncomfortable.

She couldn't be more clear about the reason why this happened.

Soon, Chancheng swallowed the burger quickly.

Noticing this acceleration, Uniq did the same.

The moment the two walked out of McDonald's, facing KFC in front of them, Chancheng took out a small rectangular box from his pocket.

When it was opened, the strip inside was orange and white, and the remaining part was shaken out during the shaking.


Uniq watched silently as Chancheng took it out, held it in his mouth and lit the lighter at the same time.

Inhale, walk around, go to a place where there are not so many people, and then aim at a place where no one is there to spit out the cloud.


After a cigarette, I feel much better.

At least the inexplicable headache before was gone.


Chancheng turned his head and saw the thoughtful Uniform.

"What? As a teacher, can't you see students smoking?"

Her question was met with a negative answer.

"Do not."

While saying this, Uniyi took out her cell phone, and before the other party could react, the picture of the cigarette in her hand was taken.

"You... what did you do?"

That movement was so obvious that Chancheng felt flustered for a moment.

"Nothing, just thinking about a home visit or something."


As soon as the words fell, there was fierce opposition. Like ordinary students, Chancheng became flustered as soon as he heard the so-called 'finding parents'.

But this reaction made Uniyi feel a little strange, afraid of being known by his parents. In other words, Chancheng himself didn't seem to have any resentment towards his parents.

So why on earth would a pair of parents be so indifferent to their children?

"I know, I can't do anything."

Uniq showed the screen, which was the picture of Chancheng holding a cigarette before.

She directly pressed delete, which made the girl feel relieved.

"What the hell are you trying to do..."

Chancheng doesn't understand why this person is so nosy, who do you think you are?

"Actually, I want to arrest your parents and beat them up."


"It's just a feeling, don't take it seriously."

Uniform looked away, she had participated in the training for enlistment in TPC.

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