'You're definitely going to mess around and call me nasty. '

'Tsk. '

was spotted.

In fact, it's not too wet, just the arm part, but if it rains for a while, I don't know what will happen.

It was not night at this time, but with the addition of dark clouds, it created a night scene, and the street lights were turned on to dispel the sinking darkness.

Unfortunately, no matter how dark it is, the time is still fixed at 5:57 pm.

It looks like a time when you can get off work, but you can't say if you can get off work or not.

In Japan, the suburbs of Tokyo and Koizumi City are still raining.

The rain beat on the glass of the office building, and the wind blew it away.

"It seems that I have to work overtime today."

One of them leaned back, wanting to move his body hardened by sitting.

"If you want to make money, you can work overtime. It's okay not to work overtime. Can you still afford a credit card?"

The colleague on his side is talking and doing it, and things are so simple.

If you don’t work overtime, you can’t see it. If you can’t see your salary, you may not be able to pay for your credit card. Modern people always overdraw their consumption.

Those overly realistic words make people sigh, indeed, do you not work overtime and just get the basic salary?

"Oh, go ahead."

After complaining, the work has to continue.

Complaining office worker focuses on computer in front of him and...

"What the hell?!"


On the other side of him, another colleague was annoyed by his noise. Not only him, but everyone in the office was looking at him.

The reason why the office worker screamed was because all the files he hadn't saved before were gone, and the screen was black.

'No! '

Wouldn't that be all for nothing? !

At this moment, someone's exclamation was heard again.


It's like the spread of a virus, from one computer to another, constantly spreading.

The screen kept turning black, and the files they couldn't save didn't even exist.

'goodbye. '

Suddenly, the words of farewell appeared on the screen.


Someone read it in doubt.

Immediately afterwards, a long string of 'goodbye' was entered repeatedly, quickly filling the entire screen, paragraph after paragraph.

"Is this a new type of virus?"

Everyone was scratching their heads, and the next moment, the countless 'goodbyes' were all deleted.

'Goodbye, human. '

Just one sentence.

'Inexplicable prank'

This one thought disappears completely after half a second.

The ground began to shake crazily, the road was shattered, and the soil below was broken. In its place, no matter whether it was a mansion or other buildings, they were destroyed after losing their footing.


Pulling a hair, moving the whole body, I can't describe my mood in words.

Below, above, the unsupported building began to collapse, so what about the people inside?

The violent shaking couldn't make people stand still. Ten seconds later, after the earthquake stopped, the raindrops falling from the sky were blocked.

"This, what is this..."

The clouds and the earth are separated, and a huge, textured 'ceiling' is suspended.

On either side, shattered buildings slide down the slope.

Someone is screaming, they want to escape the range.

The sound stopped abruptly, and the fragments of the building crushed the intact building, and the citizens who happened to be within that range were buried together.

The people closest to them wanted to escape, and the people outside the range stared blankly at the existence that appeared after the earthquake. It was a huge mushroom.

Chapter 16 Intense Malice

"What is this?!"

Just by looking at it, one can tell that it is not normal. Just looking at such a huge mushroom makes people feel intimidated, not to mention that it has already destroyed several streets when it appeared.

Connected to the electronic network, the same words emerged from all the computers that were still running throughout Koizumi City - goodbye, humans.

The two must be related, but what is the connection?

The haze in the rain became very strange, and the already blurry sky was covered with a wonderful sense of blur.

The wind that accompanied the rain blew away the spores spilled from the surface of the giant mushroom.

The so-called spores, in layman's terms, are a way to reproduce offspring.

Fergas, a monster that appeared in the ancient times, broke out and became a new threat.

For a long time, it has been sleeping underground in Koizumi City.


"what happened?"

At this time, inside the TPC Far East Base, there is not only one person who has doubts about this time.

In the past ten years, they have been continuously surveying all over the world, except for the underwater and extremely deep rock formations that humans cannot touch, TPC has checked everything.

Especially in urban areas, if there are sleeping monsters below, then they will definitely not sit idly by.

But this time, that mushroom...

"Are you sure there is no reaction?"

Captain Xibi asked Nakajima again, and got the same nod as before.

"This belongs to a completely different ecology from the monsters so far. From the outside, it is the same as today's animals and fungi. Although they both belong to living things, they are two completely different species."

Nakajima did not tell a lot of popular science, but directly stated the conclusion.

After hearing his words, everyone already understood.

"That's why the means of searching for monsters so far are useless to this thing... I remember that fungi are also a kind of creature."

Kariya remembered the existence of the monster named 'Zigera' that he had seen in the data.

Plant-type monsters, and now there are more fungus-type monsters.

"There is no time for us to hesitate any longer, start to act immediately, Asuka, you fly the α fighter ahead of Koizumi City to investigate and collect data, remember, never attack casually, don't forget that there are still citizens in the city, this is not to let Koda walks with you where you release your desire for expression."

Captain Xibi began to give orders to everyone.

"Nakajima, you are ready to analyze the data obtained by Asuka and Koda at any time. Ryo and Kariya, you are driving β and γ to hover over Koizumi City. We don't know what this monster will do. You must support at any time Asuka and Koda investigating."

In this way, the Shenying is complete. It is a combined fighter, and it is a wrong choice to separate it.

"Get started now!"

The command is issued.


Everyone left immediately after receiving the order. When the door opened, they passed Director Fukami who had entered the command room.

"The action is decisive, very good."

He appreciated it, then looked at the screen.

Inside is the picture taken by Koizumi City. The mushrooms covering the sky and the sun are even more weird during the rainy season, and the water drops slowly slide down the slope.

The earth is not the earth of human beings. Before human beings, there were existences called 'monsters', and they were the overlords.

Just as the victory team started to move, the residents in Koizumi City were also quickly evacuated.

The transportation troops mobilized by TPC took them away in vehicles, helicopters, and in various ways. The volume of the ten square kilometers of Forgas has already surpassed all kinds of monsters in the past.

If it were to be destroyed, it might lead to the destruction of the entire city. In this case, it would be too dangerous for the citizens to stay here.

What's more, they didn't even understand what kind of existence this monster was.

The members of the TPC stationed in the city raised their guns, and they moved towards Fergas' position and stepped into the covered area.

The originally smooth streets are full of cracks, which are the aftermath of its appearance.

The underground cables were completely destroyed, and they moved forward slowly using special flashlights.

"This is Troop A, and no abnormalities have been found so far."

Ordinary people flee in fear the first time they encounter a monster, but TPCs can't do it. They are the front line of human beings. If they escape, who will protect other people who can't fight?

"Captain, there is something abnormal here."

Hearing the voice of his subordinates, the captain walked over.

What they saw was a strange wall.

The nearby buildings are some distance away from the center of Fergas, and they are not on the edge of being affected by the wreckage, so they are still intact.

However, there is a bumpy 'white' on the wall

At first glance, it looks like it has been piled up with spider silk.

"I've heard that mushrooms spew out spores during reproduction, and then the spores develop into new individuals. It's not surprising that this mushroom is so big that it forms such a scene."

Someone in the team said this, and he lifted the flashlight up. The white wall stretched from the top to the bottom, and there were even some traces on the ground.

"Take some of them back and take samples for investigation."

The captain took out the dagger, scraped off a layer of spores on the wall, and put them into the container that had been prepared.

After completing this action, he handed the container to one of the team members.

"Bring it back."


Leaving the team, because they were not sure what would happen if they continued to go deeper, so they sent someone back with the samples they got.

The light of the flashlight changed direction, and the investigation team continued to go deeper into the interior.

In this darkness, whose vision is not affected at all.

Under its bumpy head are insect-like mouthparts, and a pair of blue eyes stare down.

That's humans, humans 3000 million years from now.

'not the right time yet. '

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