Thinking of this, it let the investigation team go deeper.

The investigative troops reported the situation as they advanced, and the internal loop was connected to the headquarters, which was connected to the TPC network.

When the citizens evacuate and the TPC moves, the camera is focused on the current scene.

The sight of giant mushrooms in Koizumi, Tokyo, is impossible to ignore.

It was reported on the news that when they learned about this incident, someone in Kumamoto City, Japan immediately turned their heads and stared at someone sitting on the sofa and sucking yogurt with a straw.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm about to go."

The remaining little bit was completely drunk, and the box made an intermittent sound as it was sucked flat.

In Arisugawa's sight, Kirisaki threw the box into the trash can with precision and stood up.

'interesting. '

In his eyes, the world is different.

Even with a human-like appearance, he is still Ultraman, so he can clearly see the scenery outside the window.

Those were spores that fell from the sky. The spores mixed with water droplets and quickly scattered all over the ground.

In the other corner of the city, another Ultraman was standing in a position where the surveillance of the community could not take care of, nor could he detect any line of sight.

"Leaving soon?"

"It's not easy."

Uniq could see that Nangong's expression was completely different from usual, so serious that it could be called 'gloomy'.

In his mind, what he recalled was ten years ago.

The pollen of Zijla spreads all over the world in the same way, and the flowers continue to open.

The thing is not simple, and what is even more not simple is that the TPCs all over the world are noticing the same wavelength at the same time, the same wavelength.

In the Australian Observatory, vibrations came.

"The reaction has increased, and the brain waves have become active... I will wake up soon, contact the base quickly!"

The monster wakes up and immediately contacts the base, which is something that will be done without an order.

However, it didn't work out.

'Goodbye, human. '

"this is---"

The observatory was infiltrated, and the instant this was understood, consciousness was completely interrupted.

The ground was torn apart, the observatory and the people inside were crushed.

The huge slope rose suddenly, and those who were lucky were thrown out.


The moment the right hand fell to the ground, it became twisted. The survivor endured the pain and looked to that side.

The remains of the observatory were completely shattered and mixed with the dirt.

What you can see under the night is a pair of black eyes, and the crescent-shaped head seems to have a pair of symmetrical horns, with an acute angle standing in the center.

Gomora, an ultra-ancient monster that appeared ten years ago, this one is a different individual.

"Headquarters, headquarters, can you hear me?"

The survivors used the communicator to call again and again, but failed to get any response.

Completely different from ordinary monsters, Gomora felt hungry, but moved his gaze downwards.

Looking at the only survivor, it raised its foot and stepped on it without feeling the slightest bit, it was just an understatement like crushing bugs to death.


His Royal Highness the monster howled wildly under the moon.

At the same time, the exact same thing happened at the observatory on British soil.

The awakened monster dug out the curve, aimed directly at the location of the observation station, and crushed the target from bottom to top with its huge body and kinetic energy.

At a height of more than 60 meters, the survivors screamed and were thrown from the air.

Soon, the screaming stopped, and the fragile human body was destroyed in the impact on the ground. Unlike the night in Japan, the nine-hour time difference made Britain still in the morning time.

Under the sun, the insect monster Hilton has completed its task, and the next step is to obey the instinct.

Finding high-purity energy, it kicks into action.


The black mist of the night is frightening, coming from the darkness, the huge silver-gray body slowly falls, its wings hang down behind it, and its face is somewhat similar to that of a bird.

But when that face was pulled up, it revealed the face of a human woman, with red eyes emitting a faint light.

"This, this is?!"

Creepy laughter was uttered, a bird with a human face, a bird with a human face.

The power plant is driven by nuclear power, and in the next moment, the huge power it generates will directly disperse the night.


The electricity in the entire power plant was pulled out in the form of lightning and gathered on the monster, but she didn't feel any pain about it, and the laughter continued.

How strong is the power of this entire power station?

The workers who were still in the power plant had no time to escape, and now they were left with only a layer of scorched black marks, sticking to the ground and walls.

In Japan, the Wumondake volcano, which erupted ten years ago under the guidance of monsters and finally fell into a dormant state, erupted violently.

The erupted magma fell like rain, dripping onto the ground.

The residents who moved from here because of that shadow were not harmed, only the old abandoned town suffered the harm.

Dripping, flowing, black mist and orange red, there are some monsters appearing in the exit.

Its body became even larger, its originally strong skin was strengthened again, and its arms were extended to make it more suitable for close combat.

The super ancient monster Gorzan reappeared, and it walked down the mountain road.

In his body, the existence named Sfia couldn't shake the other party no matter how he tried to influence it.

What a higher order, a higher orderer.

There is only one instruction from this Commander—to make as much noise as you want.

China, Japan, Australia, UK.

Fugas, Gomora, Hilton Long, Guhuo Bird, Gorzan, a total of five monsters appeared.

TPC couldn't predict it at all, and couldn't respond immediately. All they knew was that two observers lost contact.

At this time, in Koizumi City, Japan, Asuka and Koda, who had left the alpha fighter, were heading towards the cover of Forgas.

They received information from the investigation team that entered first.

"It's really dark."

Asuka holds the gun in his right hand and the flashlight in his left.

There are no street lights or moonlight, the world seems to be in darkness, and the sound of raindrops can still be heard from time to time.

"It's coming soon."

Koda reconfirmed the location sent along with the message, and they were steadily moving towards the location that was said to have a huge discovery.

Slowly, the entrance of the underground parking lot appeared in front of their eyes.

"Did you find the root of this mushroom?"

Asuka murmured, and then the two walked into the interior at the same time.

It was precisely because they were underground that the spores did not invade, and after half a minute, they arrived at their destination.



There are a total of five survey troops, and their equipment has completely turned white, which is exactly the same as the wall that was stuck to the spores before.

If it's just gear, it's fine.

The entire body, hands, neck, face, and the people investigating the troops have been completely covered in spores.

"Hey! Are you all right!"

"Wait! Don't touch them! Or you'll get spores too!"

Koda's words stopped Asuka, who rushed out subconsciously, and his movements got stuck in the middle.

After getting closer, it was even more obvious that the people investigating the troop didn't move at all. They really stuck to the ground as if they were entangled by spider silk.

still alive?or...

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Ultraman Dyna."

At this moment, these words echoed in the wide underground parking lot.

Chapter 17 is planned

It was a voice that did not belong to any of the two, and the guns raised at the same time turned around and aimed at them.

What appeared in front of Asuka and Koda was a strange human figure, similar in size to a human, but with a terrifying face, more like an aggressive insect.

'Dyna Ultraman? '

Koda frowned, what was the other party talking about?


Isn't Ultraman an alien life form?

"Are you planning all this in the dark!"

Asuka felt a little sweaty in his palms, and the other party directly revealed his identity, and even appeared in front of him just like that...

Facing this question, Forgas nodded without concealment.

"So what?"

Even with two guns pointed at it, it didn't panic in any way.

"Now you have only two choices. The first one is to join us, and the second one is to perish with the fragile human beings."

There is no fluctuation in Fergas' tone, for it, 'the destruction of mankind' is already doomed.

"I think you underestimate us humans!"

Asuka retorted with anger in his tone, and the other party's words angered him.

At this moment, he has fully understood the facts of today.

That is, this strange being is the enemy, the undisputed enemy.

The other party didn't take human life seriously, that's why they did such a thing, which led to such a tragedy.

However, this anger only made Forgas couldn't help laughing.


It sounds nice to say it, but...

"What is there to look up to about a race that can't do anything without Ultraman?"

The same is true 3000 million years ago, human possibility?

Things that are as fragile as them are really useless!

"Didn't you say not to underestimate human beings? Just let you see what so-called human beings can do."

The moment he said those words, Forgas raised his right hand.

For half a second, for a second, nothing is felt here.

"what have you done!"

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