The pain exploded in his brain, and Geronimon staggered back.

It is constantly oppressed, and fighting is not its forte. The strongest soldiers that should be awakened still don't have any form.

'Just a little bit, just a little bit...'

If it wasn't for that monster that sprang out from nowhere to stop Guhuo Bird, then the one in front of him would never have——

There was a short pause in thinking again, and Dyna, who had been oppressing with fists, kicked up suddenly, and hit his abdomen with a close-range knee bump.

Leaping up, spinning, he kicked the whirlwind, and the wounded Geronimon tilted his upper body, almost falling to the ground.

However, before it fell down, Dyna aimed at its unbalanced body, stepped forward with a high kick, and pulled it up forcefully.

The dark yellow fangs were exposed, and Geronimon gritted his teeth in anger, resentment, humiliation, and pain. 3000 million years ago, the exterminated giants overlapped with the existence ahead.

The blood stained the tooth, which Dyna's blows had done badly to.

The next moment, fists and palms intersected, causing the air to vibrate.

Geronimon pushed forward suddenly, and the exaggerated force that was unmatched before pushed Dyna back a certain distance.


With your hands back, push out again.

The power of the second eruption was irresistible.

Seeing that Dyna was unbalanced and backward, Geronimon took a deep breath and sprayed out the white mist with all his strength.

The blood spit out together was covered by the white mist, and the moment this white mist touched the enemy, the gravity changed.

Dyna's body floated up, and then, the third heavy blow landed on his body.

Completely different from before, Geronimon's burst of thought power cooperates with the anti-gravity gas to form a perfect connection.

The iceberg standing hundreds of meters away was crushed, and Dyna was covered by the pieces of ice.

Geronimon raised his hands high, and the new colorful feathers fell off from his tail and back, and floated up under the control of his thoughts.

It moves its arms forward in a commanding motion.

Unlike in the past, the rain of feather arrows shot out again.

On the crushed ice is a stream of water that is beginning to melt.

At this moment, these water streams shattered and splashed together with the ice cubes, the brilliance was dazzling, and amidst the light red, the giant with a stronger body clenched his fists and placed them on the left and right.

The strong type has extreme physical abilities, and with little energy remaining, he chooses to fight against the enemy.

Dyna pushed out with both fists and palms, and at the same time as the golden circular barrier was formed, he took a step forward.

Nianli, Iroha, the impact of the two was canceled out.

Walking turned into a sprint, and the distance began to decrease rapidly. Every step seemed to be intertwined with the sound of the timer.

With a frontal breakthrough, there is no room for evasion. When the barrier is removed, there are three feathers distributed on Dyna's shoulders, thighs, and abdomen.

He raised his clenched right fist, less than ten meters ahead, was the enemy.

Before swinging out, the whole body was shaking.

Geronimon thought power with his left hand and claws with his right hand, pulled out a diagonal line, and slashed down Dyna's shoulder with all his strength, pulling it all the way to his ribs, sparks scattered.

The action is not over yet, and the pain that is slowly accumulating explodes in an instant.

Enduring the attack, Dyna's forehand punch almost shattered the enemy's bones.

Strong, indisputably strong, stronger than most of the giants seen 3000 million years ago.


It is no longer a language, but a beast's roar.

Geronimon's left hand pulled horizontally, and several colorful feathers shot out.


A battle cry like a modal particle.

With his left arm in front, Dyna directly bears the damage from the 'arrow'.

The two collide, the giant hits the giant on the shoulder, and the giant hits the giant on the chest, backing away at the same time.

High temperature, Dyna could feel a wave of temperature, which came from Geronimon's body.

The body temperature of the other party increased rapidly, the blood flow accelerated, and the beating heart was like a drum.

As if he couldn't feel his own pain, Geronimon suddenly stepped forward to give chase.

In this regard, Dai took both hands and prepared to restrain the opponent to perform throwing skills.

But suddenly, he swayed as if he had lost his strength.


The dizzy brain was awakened by the heavy blow, and while Dyna staggered, the waking brain noticed the source of that strange feeling.

Belly, shoulders, thighs, arms, the poisonous feathers played a role and began to eat away at his body.

He forced himself to stand still and leaned forward, instead of using his left arm that had become dull, he directly hit Geronimon's face with his hard head.

As if a machine running to its limit encountered external pressure, cracks appeared in the body of the monster chief, and blood spurted out as if the pressure was released.

'it's going to die'

This kind of thinking didn't have time to rise, and the heavy blow hit.

If you can't think, then don't think.

Asuka didn't know why this monster with a clear self wanted to attack humans, but it was enough to attack humans.

'I don't want to see a child lose a parent anymore. '

At this moment, the entire Antarctic continent was shaking, and the sound of beating drums resounded through the sky.

This is not a real drum, but the sound of the collision is like a drum beating.

Giving up evasion and defense, Geronimon, who was burning his own life, was ignited with animal nature, roaring and attacking, and Dyna, whose consciousness was blurred by the toxin, counterattacked instinctively.

Not dodging, not avoiding, not retreating, standing in place, the two fought each other frantically.

The wind howled, and heavy blows continued to explode on their bodies.

The uppercut hits at the same time, and the action stops.

The ice covering the earth shattered, and the cracks spread wildly in all directions.

The violently beating heart has stopped beating, like a leaky ball, blood spurts from the cracks in the blood vessels, from the cracks in the heart.

With his knees and body, Geronimeng fell weakly on the crushed ice and remained motionless.

Eyes, mouth, slits in the body, blood pouring from inside, its eyes wide open.

On the other side, Dyna took two steps back and knelt on the ground weakly.

He stretched out his right hand and pulled out the feathers that had been neglected in the battle.


Asuka murmured subconsciously, the exhaustion almost made him fall asleep directly.

"It's over? That's not necessarily the case."

High above the sky, Tregear, who was watching the whole battle, laughed.

The huge negative energy will turn into a negative energy monster, and Geronimon manipulates the resentment of the monster before it dies to achieve the so-called 'resurrection'

The death and pain brought about by Gatanjae ten years ago, and the negative energy mixed with resentment were collected.

What did Geronimon, who collected and manipulated it, do with this negative energy?

The monster chief who is not good at fighting is the existence that controls the monster army. It wakes up the monsters and resurrects the monsters. After waking up after a long sleep, the earth has become an amusement park of 'ants'.

To take this planet back, for this, an army is needed.

At this time, it found a certain existence.

It can even be said that even the self and instinct are incomplete.

This being is driven by hatred and pain, a product of negative energy and some unknown force.

How about resurrecting it at this time?

The hatred and pain are gone, and all that is left is an empty shell, a puppet without murder.

Therefore, in order to fill up that ego, and to have the power to revive it, Geronimon silently collected negative energy.

It's a pity that this plan was completely destroyed, and the strongest monster has no day to recover.

Instead, it is the strongest master.


Suddenly, the purple-dyed sky sank. It was a materialized negative energy, and this force instantly rushed into Geronimo's body in front of Dyna.

The hatred and resentment of the monster chief filled the vacancy, and the overly heavy body seemed unable to be supported by his legs, so another fresh resentment was absorbed.

The radiance mixed with an ominous aura instantly expanded, and before he could react, Dyna was directly sent flying.

There was a crackling sound, and the ice was crushed by the weight.

After rolling a few times, Dyna barely supported his body and stood up. The beam of light pierced the sky, and after it dissipated, red feathers appeared inside.

A pair of golden eyes are piercingly fierce, and his body size completely surpasses any Ultraman on this planet.

It has a sickle in its right hand and a meteor hammer in its left hand. Its upper body jumped up, and it was only then that Dyna noticed the opponent's hind limbs.

'Centaur? '

A centaur-type monster?

Before he could think, the monster in front opened its mouth:


The roar resounded through the sky in an instant, the cracked ice surface was shaken up and shattered by the sound waves, and the intact ice surface farther away could not escape this force either.

It celebrated its new life, and after a few seconds, it stopped roaring and looked at Dyna who was kneeling on the ground with a pair of golden pupils.

Gorzan and Gomora, the powerful monsters that once ruled in the super ancient times, are now seriously injured, and the other is not much better.

Simply because of the suppression effect on the speed of the attack, Empat's fists became blurred, and the light energy he called formed a short-term strengthening. Time can punch five punches, which again constitutes a numerical advantage.

The dull voices overlapped continuously, as if they had become a long tune played by the same attack.

Gomora kept retreating due to the pain and injury. Before he could bear the last injury, the next attack was superimposed.

There seemed to be ripples rippling on its chest, and the shock of fist power was gradually accumulating, waiting for the moment of explosion.

One step, two steps, a total of five steps. During these five steps back, Empat's dozens of quick punches made it difficult for Gomora to even breathe.

In the end, the two fists held at the waist were struck out at the same time, but the movement was completely different from usual, with the right fist on the top and the left fist on the bottom, crossing horizontally to form an X shape.

This blow was like a flame that ignited a powder barrel. The huge explosion could not be seen from the surface, only the heavy and huge body of Gomora could be seen floating off the ground and falling to a further position.

Empat pulled his right foot back to draw a semicircle, and while turning around, his crossed fists stretched into straight palms, placing them on the left waist.

The left palm is the scabbard, the right palm is the sharp blade, swung against the cassock, forming a flame-colored chopping wave.

In the next moment, the supersonic light from the other side collided with this 'half moon'.

Gorzan opened his mouth wide and used all his strength.

Two energy skills with the same color emit a radiant 'fog' during the contact process

The fog splits in two directions, with a sharp chopping wave in the center.

It seemed that he could hear the sound of the blade cutting through the flesh. There was a light golden straight line on Gorzan's scarred body. Behind it was the half-moon blade moving forward.

Directly ahead is the explosion when the monster died. Empat didn't turn back immediately. He stood still on his left foot and leaned forward to drive the strength of his legs. The right foot kicked backward repelled another charge. Come Gomorrah.

And that cloud of purple energy, the energy gathered on Gomorrah's sharp horn, still hasn't weakened in any way.

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