Even if this vibration wave is not punched into the enemy's body, it does not mean that the attack is over.

Ultra-vibration waves are shot out, appearing like lightning.

At this moment, Empat, who jumped up and spun his body, threw out his whirlwind kick.

The whirling and its own power are superimposed. In the burst of flames, purple light and orange light are intertwined. Gomora retreats with a mournful cry, and its sharp horns full of cracks penetrate the ground and are embedded in it.

Facing it like this, Empat rushed forward, throwing a straight fist without any hesitation.

It's just that the existence in front of me has changed. The first thing I saw was a green flash, followed by the sleek 'armor'

The force that should have exploded slipped to the side, and Empat's right arm, which was a little out of balance, was directly clamped, literally 'clamping'

Two scissor-like sharp blades firmly stuck to his wrist and tightened it.

After Gomora, a new monster appeared on this land. Its name is Hilton Long. After a delicious meal in the nuclear power plant, it quickly stretched out its left hand full of strength. And the fist that was swung in counterattack stopped in the middle again.

Tightening and increasing strength, Empat could feel his wrist screaming, and it was difficult to even move.

The next moment, his feet left the ground.

Hilton Long directly pulled up the enemy in front of him, and after spinning for two weeks, he still didn't stop.

Centrifugal force plus tightening 'scissors'

The monster wanted to cut off Ultraman's hands directly.

At this moment, the crystal on Hilton Long's head flickered again.

It let go of the scissors and threw Empat out, and it was precisely because of this sudden action that the Aimelium light released from Empat's head crystal only grazed its cheeks.

Empat, who unloaded his strength and adjusted his balance in the air, let go of his fist and clenched it again, repeating this action repeatedly. His wrist still felt severe pain, and he felt like he couldn't use his strength.

"one by one......"

Keep showing up here to fight him and intercept him.

How many monsters can the enemy behind all this control?

Empat rose a short distance back, accumulating power while turning sideways, like a sprinter preparing for a run before starting.

Sprinting, assaulting, he instantly swooped down from hundreds of meters above the sky.

He clenched his left fist and swung it down suddenly.

In an instant, dust was flying.

That is the aftermath of stepping on the ground, and the splashed mud and rocks are pushed forward by the impact, just like the waves rushing into the sea.

They flocked to Hilton Long, and Empat clenched his right fist when he landed, and he was just out of reach of the enemy.

The assault is just a feint, this is the real attack.

This brown 'wave' completely blocked the sight of both sides, the bent legs straightened, and Empat's right fist hit forward.

At this moment, the green crystal is looming.

Hilton Long couldn't see anything, but it sensed danger.

He raised his left arm and turned his body sideways, the impact was transmitted, and the gauntlet appeared at the most suitable position at the most suitable time to block the attack.

The strength was pulled, and the inertia was also pulled. Empat had just landed when a black shadow appeared in front of him.

Amidst the loud noise, he was hit in the chest by the heavy and powerful tail.

Gomora turned around and waved his sharp claws. Shilton made a cry similar to an insect, and Empat staggered back, quickly adjusted his balance and clenched his fist.

He heard a sound, a rhythmic chirping sound.

From his body, to be precise, from his chest, the blue timer went off and began to slowly flash red.

Being hit by Gorzan's enhanced hotline, although he used this power to severely injure the opponent, but this does not mean that he did not receive any damage after receiving the attack head-on.

Combined with the depletion of the battle and the almost imperceptible sunlight at night, Empat's energy was already less than normal, and that's why the timer reminded him.

'what to do?Is there any quick fix? '

Maintaining a confrontation, Empat's eyes moved on the two monsters in front of him.

Gomorrah has already suffered a lot of damage, and Hilton Long...

'My attack seemed to be seen through. '

This vague feeling reached its peak after the previous dive fake was seen through.

Is it combat experience?

Or a special ability?

Did you see anything unusual just now?

The time spent thinking is almost negligible, just a momentary stop.

"Nangong, that monster's forehead was shining just now."

Nangong, who was planning to continue fighting in order to find a way to break the situation, heard Uniyi's prompt.


He moved his gaze to Hilton Long's face, where there was no light.

"When you attack it, it will suddenly glow."

Fighting cannot be taken lightly, too much concentration will ignore certain things.

But UNIQ is different, she is well protected, she is basically a spectator sitting in the special seat, watching the battle from the No.1 perspective.

Because of this, she was able to notice some abnormalities in the first place.

A forehead that glows when attacked, and an attack that is seen through.

"That's it, I understand."

Puzzle solved.

Empat jumps back two steps, palms meet in front of the timer, right hand pulls to the side, energy gathers, and then, flicks.

The split light wheel that was used in the battle with Baltan's general was thrown out, and the four-pointed light wheel flew towards Gomorrah and Shilton Long.

Before they could react, the thought force exerted on the light wheel controlled it, and the four light wheels separated in different directions.

That's when Empat charged forward, aiming for Gomorrah.

This action immediately made Hilton Long start to move, but his action stopped suddenly, and the crystal on his forehead shone with green light.

The special sense of crisis made it react instinctively, and the returning light wheel collided with the hard carapace on its arm, making a piercing friction sound.

Hilton Longjia forcefully threw the light wheel away, but the crystal on his forehead was still flickering.

It continued to obey the sense of crisis, using its arms to block the second light wheel.

So on the other side, the solitary Gomora swung his claws twice in a row, brushed against the red arm for the third time, and hit his chest with one blow.

It swung its claws again as it was knocked back, trying to block the advancing enemies.

But the enemy it wanted to block disappeared, and the crouching Empat knocked Gomora's balance with a sudden sweep of his legs.

The enemy's heavy body fell along with the gravity, and Empat's arms, which were half squatting on the ground, formed a cross shape. After gradually becoming familiar with the light energy, Spethium changed from basic blue to orange-red flame color, and fell to the ground. enemy.

Half a second later, the explosion from inside to outside ripped the monster into pieces.

Empat changed the object, and pulled back with his right hand as if he was holding something. Hilton Long, who had destroyed all four light wheels, felt danger again.

It turned quickly and combined its arms in front of it.

It's a pity that it was still a bit late, the orange-red light spear passed through the gap in the center before the combination was completed, precisely focused on Hilton Long's chest and penetrated.

Sparks erupted from its back, and the fallen monster also exploded.

Empat retracted his throwing gun, and he defeated three monsters in a row. The timer that flickered faster than before showed the exhaustion of the battle.

This uninhabited area has been destroyed badly, and now there is no grass, deep pits, scorched black, and large holes, and there is no brown soil to see.

The damage caused by the ultra-high temperature even penetrated hundreds of meters underground.

The earth was once wider than it is now, and it was the civil wars of the giants that shrunk the earth to its present size.

This is not a lie, the situation at this time can be seen 3000 million years ago, the tip of the iceberg at the end of the super ancient period.

But with no time to think about the mess, Empat leaps into the air.

"Sorry, Yui."

"I know."

There is no time to rest, right?

Even if he did not participate in the battle, Yui still felt weak. If the energy is completely exhausted and the soul cannot be maintained, this living body will become a 'living dead'


"Anyway, I'm a person who is going to die, and I've been prepared for this kind of thing a long time ago!"

Uniq gave a thumbs up, and then Nangong nodded.

That sentence is only true.

As long as life is fun, no one wants to die.

Nangong understands this, all he can do is to fight with all his strength.

Empat moved towards the direction where the resentment finally gathered. In his perception, exaggerated power was constantly erupting.

'One step late...'

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Tyrant, the ultimate monster that subverted human common sense and demonstrated destructive power beyond nature by itself.

It was defeated by Tiga and Empat ten years ago, and even the resentment that constituted its existence was purified by Tiga, and now it is ushering in a new life.

No matter how it is born, since it has been alive, it is an individual.

That's why Geronimon was able to find this monster that there was nothing comparable to it even in the super ancient times.

In the process of fighting Dyna, it made a decision.

Using itself as a primer to awaken it, the bloody battle pushed Geronimon's hatred to the limit, and the resentment at the time of death constituted the final puzzle.

The soul of the star Ikars had been purified by Tiga ten years ago, and the hateful will that drove it to fight has now become Geronimon. Today it is controlled by Geronimon's will, surpassing Tyrant The existence of EX Tyrant.

'What the hell is this guy? '

When seen by those golden pupils, Asuka's body trembled.

Becoming an Ultraman does not mean that fear will be erased. During the explosion of negative energy just now, he instinctively understood the gap between the two sides.

EX Tyrant threw his left hand forward, and there was a loud noise as if firing, and the sound of the chain being pulled was continuous.

Even Dyna, who was exhausted, could dodge the straight-line attack. The moment he turned his body sideways, the huge monster in front of him moved.


Front and back, the powerful legs gallop on the ground, as fast as a fierce horse, and the shaking ground is reminiscent of an elephant.

Dyna's weak body was difficult to move, he barely controlled his body to roll to the side to avoid, and the two passed each other.

When he stood up straight, the huge force directly pulled him off the ground.


Dyna tried to break the chain around his neck with both hands, his back rubbed against the broken ice, and EX Tyrant just pulled him and galloped across the Antarctic continent.

It swung its left hand, and the chain-bound giant crashed into the iceberg with a bang. It took an unknown number of years to completely shatter the mountain with its current size.

Nearly a kilometer of icebergs began to collapse.

EX Tyrant pulled his left hand again, Dyna's weight seemed nothing to it, and the red giant who was thrown high into the sky instantly began to fall.

From top to bottom, with the movement of the enemy, he crashed in from the top, shattered the mountain, smashed the glacier below, and sank into the icy sea.

Intense noises continued one after another, Dyna's body broke through the ground, and the next moment, those legs fell down.

Crying out in pain, the timer on Dyna's chest cracked, and the ice covering Antarctica completely disappeared in the impact, exposing the original land.

There are two huge beings here, one is lying powerlessly on the ground, and the other is stepping on the former's chest with his left foot, exerting his weight and strength downward.


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