It doesn't matter who it is, as long as it's a monster, the killing continues.

Suddenly, light appeared in the line of sight.

Is it a coincidence?

I don't know whose beam of light swept over.


The entire hospital bed was shaking, and the nurse's hand shook when she was frightened, and almost broke the equipment she was holding.

Asuka, who bounced off the bed, suddenly felt pain in his body, and after feeling powerless, he fell back.

"I, this is..."

What was it just now?

What am I seeing?

What was it just now?

Where am I?

Questions popped up one after another. He was clearly able to move, but Asuka felt that his ribs, his arms, and all the bones in his body seemed to be broken.

What he saw in his dream was a long and super ancient memory. The moment he met the monster chief, the genes in his body began to wake up.

Zigera appeared, the giants of light left the earth and left their bodies, and the super ancient people obtained their bodies through technology and became giants.

and then?

What else have you done besides fighting for Zijla?

Monsters, what a hindrance that is.

They do not have wisdom and civilization, but occupy the rich resources of the earth.

It is because of their existence that human beings have no way to become the real overlord, because human beings are not powerful enough.

But the situation was different afterwards, the power of the giant of light is so powerful.

Desires are fulfilled by increased power, and as a result, monsters older than the ancestors of humans are almost extinct.

He instinctively understood part of the situation of these flying birds that he didn't know before, at least he knew where Geronimon's hatred came from.

His silence was suddenly broken.

"Now you are in the ward of the TPC Japan base, a member of Asuka Shin of the Super Victory Team."

Look up, that's the nurse you see often, because...

'Why don't you call me the Asuka Shin team member who often destroys vehicles this time? '

He would always be caught by the captain to check if he was injured, so he became acquainted without knowing it.

"I'm going to notify your teammates now."

After leaving this sentence, the nurse was ready to leave.

Asuka who heard this sentence was still puzzled.

'Why am I here? '

I am not being...

Heart-piercing pain emerged in his brain, and the feeling of the timer being smashed was not fake. At that time, he really felt that he was going to die.

Antarctica to Japan?


Asuka gasped, his right hand felt severe pain during the movement.

At this time, he was wearing a hospital gown, so he struggled to get up.

"You can't get up yet!"

"Flying bird!"

When he heard the sound, his body went limp, and Asuka fell back on the bed, his expression twisted due to the unbearable pain.


Lying on the pillow and moving his eyes, the vice-captain trotted all the way over with worry on his face.

"Where's my uniform?"

'Flash Sword'

This noun was swallowed in the middle of speaking, and Koda felt uncomfortable when he heard this question.

The showy, impulsive rookie is Dyna who is fighting with his life.

"Don't worry, your team uniform is well stored, and your current task is to rest, and you barely get up just to fall down again. Let me sort out the current situation with you first."

Koda's words easily convinced Asuka, no matter how stupid Asuka was, he could understand how bad his current physical condition was.

"It has been 3 hours and 11 minutes since you fell into a coma."

3 hours and 11 minutes, the time passed by Asuka from being defeated to waking up.

And for others...

In Japan, Kumamoto City.

The old storefront was turned into a counseling office, so a new house was purchased.

Now in the house with four bedrooms and two living rooms, one of the rooms is occupied.

The three sisters Kyoko, Ryoko, and Kyoko returned home when everyone was evacuating.

"Where's Auntie?"

"Tired, let's go to sleep for now."

What Kyoko asked was about Mrs. Asakawa.

As Uniq's friend, she was naturally the first to find after Unii disappeared.

The women, who became hysterical over the disappearance of their daughters, eventually fell asleep from exhaustion, and now they have time to free their hands.

"Do you know something?"

Before the exhausted Kyoko could find some water, the younger sister who didn't care about other people's feelings asked the question bluntly.

Chapter 53 A Forced Rest

Do you know something?

This is Kyoko's question, and she is not making random guesses without any basis.

The initial worry about not being able to be contacted was only half left. If you want to ask why, Kyoko and Ryoko's reactions were too monotonous.

Compared with contacting Uniform, they chose to calm Mrs. Asakawa down, which is very strange, why do they look like they don't care?

Kyoko and Uniform have had a ten-year friendship. In these ten years, Kyoko and Ryoko can be said to have watched them grow up.

Kyoko knows best whether her two older sisters are ruthless.

"It's just speculation."

Kyoko poured out a glass of water and drank it directly, moistening her dry throat.

And Ryoko waved his hand and called it:


The Shiba Inu, looking up at the distance from the balcony, jumped down and approached. It took more than three hours, not to mention the sunrise, and it didn't even end for a day.

"Let me ask you, has Nangong returned to Earth?"

Geddy nodded his head a little, agreeing with the statement.

"He was with Uniform before, right?"

Before Kyoko could react from this sentence, Shiba Inu, who usually had a silly expression, nodded again.

"What the hell?"

She didn't understand the meaning at all, what does it mean that Nangong and Uniq are together?

Empat's return to the earth is equivalent to Nangong's return to the earth. Of course she is very clear. The question is when did Nangong get involved with Uniq again?

When did these two people know?

"I know you have a lot of questions, but in fact we don't know exactly what's going on."

The reason why Ryoko chose to ask Gedi again in front of Kyoko was just to let Kyoko better understand this situation that everyone did not understand.

When she and Kyoko went to the coffee shop before Uniform, she and Kyoko had already seen a lot of things.

After all, Gedi couldn't hide anything, and after asking directly, he got the answer.

At this time, after a few seconds of silence in the living room, Kyoko said that sentence in a violent tone:

"Isn't that more worrying?"

Nangong is Empat. Nangong regards danger as a daily routine and faces life and death from time to time. If he is with Uniq, isn’t Uniyi also facing life and death?

Kyoko's words made Kyoko shrug her shoulders after drinking the water.

"I think he can protect Uniq well."

After all, that man is Ultraman, the undefeated brave man. Of course, this is just an extremely idiotic idea, and Kyoko knows this very well.

However, this kind of confidence was forged in battle after battle. That prudish guy was unexpectedly reliable.

It's just that it's reliable...

Kyoko shook her head in her heart, put aside the meaningless thoughts, and returned to the current topic:

"If it can't be done...I think we can talk about it after we go to heaven."

Altman has lost, what else is there to say?

Let's hold hands together and wait for the death heaven to meet again.

"Is that why you didn't go to the shelter?"

Xingzi raised her eyebrows.

"Speak as if you're in a shelter right now."

Kyoko chuckled.

The relationship between the two sisters was as difficult as ever, and Ryoko decided to ignore them.

She walked out of the window and looked down from the height of the 37th floor.

The city is brightly lit at night, and more exaggerated crowds gather here than ever before.

"What an exaggeration..."

The TPC has already issued an evacuation warning, but so what?

Now this is not a situation where you can evacuate immediately if you want to evacuate. If you want to ask why...

What happened in Kumamoto City can be used as a microcosm for the rest of the world. The doctors and nurses did not take any evacuation actions. They tore apart the white spores to expose the flesh inside.

Connected to the equipment, checked, and a weak electrocardiogram was displayed.

"Immediately give first aid, transport it to a spare location for infusion of nutrient solution!"

"There are no more beds!"

"You can squeeze as many people as you can fit into a bed!"

Dr. Nishinomiya Ryo shouted in a manner different from his appearance, absolutely must save those who can be saved.

Not all of these people who were entangled by strange things lost their lives, and some fell into a weak state, as if the nutrients in their bodies had been sucked away.

Spore parasites, that's what's happening these days.

It's just that the process is interrupted halfway.

As the crowd moved around, his figure quickly disappeared among the numerous medical workers.

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