It doesn't stand out, we're all the same, we all want to save lives.

Even without the power of Ultraman, I want to use these hands to save lives.

Yes, even without the power of Ultraman, I want to use these hands to save lives, and I want to hold someone's hand.

"Bring the stretcher here!"

In a corner of the city, a young man in a TPC uniform had a man covered in spores on his back.

He didn't seem to be afraid of what kind of harm these spores would do to him at all, he just walked out quickly without fear.

'why? '

Watching him like this, someone asked in his heart.

'Why is Captain Yagyu so determined? '

The newly joined team members encountered the current situation when they were dispatched for the first time, and he felt exhausted in his heart.

The desire to save lives is real, but the reality is not.

Want to save lives, but there is no way to save lives.

One time, one time, one time, one time, the people who were brought to the hospital before were not in the beds where the living should be when they went there for the second time. If none of the people brought in can survive, then do these things What's the point?

'If I had the power of Ultraman...'

"New here, what are you doing standing there!"


Thinking was interrupted, and the rescue team stepped on the accelerator again, moving the wounded to a hospital that could accommodate them.

This is the biggest difficulty encountered by TPC in asylum.

In terms of disasters, the tsunami can only be ranked second. The first disaster was the spores sprayed by Forgas all over the world, which can not only create splits, but also corrode electronic equipment, and can also parasitize organisms to absorb nutrients and reproduce.

One is all, and all is one. A population with only one individual could have destroyed human beings, but it fell short due to the outbreak of Dyna.

Even so, it has already caused great harm to human beings.

People parasitized by spores can be rescued, and many people still need rescue. TPC can't do it, just compare the two sides on the scale and make a decision.

As a worldwide organization, it retains a bit of innocence, and this innocence has indeed saved many lives.

Although there are still spores left on the patients on the hospital bed, the inactivated spores are just scary to look at.

Inside the hanging bottle is glucose and nutrient solution, trying their best to save them.

Acting to save lives, and how long will those lives last?


The crisis of mankind seems indifferent to this existence, and he is actually not very interested in human actions, he is just sorting out the current situation.

His name is Tregear, and he is essentially an Ultraman who came to this universe from another universe.

"I didn't expect it to be so good."

If it wasn't for the existence of the monster in Antarctica, Bogaru would not be able to eat Empat.

If it weren't for the existence of Bogaru, the situation would not have been disturbed. Their influence on the monsters is very similar in expression, so they confuse the cognition.

Many coincidences add up to become inevitable.

Well, this planet is not going to end.

It is the life on this planet that is going to end, and then the earth, a habitable planet, will start the evolution of life again.

"The ghosts of the past and the life of the present...the final outcome is probably only I can see."

While Dyna was fighting Empat, Tregear was quietly investigating something.

For example, how has the geology of Koizumi City changed after the emergence of Forgas?

The answer is actually very simple. The nutrients have been completely absorbed. In terms of human time, at least ten years, this area will not be able to support any plant crops.

To sum up this situation in a simple way, it would be 'times have changed'

Tregear doesn't know what the earth looked like in the past, he only knows what the earth is like now.

The small planet cannot accept monsters, whether it is herbivorous or carnivorous, the current resources on this planet cannot satisfy them to survive.

After humans became extinct, monsters were next because they had nothing to eat.

Animals eat plants, what do plants eat?

Do you eat dirt?

Monsters without the ability to travel to the stars can only wait to die on the small earth.

It's a pity, but nature is so ruthless, and monsters who are completely out of the evolutionary chain are just superfluous existences on this earth.

"It's sad."

There was no mockery in this exclamation, but sympathy.

'No matter how hard you struggle, you will only be destroyed'

This scene reminds Tregear of the long past, and he experienced various things while wandering.

"Really, I didn't expect that I would also have a time when I was touched by the scene."

This body of emotion is just a simple mockery, mocking himself.

"So, what will happen next?"

Tregchia finds the current situation very entertaining, and he has not had time to do anything before things have evolved to the point where they are now.

I don't know what mistake this little planet made to encounter such a situation.

With such thoughts in mind, Tregchia still hid his figure, quietly watching the development of the situation.

He decided to do nothing.

And there are still people who decide what to do. Anyway, people will die one day, so don't they live today?

In the TPC Far East Base, Asuka lying on the bed closed his eyes.

The combat power of TPC is gathering, preparing to launch a general attack on Antarctica.

In addition to the Condor, beyond-the-horizon strike weapons can also be used, and the previous invasion has completely disappeared.

The time for the battle has not yet been determined, at least until the evacuation is completed.

After getting this information, Asuka fell asleep peacefully.

However, Koda was caught in a tangle of whether to wake him up when the time came.

'Asuka is Dyna'

In other words, he possesses the power of Ultraman, and if he is there, he must be even more powerful.

But is he really going to take part in the fight?

Now he has just recovered from the defeat, just by seeing the expression he showed from time to time, he already understands that his state is terrible.

It is not the right thing to put the future of mankind on a seriously injured person, to rely on him, to oppress him.


Koda left the ward with a heavy expression.

Some people seek refuge, some are fighting in the hospital, some are accompanying patients, some are going to rescue everywhere, and TPC is planning the battle.

Surveillance satellites floating in orbit are always in operation, and one of them floats directly above the Antarctic continent, monitoring the motionless monster.

Other surveillance satellites orbit the Earth, looking for another gargoyle.

Appearing in China, it first devoured Guhuo Bird, then Empat, and finally disappeared in the sea.

Since it is in the sea, as long as the other party does not go ashore, there is no way to find its trace.

At this time, on the Antarctic continent, or on the wreckage, EX Tyrant fell into a deep sleep.

Its eyes, which were blinded by Dyna's final struggle, have been fully restored, and the vitality inherited from Han Zakiran is displayed with an exaggerated self-healing ability.

However, the damage it suffered was not purely physical damage.

With the tsunami as the carrier, the Geronimon consciousness inside EX Tyrant was hit hard by Empat's Ultra power, and now it is resting for recovery.

It's just that the rest is not stable, it always feels that someone is watching it.

This feeling is not a giant, in other words, it is a strange thing made by a small creature like a 'human'.

EX Tyrant, who didn't like this feeling, began to use the remaining negative energy to concentrate on the structure and create its first fierce general.

Once a creature is alive, it cannot avoid the generation of negative energy. The human group is too large. The current situation has allowed EX Tyrant to collect considerable negative energy.

While it was doing its thing, another being stopped it.

It is located thousands of meters underwater, hidden in the hard-to-find trench, with golden eyes staring at its tightly closed mouth.

Digestive juice is continuously secreted. If it is said that ordinary things have long been turned into nutrients for it to laugh at, however, what they ate this time seems to be very unusual.

Inside that huge mouth, the red giant remained motionless.

"Are you OK?"

"It's barely okay."

The communication in the mind continued, without showing the pain to Uniform, Nangong took a deep breath in his heart and continued to resist Bogaru's digestive juice.

The little light energy left turned into a thin film covering the body, preventing erosion.

There is no light here, and the energy in Empat's body does not get any additional supplements, it is just constantly being consumed.

The tingling sensation continued to come from all over the body, from the brain.

To be honest, if it was possible to sleep, he wanted to close his eyes directly.

'What can I do? '

Nangong no longer has the strength to break free from here, and there is only one result if this continues.

Chapter 54

In order to kill EX Tyrant, the combat forces on the earth are gathering, besides, floating outside the atmosphere, the mobile fortress directly above the South Pole has arrived at its position.

The Kulakhu's first actual combat shot will be aimed at the earth, but that may not be the case.

In the past, TPC was unable to respond because of a problem with the command system, but now it is different. As long as all the forces are gathered, it may not be impossible to kill monsters.

Such thinking has no basis, it is merely an expectation.

Beyond that, there is another expectation.

"Dr. Masaki, I have admired your name for a long time."

In the command room of the Super Victory Team, Captain Xibi reached out and shook hands with the man who returned from Mars.

For TPC people, the name Masaki Keigo is quite famous, let alone the electronic network, and there is even a certain amount of financial support for TPC.

The global enterprise Saitec has talent, money, and power. No matter how you think about it, such a man is already at the top of the pyramid, but he seems to be more than satisfied with this, and now he is fighting for the future of mankind. Wire.

Then how can people not admire it?

"There is no time for politeness, I——"

There was no time for civility, and there it was, for sirens blared in the command room.

It only represents one thing.


"A high-energy response appears in the sky above Tokyo! It will make contact with the ground in ten seconds!"

Ten seconds, there is no time for people to react.

What exactly is that?

Mai's fingertips flicked on the keyboard, and soon, the connection was established, and the information flow continued to move forward from one camera after another.

In the center of the screen, there is no longer any light in the night, and the sky is covered with dark mist.

The heavy rain that had already continued was still pattering down. In addition, there was a thick fog constantly surging, flowing blue and gold thunder.

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