'Surging black mist'

This form of expression instantly caused a brief dullness in the hearts of everyone present, and this phenomenon was too similar to Gatanjeh.

But soon, the flickering lightning hit the ground, instantly turning the surroundings into a dangerous zone where electric arcs jumped.

The huge body gives people a strange look, with pale skin and black stripes 'dividing' it

In this way, it is like a monster that was forcibly put together by a large number of pieces of meat. In the center of its chest is a crimson glowing object, and its eyes also show the same color.

In addition, one after another red spots are all over its body.

The next moment, the real-time monitoring in the Super Victory Team was cut off directly.

"what happened!"

Captain Xibi immediately asked about the situation, and Mai, who was constantly checking, also got the result:

"The equipment over there is cut off from this side, it's not a virus."

It's like a complete power outage.


Captain Xibi smacked his lips, and he immediately turned around, staring at the combat power currently available.

"The Super Victory Team is dispatched to Tokyo to investigate!"


Everyone except Asuka was present, Koda's lips moved, but he still didn't speak in the end.

Antarctic monsters have the ability to manipulate monsters, and TPC knows about it.

This is undoubtedly the monster sent by the other party to distract attention, knowing this, but still going to dispatch.

if not?

Do you leave the people who evacuated in Tokyo alone?

As the door of the command room opened and closed, Mai tried to mobilize the cameras that were still available in Tokyo.

Besides her, there was another person, Zheng Mu who was ignored because of the emergency.

He has no objection to this, but it would be better to say that in this case, the Super Victory Team has to play with him in order to make people have objections.

'If you put all these things together so far...'

That monster in Antarctica must be killed.

Here is Masaki's conclusion.

What is dangerous is not only its power, but also its methods.

Humans are a race that relies on making tools to develop, but this monster can abolish the tools made by humans.

Once is a coincidence, twice, three times?

It can only be done on purpose, this is a monster that harbors malice towards human beings, and even knows how to abolish the vitality of human beings.

Masaki is not a human supremacist, he just doesn't want human beings to be destroyed.

So to completely extinguish this sign, it doesn't matter even if it bombards the earth with new mags.

Besides, there is another way.

"Ms. Midorikawa, are the people just now all members of the Super Victory Team? It's different from the information I got."

His question made the struggling Mai feel a little irritated. Doesn't this person know when to speak and when to shut up?

But she still took the time to reply:

"Asuka was attacked by a monster and is still lying on the hospital bed."

This is what Koda said.

After getting the answer, Masaki nodded, said nothing, and left the command room.

Without even the slightest hesitation, he headed towards the ward of the base.

Three minutes later, when he walked into the ward, he saw the only restless patient at first sight.

'What was it just now? '

Asuka's deep sleep was disturbed, and external stimuli woke him up.

The increase in fit with Dyna caused special changes in his body, so he could detect that incredible fluctuation.

"Do you still want to continue fighting? Ultraman Dyna?"


He suddenly raised his head, and standing there was a man with a calm face.

Just as Asuka was staring at Masaki, Masaki was also staring at Asuka, this one reaction was enough to give an answer.

'Ultraman is really...'

Not a machine, but using itself as a machine.

"Come on, I'll take you to the place where the monster appeared."


Although Asuka didn't know who the other party was, he couldn't ignore what the other party said.

Monsters are still raging on this planet, how could he just lie here like a disabled person.

'The real battle begins now! '

Clenching a fist, the fingernails touched the palm, and there was a strange feeling.

Strenuously standing up, Asuka barely got off the bed. He still felt strange noises all over his body, as if bones rubbed against each other.

Masaki walked to one side, set up Asuka, and walked out of the ward.

Even with the Kulakhu, he still can't be sure that he can win, even if it is barely, it doesn't matter, as long as he can increase his certainty.

Two people were advancing in the corridor, the wounded was not alone, and the nurse couldn't keep staring at one person.

Just as they were heading towards the equipment storage room, the super victorious team who had struck first almost arrived at the scene.

The new Magus power system brings the speed of the airframe to a new level.

"How is this going?"

The city that never sleeps, in fact any city in the world can be called that, because even when people are asleep, the city system still keeps working and the lights are brightly lit.

But now, the city is pitch black, and what shines are the monster's eyes and chest.

Red, an unknown warning color.

Electricity-absorbing monster Kiakta, a new monster made by Geronimon has the ability to absorb electricity. The reason why the camera stops working is very simple, just because all the electricity in the city has been sucked up by this monster.

Guhuo Bird, Hilton Long, Kiakta, this is already the third monster that can absorb energy.

Humans rely on energy to power their weapons, as Geronimon knew all too well, and that hasn't changed in 3000 million years.

As long as energy is absorbed, human beings are just ants waiting to be slaughtered.

"There's no need to waste time with it, before it notices us, use Tornado Thunder to get rid of it in one go!"

Captain Xibi gave the order that the strongest weapon on the Condor is the tornado thunder, an attack that releases the energy of the new Mags power system in one go.

'didn't notice'

That's wrong thinking.

The new Magus power system running inside the Condor is itself a high-purity energy source. When noticing this, the Kiakta turned around and launched an attack directly.


Scarlet lightning instantly blocked the road ahead.

How can the reaction speed of human beings match lightning, but the movement of monsters is an early warning.

The Shenying quickly separated, α, β, γ, and left in different directions.

From the attack released from the red spots on Kiakta's body, lightning scattered the night, and the surrounding glow illuminated the three fighters.

As if responding to its attack, light, blue, and gold flowed in the mist in the sky, which was an abnormal current.

For the super victorious team, there is no time for such little things.

The three planes counterattacked at the same time, and the lights of different colors combined together like a flowing spectrum, and hit the enemy almost simultaneously.

Kiakta's body swayed, its glowing eyes scanning the sky for fighter jets.

For most of the monsters, the Condor is a 'poisonous bug' enough to cause damage to them

It's hard for them to catch these little things with exaggerated mobility.

"Containment first, and then look for opportunities to fit together."

Captain Xibi quickly ordered that three planes attack at the same time in different directions, disrupting the enemy's movements.

The attack dispelled the darkness, and it flickered continuously. While causing damage, it was also observing the movement of the monster.

The behemoth in the city, the fighter jets flying around it, this scene no one can see.

At this time in the underground shelter, a quarrel broke out.

"What's going on outside! What's going on? Can't you send someone outside to have a look!"

At this time, there is only darkness inside the stable shelter, and the raised mobile phones illuminate people's faces, and that's all.

Human beings have been relying on electricity after using it, and it is difficult to react when it is lost.

"Calm down, everyone!"

There are irritable ordinary people venting their emotions, and there are TPC members who want to appease them.

More people are restless but do nothing, and the news on the mobile phone screen has hardly changed.

"At least it's much better than it was ten years ago, isn't it?"

Some people seemed to be laughing at themselves, but also seemed to be comforting others.

At least this time, no pair of ghastly monster birds descended to snatch people away and tear them apart.

Suddenly, the ground shook.


What is the cause of the vibration?

That was the aftermath of Kiakta's actions, and every movement of his heavy body would shake the ground.

It is surrounded by beams of light, alpha, beta, gamma, red, blue, yellow surrounding it.

Meeting their figures in his eyes, the next moment, Kiakta acted.

Instead of using hard-to-reach arms, the red spots all over its body suddenly glowed.

Every point is a launch port, and in an instant, it becomes a leakage power station.

Buildings, roads, harsh voices reverberated crazily, and Kiakta, who was replaced by a thunderball, released the energy in his body, as if setting off a thunderstorm around him.

The sudden attack blocked the trajectory of the flight, Liang pulled the joystick with all his strength, and the gamma fighter that barely completed an evasion hit the second lightning head-on.


Half a second later, the intact γ-fighter rushed out of the mine and kept flying.

Liang froze for a moment, unable to react from the situation.

That monster engaged in such a big battle, and the result was thunder and rain?

Immediately afterwards, the thunder really sounded.

The heavy rain was pouring, and the electric arc seemed to become more intense in the cloud, and even the black mist turned into a swirl.

The loud noise woke Liang up, and she immediately manipulated the fighter plane to prepare to continue the attack, but what appeared before her eyes was a chaotic appearance.

"What's wrong?!"

Speed, energy, radar, panels, everything was confused, and the joysticks pulled did not respond.

Kiakta engaged in such a big battle, of course, not simply to scare people.

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