It stepped forward, keeping up with the wobbly γ, which seemed to be about to pursue.

"Hurry up and help Huliang!"

"There is no way to manipulate it!"

Whether it is a β or an α fighter, it is the same, the system is disordered and cannot be controlled.

The next moment, the building in front of it was directly smashed into pieces, the hard fuselage played a protective role, and the strong vibration made the people in the cockpit shake continuously.

The blue fighter smashed into the building, and the red fighter hit the ground, pulling out a fierce spark.

The lightning from Kiakta completely destroyed the control system of the fighter, and it grabbed the γ fighter with both hands, and then, the energy generated by the new Magus power system was separated from the power furnace.


It screamed happily, absorbing energy with a higher purity than electricity.


Liang seemed to hear a crackling sound in her ears, her pilot suit gave off a scorching smell, the high-purity energy leaked from the power furnace burned the body, the operating system in front even exploded, and the fragments hit the mirror of the helmet .

The situation dropped to the lowest point in an instant, and this scene was seen.

"Isn't that okay!"

"I'm trying!"

It is a multi-purpose airship, the man in the front is Masaki who has undergone certain training, and the seat in the back is Asuka.

He firmly held the flashing sword in his hand, and he kept calling along the way, but...

"Dyna, what exactly do you want! Why don't you let me fight! Answer me!"

Anxiety in the heart, pain in the body, the two mixed into a ferocious expression presented on Asuka's face.

"It's like this every time! When it comes to the critical moment, you will lose the chain!"

The thunder exploded, and the blue and gold thunderclouds flowed.

Asuka grabbed down with his right hand, which was the lever for emergency escape.

He pulled it, and before Masaki could react, the person behind was ejected directly from the cabin.

Before the parachute opened, Asuka struggled to get out of the seat.

He jumped out at a height of [-] meters, holding the flashing sword tightly in his right hand, and at the same time, the existence wrapped in light fell from the sky.

The giant's empty right hand is open, and someone is lying there.

The vortex in the sky entangled Jin Lei, and his milky white eyes raised, staring at the monster in front of him that grabbed the γ fighter.

He gently put down the flying bird he had caught before, and then rushed straight towards Kiakta.

Chapter 55 The Past or the Future

Electricity, the new Magus power system, and the purity of the energy are rising in sequence.

But the difference in levels was already known just by feeling, and Kiakta noticed the giant made of energy.

It has a body of red, purple, and silver, and a breastplate interlaced with silver and gold on its chest, which guards the blue timer in the center.

Without even the slightest hesitation, Kiakta threw out the gamma fighter that was about to be sucked clean, and the powerless fighter drew an arc in the air and fell along with gravity.

But in the middle, a sudden thought force changed its falling route, and it landed steadily on the ground.

A little distraction changed the situation. The giant with his right hand raised for defense retreated in the collision. Just as he stood still, Kiakta came after him.

The giant is slightly inferior in strength, and he has a way to reverse it.

His fists were clenched tightly, and the crystal between his foreheads shone red.

I saw that the purple on Yuan's body was completely covered by red. Using his body as a weapon, he directly blasted Kiakta out in the explosive shoulder collision.

The monster, which was still flaunting its might in the last second, left the ground with both legs, lost its balance and fell to the ground.

"That is......"

Trapped in the damaged γ fighter and unable to leave, Liang turned and looked up at the red giant with clenched fists in the dark city.

"Really is---"

Even Masaki couldn't react to this situation immediately, and he didn't fully accept it until the opponent's body color changed from 'composite' to 'strong'.

'Yuan Dagu' has lost the power to transform into Dijia, which should be the case.

Why now, he would...


Asuka's attention was completely attracted, and he didn't notice the flashing sword that was cooling down gradually.

The Giant of Light, Ultraman who first appeared, the savior who defeated Gatanjae ten years ago, he has also seen that dream-like scene.

Of course, he was selected by Dyna to search for information related to Ultraman through TPC's database, but he couldn't find anything after all.

Did even Tiga come back to Earth after Empat?

There was no cheering or admiration, the whole city was empty, and only the sound of running footsteps echoed.

In the powerful state, Tiga's speed has been reduced, but it is really easy to catch up with an enemy who just got up from the ground.

A melee battle is about to break out between the two sides, because the distance of the melee battle has entered.

But in the next moment, the red spot on Kiakta's body lit up again. In the short confrontation, it was suppressed by Tiga and tried to avoid fighting. Therefore, the red lightning is no longer abolishing the machine this time, but becoming lethal attack.

It was impossible to dodge at such a close distance, and several bolts of lightning hit its enemy at the same time.

Dijia's body was immediately covered with red arcs, and his advance became slow, or even stopped completely.

'Direct attack! '

Asuka shouted in his heart, this is his way of fighting, the distance is so close, it is enough to rely on the body to resist the damage and return it doubled, the biggest advantage of the strong type is physical ability.

But Di Jia was different, he retreated due to the damage and impact, and the hands spread out in front of him in time constructed lavender lines one after another, and the dense lines formed a net.

The lightning that originally hit the body was pulled, but instead converged into this light net and turned into pure energy.

Immediately afterwards, Tiga's hands pressed down in the center of the front, and the optical net was flattened as if it had elasticity, and it turned into a huge arrow of light and suddenly popped out.

The red arrow was still wrapped with an electric arc, and the energy captured from Kiakta's attack was used to counterattack. In this extremely short distance, it was directly hit without being consumed by the opponent's subsequent lightning.

A fierce explosion was set off, and Tiga, who was only a little injured, used the ejected light waves that captured energy and counterattacked to cause a certain amount of damage to Kiakta and blocked the opponent's attack.

This is not the end, as said before, the two sides have reached the distance of fighting.

Di Jia stepped forward directly, and seized this opportunity to hit the enemy directly with a blow with all his strength.

The roar resounded through the sky, and this was not the end. Every time he took a step forward, he would throw a heavy punch, and every time he swung a heavy punch, the enemy would take a step back.

Stride heavily, punching his waist.

Accompanied by the battle roar, the two fists that exploded at the same time directly blasted Kiakta out, and that heavy body fell to the ground unable to move.

This chance of victory was grasped, Tiga's hands drew arcs from bottom to top, and the floating unowned energy turned into scorching orange light energy, forming a huge fireball.

The fireball was compressed during the preparations, and in the end it was only the size of one and a half palms.

The moment Kiakta got up, Tiga threw out the light flow of Dira Hume, and the meteor-shaped fire hit it precisely, and the destructive energy began to destroy the body from within.

The explosion exploded from the inside out, and the monster's body turned into a large number of charred fragments and scattered.


It didn't disappear because of the end of the battle. Di Jia's right hand was down, and the blue-white light was not any light technique, but just the release of energy.

The moment it was struck, the shivering fragments were completely burnt and vaporized.

Monsters hit by the ray technique will not have wreckage left, but this one does.

With the results of the test, Tiga quickly burned the remaining fragments of Kiak Tower until there was nothing left, and there was no possibility of recovery.

Asuka stared at that figure, feeling an inexplicable sense of security.

Is it because of great strength?

Or was it because of the dream of 'defeating the evil god' ten years ago?

He lowered his head, and the flashing sword in his hand remained motionless.

"Why did you do that just now?"

Suddenly, a gentle voice with doubts was heard.


Asuka suddenly raised his head, and Dijia disappeared at this time. Standing in front of him was a handsome young man, but with a hint of the breath of the times.

Because that red and white two-color uniform belonged to a team named 'Victory Team' ten years ago.

Just as he was thinking, he was also looked at by the other party.

The first thing Dagu noticed was of course the copper-colored transforming device, the flashing sword.

It's completely different, but he immediately thought of 'Spark Prism'

'He too...'

"you are?"

Thinking was interrupted, Asuka asked Dagu to react.

"Dagu, or Dijia."

'really! '

Asuka verified his idea.

"Mr. Dagu! Please replace me who can't fight to save mankind and save the world!"

Maybe that's brazen, but there's no other way.

Hearing Asuka's request, Dagu understood.

"Did you do that to transform yourself?"

What he recalled was that battle.

The existence of the aliens who claimed to be the Empire invaded the earth, and then the Hippolyte aliens forced him. At a dangerous moment, when he was about to die, he forcibly transformed into Tiga.

Thinking for only a moment, Asuka nodded, and picked up the flashing sword in his hand.

"Every time it doesn't work at critical moments, what a joke, if it can't fight, isn't it a useless toy!"

His tone became intense, and the thoughts he couldn't express until now were expressed when facing another Ultraman.

"It is to protect you so as not to let you transform."

Dagu expressed his opinion that if the physical condition is too bad, there is no way to transform.

But this sentence further angered Asuka.

"I'm not the one to protect, I'm the one who should protect others, for those irreplaceable lives——"

"If you lose your life."

Before Asuka finished speaking, Dagu interrupted the other party's words first.

"If you die, there will be no way to protect those irreplaceable lives. Is this really good?"

Words that come out of your mouth come from your heart.

"It's normal to think about protecting important things even if you risk your life, but it's not like that in reality, is it?"

Dagu's expression is very serious, such an idea may arise at the beginning, but it is different afterwards.

I want to continue my life, and I also want to continue my own life.

"The people who want to protect, the reason why they fight is also to laugh with them in the future, isn't that the case?"

He took out the spark prism used for transformation, and stared at the prop that could transform him into a giant of light.

The answer is to be found by oneself after all.

"Fight with your life, just to smile and see your friends again."

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