Nangong thought about what he felt in his heart, it was a very strange feeling.

Even though I was full, I still wanted to eat it because it was delicious.

But this body is different. After eating enough, I feel hungry again after smelling the taste. This feeling suppresses the previous feeling and becomes even hungrier.

'What do you want to eat...'

Affected by the desire of the flesh, Nangong speeded up.

The originally deep ocean did not see the slightest light, but now, it is shimmering and the temperature is constantly dropping.

Getting closer and closer, finally, at the last moment, he arrived at the scene.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Bogarummons kept waving his hands forward, and the sudden attack annoyed EX Tyrant. For it, the only companions were monsters from the same planet, excluding this alien species.

Face to face, head-on conflict, one hits the opponent's shoulder with a scythe and meteor hammer, and the other, not to be outdone, locks the opponent's shoulder forward with both claws. The impact of the two behemoths produces a reaction force, and cracks continue to spread on the shattered ground .

"Is this... a monster fighting a monster?"

The circumstances that left TPC completely scratching their heads were unexpected, but admittedly, it was a good thing.

At a very close distance, Bemonstein's mouth on EX Tyrant's abdomen opened, and the spreading cold air immediately turned the undried water on Bogarummons' body into mist.

It's not that only turning into ice can cause harm to the body, the ultra-low temperature alone is enough to harm the body.

But this approach failed, the water did not turn into ice crystals, but turned into mist. That was because Bogarumens' body temperature was still rising, even to the point where he could ignore the breath of ice.

The white mist enveloped them, and the next moment, a fierce electric current sounded.

The battle, which was difficult for others to see, continued. Just as EX Tyrant opened his mouth, Bogarummons released an electric current from the light-emitting organ on the back of his neck, and poured it directly into the opponent's mouth.

The golden lightning instantly damages the enemy's flesh.

Bogarummons seized this opportunity, and slapped his giant claws three times in a row. The scraping claws tore open the enemy's skin, and the flesh was pulled apart with the exerted force.

However, when the retreating EX Tyrant took the second step, this level of skin trauma disappeared without a trace as if it didn't exist.


Nangong, who had fought Tyrant before, was convinced that the monsters in front were not only similar in appearance, but also troublesome in their ability to regenerate.

He stood still, the light-emitting organ that released the lightning before lit up again, and what gushed out from inside were two long whips wrapped in golden light.

Corresponding to it is the counterattack of EX Tyrant, even the giant of light will be affected by the red poisonous feather shedding lasing.

The red storm and the golden shadows were reflected in the sight of others, the mist was dispersed, the sound of breaking wind continued, countless whip shadows were formed, and even a single feather could not break through the defense.

One confrontation ended in a tie again, and the EX Tyrant attacked again. Its four legs were not for display, and its powerful muscles burst out with unparalleled speed, rushing towards the enemy at an exaggerated speed.

In response to this, Bogarummons leaned his upper body back slightly, finished charging, and suddenly moved forward.

The long whip that was still swinging a second straightened up, shooting out like a spear.

In an instant, EX Tyrant's throat was pierced directly.

At the same moment, the falling meteor hammer shattered the skin of Bogarumengs, his face was directly shattered, blood spilled on the ground.

This was just the beginning, gray juice sprayed out from EX Tyrant's neck again, and the long whip pulled left and right decapitated him.

The head that fell to the ground turned into a pool of liquid, and the juice sprayed from the neck formed a new shape, and finally became a complete head.

Simply an immortal monster, EX Tyrant raised the meteor hammer high and smashed it down with all his strength.

After the loud noise, a crack appeared on the back of Bogarumens' claw.

Another blow, with a second, a third.

EX Tyrant suppressed it with exaggerated strength. After it dropped the meteor hammer for the fifth time, it supported its body with its hind limbs, and kicked forward with its powerful forelimbs, hitting the enemy's chest head-on.

Bogarummons staggered back, and then, the chains shot from ahead quickly wrapped around his neck tightly.

Pulling with all his strength, EX Tyrant raised the scythe, aimed at the pulled back head and swung it fiercely.

The silver radiance was only a little short of hitting, and before that, a hand pressed down on Bogarumons' back to support himself.

The distant sound of the timer came closer, legs straightened, and Dyna hit the opponent first with a self-defense kick, sending him a short distance away.

An enemy's enemy may not be a friend, but it is still possible to be a temporary comrade in arms, and for some reason, he always feels that this monster can be trusted, which is a strange intuition.

Immediately after landing, Dyna got up, kicked with a hook, and kicked EX Tyrant in the face with a backspin kick.

However, this force does not cause any damage, or in other words, even if it does, it can be recovered immediately.

The scythe that was originally aimed at Bogarummons was slashed, and at the same time, something was wrapped around Dyna's waist.

The silver blade swung down, but hit nothing.

After Dyna landed, the tail wrapped around his waist was released, and Bogarummons released lightning again, and was absorbed by EX Tyrant's opened Belmonstein mouth.

One mouth absorbs, one mouth releases, and the flames strike.

Half a second later, Dyna, who jumped into the air, lowered his head, and the EX Tyrant, who was releasing his power, was entangled by his scorched tail.

The next moment, even it itself was pulled into the flames.

The existence of releasing the attack was lost, and the flame gradually disappeared.

Standing there was Bogarumons in an abnormal state. The fleshy wings on his back were assembled together, but there was a force of constant struggle inside.

"Is it going to eat that monster directly?"

Asuka stared at Bogarummons below, if the other party could eat another monster, would that be a good thing or a bad thing?

"Before eating them, destroy them together. Now the monster that eats the monster is a mobile bomb that will explode if you are not careful. Use it to destroy the other monster together."

Suddenly, Masaki's voice was heard.

He watched the reading as the airship skimmed sideways.

Bogarummons is an unstable explosive at all, and it will explode if you are not careful.

"I see."

Dyna nodded, Bogarumons on the ground turned red, and the surface of a pair of wings began to crack. EX Tyrant kept attacking inside, trying to break free.

The digestive juice dripping on it erodes the body, but the powerful vitality restores it, and the alternation of destruction and regeneration continues.

The light particle amplifier floating in the air descended again, but Dyna's body changed color.

Along with Blu-ray, he switches to miracle type.

In this form, make a last-ditch effort.

Dyna's hands first intersected in front of the timer, and then his right hand stretched forward, a mass of orange energy swirling, converging between the palms.

The whole process is slower than other tricks, and tricks that mix superpowers and light are almost uncontrollable.

At this time, his left hand was facing his right hand, compressing the orange radiance into his hand, completing the convergence.

Through the light particle amplification device, the enemy below can be seen.

So, Dyna struck out this blow, like a burning flame spreading, the light wave of Libolium crashed into the amplifier, directly crushing the overwhelmed device.

When this force came into contact with Bogarummons, his body was shattered, and the energy stored in his body also began to go berserk due to external influences.

The body as the container first began to collapse, and the collision of energy and energy instantly caused a violent explosion.

It was at this moment that the mixed superpowers inside Libolum's light wave appeared in the form of lightning, and the dark hole opened, which was a black hole that could crush anything and suck it in.

Thus, a wonderful scene appeared in front of everyone.

Originally, the energy of the explosion changed from expansion to contraction. Before the ex-Tylante, which escaped from the trap due to the collapse of Bogarumons, had time to touch the ground, its heavy body was pulled into the black hole, which was the same as the energy of the explosion. , are compressed into a noodle-like shape, and even mixed together.

Libolum light wave is a skill that Asuka only completed when he felt the vibration of the space-time world before. With a deeper understanding of space, he developed Libolium light wave into a trick that combines with the black hole structure.

The disadvantage is obvious, that is, it takes a long time to prepare. This time, I just found an opportunity to give it a try.

At this time, the explosion that was supposed to turn everything within a hundred kilometers into ashes disappeared silently into the pitch-black hole.

'ended. '

Feeling relaxed, Dyna who fell down heard the sound of chains.


He reacted in time, but still couldn't avoid it.

The chain tightly entangled Dyna's arm, sucking and pulling, and the two sides began to compete fiercely.

The slowly shrinking black hole is instantly expanded, no matter how it has the same properties, it is just an imitation of the structure.

EX Tyrant poked his head out of the black hole with a hideous expression. His posture was too weird. From the head down, the whole face formed a strange triangle shape and was pressed into a weird shape, like a head with a big body. small bugs.

"damn it!"

Dyna's body began to move forward non-stop. The red timer proved his weakness. He was unable to resist this force. Not only could he not get EX Tyrant out of trouble, but he would be pulled into the black hole together and exiled to I don't know which world.

The sound of rubbing against the earth and rocks echoed in the ears, and the timer had just sounded once, and then there was a second sound immediately.

Dyna, who was engrossed, couldn't tell the difference, but Masaki suddenly turned his head, and standing there was the red giant with his right hand raised high.

With his right hand swung down, the light red long whip released from the crystal between his foreheads jumped and hit the distorted head precisely.

Photon Smasher, as its name suggests, completely smashes the head of EX Tyrant.

Together with the light, the wreckage completely disappears together with the black hole.

Dyna fell to the ground in embarrassment due to inertia, and when he stood up, he saw the outstretched palm.

"'s too late!"

Should I say relax?

Asuka complained as soon as he opened his mouth, why it took so long to come.


"I've come here a long time ago, otherwise why do you think Bogarumengs wanted to save you?"

With palms together, Empat pulled Dyna up, and the two giants stood on the broken island.

The wind was cold and the sun was shining.

Chapter 58

The world is at peace... Is that what it is?

Although it can't be so certain, in TPC's monitoring, the monsters that were sleeping before are still sleeping now, and no monsters have awakened from their sleep during this period.

As for Antarctica... gone is probably really gone.

The fresh water resources that could have been collected in the future disappeared without a trace, and there were almost no mineral resources left.

In addition, the Antarctic native species found by TPC have been protected, and the terrestrial organisms that cannot survive in water have been completely extinct.

The monsters that have occupied the super ancient times and are now completely independent of the modern ecological chain are just a terrible disaster for the creatures on this planet.

Monsters definitely don't want to die, they want to live.

The same is true for creatures living in this era. This is where the two sides cannot reconcile, and there is no other way except to fight.

The super-ancient people who had been destroyed long ago, and the human beings who have multiplied since then, all the past things have come to an end in the ravages of evil gods.

What people think about is the future.

The earth's resources became fewer, and the development of new fields was more emphasized.

First of all, you have to go out of the galaxy, and then you can find habitable planets that can be immigrated.

The new Magus power system has achieved certain results, and the research that has been carried out in the past has been reopened.

Zero Drive, the plan that was terminated due to the disappearance of the pilot Asuka Kazuma was unsealed, and there is still a long time before it can be restarted.

And his son, Shinobu Asuka, is walking on the prosperous street.

"The first vacation after more than a month..."

The streets are filled, people are going about their business and doing it, walking around.

This time is long enough for the uninjured to return to normal life, but what about the injured?

The wounds of the body can be healed, but the wounds of the heart can only be healed by time.

Walking stopped, Asuka compared the coordinates obtained on the phone to make sure that he did not go wrong.

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