"Oh, there."

Quickly approaching, the expressionless man was already sitting there.

"Masaki... sir?"

After thinking about it, he still used honorifics.

Masaki, who was still staring at the phone last second, raised his head.

The young man got the power of Ultraman, why did Dyna choose this man?

Because of that indomitable tenacity?

In terms of will, Zheng Mu felt that he would not lose to anyone.

'Um? '

Asuka, who opened the seat and was about to sit down, suddenly raised his head. Since the previous battle was over, he found that his body seemed to be a little different.

Faster, stronger, he tried it when he was alone in the room.

The result is that after a full jump, the head hits the ceiling and it hurts like hell.

All-round improvement of course includes perception, which is why Asuka feels a little confused.

'Illusion? '

Just now, I seemed to feel a strange sight that was a bit like hostility, but it wasn't hostility.

This feeling is called 'jealousy'


Zheng Mu picked up the cup, drank the coffee inside, and stabilized his restless heart.

He thinks that there is no need to be jealous of others, but when the facts are in front of him, he can't help but think about it, and finally converge on the same question-'Why can't others become Ultraman? '

For Zheng Mu, who is very confident, this is really an unbearable thing.

No matter how powerful he is, he is still a human being after all, and he cannot win against non-human beings.

For example, even if he has a lot of wealth and thousands of volumes of knowledge in his mind, if Ultraman wants to kill him, it won't take a second, and the matter will be over.

Pride turned into a sense of inferiority, which is disgusting.

Just as Masaki was adjusting his mentality, that voice came again:

"Uh...Mr. Masaki."

Asuka asked cautiously, he really wasn't very good at chatting with poker-faced people.

There is no expression at all, and I don't know whether to speak or not to speak.

"What's the matter with you asking me out today? To be honest, it's better for me to be asked out by a girl, hahaha!"

He smiled and pulled his hair.


However, all he got in return was silent staring.


Isn't it funny?

Embarrassedly ending his own laughter, Asuka hugged his hands together in front of him.


Masaki adjusted his mentality, and then looked at the young man in front of him with a correct attitude.

"Asuka Shin, now I need you, or Dyna's power, you must not spread this matter."

His expression was serious, although Asuka couldn't tell whether he was serious or not.

The Pyramid of Light, the Land of Tiga, the two giants together, the light particle converter, the ultra-ancient gene, and the man-made Ultraman Teyanoid.

The secret of the secret, the things that even the super victorious team can't touch are revealed.

In the process of listening to Masaki, Asuka's unruly attitude also disappeared without a trace.

Movies, TV dramas, in short, such plots often appear in literary and artistic works-'Humans want to master powerful power'

It's the same in reality. Someone in TPC put his idea on Altman, but it hasn't been implemented yet.

After 10 minutes, Masaki stood up.

"I have already told you everything I can tell you. If you are willing to assist me, then send a message to the number I gave you. I will take you to Mars at the right time."

He left such a sentence, and planned to do so without telling Staff Gondo.

After all, Zhengmu didn't want to see a bunch of people pointing guns at Altman and forcing him to help.

That hawkish lunatic might not be able to do such a thing.

'It's time for me to go back too, got good numbers. '

Light particle strengthening device, as expected, this technology can also strengthen the power of light.

The reason why Masaki went to conduct research is of course that he has considered how to strengthen his own strength when he becomes an Ultraman one day in the future. The strengthening device is the embodiment of one of his ideas.

His footsteps gradually merged with other footsteps, without distinction.

Asuka, who was still sitting in the open-air cafe, frowned tightly, which was a very rare expression for him.

'Terranoid. '

Artificial Ultraman, if you judge it by his thoughts... He actually agrees with this technology very much.

The battles so far have been so fierce, if human beings can have the power of Ultraman and can protect themselves, will no one cry because of what they have lost?

'But it sounds unreliable...'

Asuka leaned back, the other party had clearly said before that they wanted to avoid Staff Gondo.

In other words, is it true that as soon as he is exposed, Staff Gondo will immediately go to the Super Victory Team to capture him?


Headache, Super Headache, Ultimate Headache, Ott Headache.

I obviously want to protect human beings, but I have to guard against human beings like thieves. This feeling is really strange and troublesome.

"never mind!"

When you are on vacation, think about the vacation first!

As for Kumamoto... um... go to Kumamoto Castle?

Asuka, who was invited to this city, is thinking of going shopping and seeing places of interest.

He picked up the cup and drank the brown drink inside.


Take it away quickly, the tongue is full of bitterness.

'How can anyone like to drink bitter coffee! '

I need coke and orange juice!

Bitter coffee, there are people who like it, and there are people who don't like it.

In the same city, in that familiar coffee shop, UNIQI definitely belongs to those who don’t like bitter coffee.

But today... or this week, something was wrong with her.

Bitter coffee, fruit juice, noodles with spicy sauce, ordinary lettuce soup, pickles, all tasted completely different, but she ate them all at once, which made people wonder where all the food went.

"Add some more."

Picking up the spicy miso, Uniyi poured it into the fabric with a splash, stirred it and started drinking and eating.

"What's wrong with your taste system? Taste impaired?"

Sitting on her side, Kyoko began to think about taking the other party to the hospital. This is not an occasional problem, it is an exaggeration every day.

She was really afraid that the other party would eat too much and die one day.

"Can I eat this?"

Picking up another bowl of noodles, Uniyi asked for permission.

"If you can eat..."

Kyoko pinched the center of her brows. Originally, they did have something they wanted to ask, but the other party's aura was too exaggerated.

After half an hour, eating after a day's work is finally over.

Uniform's expression was a bit regretful, no matter how much he ate, he still felt that it wasn't enough.

This is the aftermath of that battle, Nangong was influenced by Bo Jiaru, and she was influenced by Nangong.

Forced possession will always have some side effects, but this time it's okay, Bogaru is essentially a monster without too complicated thinking, if the soul and the soul are mixed together...

Maybe it will become a state of split personality?

"Let's stop here today, I should go back—"

"You wait for me."

Kyoko grabbed Unii's shoulders, don't think that she can walk away after eating and drinking every time.

"Leaving nothing else aside, is it time for some irresponsible owner to come back and pick up his dog?"

Say a word directly.

"Huh? Wait, I don't agree with Geddy being picked up."

However, before Unii could respond, Kyoko started to disrupt the situation.

How can such a cute lucky dog, a money dog, be given away.

Besides, how long do you think I have kept it?

The interrupted Kyoko spoke dissatisfiedly:

"This is a kind of rhetoric!"

"I know."

Then got this response.

"Then you still interrupt me?!"

"That's what I want to do."



The tit-for-tat sisters were ignored, and Ryoko looked at Uniform with a smile.

"Sure enough, it was exposed."

Uniq said helplessly, the missing person who disappears at every critical moment probably has a problem.

"The safest way to be a masked hero is not to communicate with anyone."

Ryoko said some cruel words, and there is a chance of being exposed when in contact with people. If she really doesn't want to be recognized by others, it is safest to remain alone at all times.

Of course, it's also lonely.

"But it surprised me that he went to you first. I thought we would be ranked second no matter what."

Liangzi squeezed her chin. According to the information she knew, the Xigong family should be more important to Nangong, and then it would be their turn.

Unexpectedly, I found Uniform instead...

"By the way, did you just say something that would hurt me?"

Uniq couldn't help complaining, didn't the other party mean that she was lower than the second pick?

"It's okay to vent your dissatisfaction a little bit."

Ryoko blinked, and could only say that the appearance was very deceiving.

"It's hard to imagine that this is from thirty—"

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