"Excuse me?"

Just then, a fourth voice was heard.

Turning around, it was a girl in another school uniform who spoke to them.

Her eyes have been focused on Chancheng.

"I have something very important to tell you about you..."

The words got stuck, and after a few seconds, the other party seemed to have made up his mind to say the following words:

"About you and my father, Jin Sato."


'Jin Sato? '

When Nangong undisguisedly turned his head to look at Chancheng's expression, he knew that the girl who spoke to them was not trying to scare people.

'Sato?Chancheng? '

Japanese children basically follow their father's surname, but Chancheng seems to have a different surname from their father.

'Could it be an illegitimate daughter? '

Apart from this possibility, Nangong couldn't think of anything else.

'You and my father, our father. '

This concept shakes Chancheng's heart strongly. The father who appears occasionally, the father whose name he doesn't even know.

It is precisely because we do not know anything that we construct an image.

Maybe he doesn't show up because of special reasons, not because he doesn't love himself...

Want to think so, now, reality speaks for itself.

In other words, the girl in front of me right now is...

A picture flashed across Chancheng's mind unconsciously.

"Sorry, teacher, can you go back first?"

What kind of person is his father?

Want to know this.


Uniq did not refuse, she finally nodded and watched the silent two leave.


At a distance of 50 meters, the crowd was noisy, but precise footsteps could be heard.

'It's so convenient! '

'I think so too. '

Nangong listened to the voice over there with abnormal hearing, and transferred it to Uniform's mind.

There is currently no content.

After that, there will be.

Didn't want to be heard by anyone, so arrived at the park at this time to either leave or leave.

'Joan Sato'

Such a self-proclaimed girl is talking about the past.

The father is a gentle person, he loves his only daughter very much.

Mother is very strong at home, but she is only strong in character.

The two of them are obviously very old, but they still bicker over daily necessities. For their only daughter, the small daily life in this family is really too interesting.

It is like this every day, and it is staged once a week. I thought this kind of life would continue, but it is not the case.

Since half a year ago, the atmosphere at home has become abnormal.

The bickering turns into a real quarrel, with father and mother arguing about something Joan doesn't understand.

The idea that every day can go on without any change...is too much to take for granted.

Every time Joan wanted to know what was going on, neither the father nor the mother would talk about it.

If she couldn't get an answer no matter how much she asked, the girl decided to act on her own.

It was a very accidental thing. Joan, who was quietly following her father, saw a person, a girl.

She didn't know who the other party was, and she didn't know why her father just watched from a distance.

To this end, Joan did something that her previous self would never do.

Private detectives, the pocket money given by their parents even overflowed.

The result obtained afterwards is...

'Did you know that Sato Jin used to be a very flirtatious person? '

He often goes in and out of entertainment venues, relying on his family's money to play casually.

Clubbing, staying out at night, messing around with men and women.

It's not surprising that such a person has one or two illegitimate daughters outside, right?

"You mean..."


Short answer, but the previous statements are just the other party's one-sided words, why should you believe it?

But that scene came back to Chancheng's mind, and what the other party said was really too much.

The family is happy, loved by parents, a family of three, happy and harmonious.

How great, that is the treatment of a biological daughter.

So what about one more person?

What about the 'illegitimate daughter' who messed up the other party's family?

Isn't this too much?

Why not just keep the imagination alive?

"So what do you want?"

The hostility in Chancheng's tone was hard to conceal, because she was just an illegitimate daughter, so should she go away?

"I don't know, at least I knew yesterday, but..."

Joan shook her head, she saw the messy scene of the empty home, and the half-family who ran out because of it.

'The slut who ruins other people's homes'

At first, I let my emotions ferment to think this way. After seeing that scene, can I still think this way?

A person's birth is not a matter of her own decision.

"I think I need to talk to you anyway."


Chancheng took a deep breath and stood up from the park bench.

"It's over, I'm going back."

"Back to where?"

Back to that 'home'?

"Don't mind your own business."

With irritability in his tone, Chancheng didn't intend to continue talking with Joan.

say what?

Congratulations on your family happiness?

You stole my father?

You are not worthy, but I am worthy?

Or some other mess?

The dialogue between the two is over, and there is no communication in essence.

Outside the park, the dazed Chancheng didn't know what to do now.

Now she knew what the truth was, that she had been born by a mistake.

So what to do next?

Go to that man and question him?

Forget it, anyway, the other party has already made a choice, so dote on that girl named 'Joan'.

"What a coincidence, seeing you here."


Raising the corner of his eyes, the woman stood there.


Chancheng laughed, she suddenly discovered a very interesting thing.

"I didn't expect that it was not my parents who cared most about me, but the teachers in the school."

It's actually kind of funny, isn't it?


Uniq was silent for a while, she really didn't know what she should say.

People who don't have the same experience can't empathize. The situation in Chancheng is very complicated.

So what to do?

To punch that irresponsible man and make him take responsibility?

and then?

Then destroy another family?

"People who can't control their lower body really..."

There is no way to be responsible and mess around.

"Anyway... do you want dinner first?"

Uniq abruptly brought up a topic.


Chancheng nodded, she felt as if she knew why her mother was so depraved.

The feeling of being abandoned is really terrible, and there is a feeling that everything doesn't matter.

Under the leadership of Uniform, the two left the park.

But Nangong turned his head, and he stared at the girl over there.

The girl named Joan Sato was watching, she seemed relieved after noticing Unii's actions.


A man messed around when he was young, and after he got married, he found out that he had an illegitimate daughter, and he couldn't take care of it, so it developed into the current situation, and the family situation became messy after being exposed...Is that so?

Nangong was thinking in his heart, he was analyzing this matter from different angles.

He is not alone in analyzing this matter from different angles.

What happened to the man 'Sato Ren' was not only for his family, he even had a life.

"A young pervert is an old pervert when he grows old."

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