In his apartment, Arisukawa scolded and sorted out the materials he got yesterday.

The person who worked in the Cytech Group told them a lot of things, including the woman who went to the company to find Sato, the other party when he was young, and the current wife.

It is very common for the children of rich people to marry each other. One word to describe it is the so-called 'marriage'

No wonder he was so flirtatious when he was young, but he became more honest after he got married, that's what happened.

As a result, after so many years of enduring, he finally showed his feet.

God knows how many other women have been forced down by him after what he did.

"This scum! You think so too! Kirisaki!"


The sound of closing the door sounded, and Kirisaki tilted his head in doubt, what do you think?


'When did he go out? '

Arisukawa looked at him suspiciously.

Chapter 63 Background

In the Super Victory team's base, the players discuss the situation of a certain woman.

"A real suicide..."

This is the conclusion reached in the police report, and the reasons for the judgment are all written in it.

Jumping down from the [-]th floor, and investigating through her interpersonal relationship, she can also know that she has not encountered any major setbacks.

There are two pieces of evidence for the decision. One is the letter she personally left, which expresses her apology and expresses her resentment against anyone.

The other is the video, without anyone to guide her, she walked up to the roof and jumped down by herself.

The combination constitutes the conclusion, but this conclusion is unacceptable to her lover.

"Even in the police transcript, Sato Jin, whom you suspected, gave testimony, and he admitted that Chizuru had looked for him alone before that."

Asuka, who had been silent before, raised his head because of Captain Xibi's words.

"But didn't you just insist that you have nothing to do with this matter?"

His rebuttal made Captain Xibi frowned again. Since yesterday, he hoped that this young player could notice his problem by himself.

Now it seems that this is impossible.

"Asuka, haven't you noticed that you have been thinking about problems from Yamazaki's point of view and raising questions?"

"Isn't that natural!"

The first thing Asuka saw was Yamazaki who was roughly thrown out by the security guards, and then he saw the unreasonable Sato, so he naturally thought about the problem from Yamazaki's point of view.

And here is the crux of the matter.

"We are investigating things, not seeking justice for anyone!"

Captain Xibi said seriously, what they want to find is the truth, if they have to do so, they must treat this matter with a neutral attitude.

"What you heard was the one-sided words of the reporter and Yamazaki, but you didn't know what kind of person Sato Jin was. You took the lead in thinking from Yamazaki's perspective, so it was difficult to see the truth of the matter."

To this sentence, Asuka seemed very unconvinced.

"Could it be that Captain, do you think this matter really has nothing to do with anyone?"

"I never said such a thing, I just told you that if you want to find out the truth by yourself, you must always pay attention to your own thoughts and think about issues from a neutral standpoint, not what others say. "

Captain Xibi pointed out what he wanted Asuka to understand.

"There are still many doubts about this matter. At least I don't know what kind of reason a person who is not depressed and works well will commit suicide."

He continued to share his views. To be honest, the simplest and straightforward way is to visit and ask.

But for what reason?

The Mega Victory Team exists to protect humans from monsters, and there's no legitimate reason to do anything.

As for what kind of person Sato Ren is, the database cannot tell.

All that is known is that he has a wife and a daughter, who is in high school.

No matter how powerful TPC is, it is impossible to list all the big and small things that a person has done.

"This is?!"

Suddenly, Mai's exclamation interrupted the conversation between Asuka and Captain Xibi.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

What kind of person is Sato Ren?

Maybe a guy who loves his job, maybe not, but today he's in his office after the staff are off.

He is naturally very clear about those rumors, but there is no way to correct them.

What has been done in the past will not disappear, and there is no way to be dug out again.

When he was young, he did do a lot of things that he shouldn't have done, and thanks to that, now...

"Don't you want to go home?"

At this time, the voice that came from suddenly brought Sato back from his memory.

He looked at the door, and the person who walked in there was a person he hadn't seen for a long time, and now he couldn't think of seeing him, Masaki Keigo, the founder of Saitek Group.

A genius inventor, it can be said that the biggest contributor to the company's firm foothold is the technology he developed. If there is no excellent product, no matter how hype you boast, if you can't sell it, you won't be able to sell it.

"Did you know? Yesterday my daughter put me on trial as a prisoner."

Sato pressed his forehead with his left hand, unable to even smile wryly.

"How to say?"

Zheng Mu is not a ruthless person, he is just confident, and he naturally cares about the veteran who created Saitech with him.

"My illegitimate daughter, the girl named Aoi."

Sato sighed.

"She and Joan still knew about it."


Hearing this sentence, Zheng Mu was not surprised.

He said a long time ago that if the other party did this, something would happen sooner or later.

A man owns two families, a truly harmonious harem maintained by love...he doesn't believe that such a thing can happen in reality.

Although Zheng Mu has never talked about any love affairs, he knows what 'desire for exclusiveness' is.

Is anyone really willing to share half of the person they love?

By analogy, gender inversion, would a man allow his wife to love him and another man, have two husbands?

Zheng Mu felt that he would not allow it. Monogamy is really a great progress for society.

'Although this matter has nothing to do with this person. '

He thought so in his heart, and then, Sato recounted what happened yesterday in a tired tone:

"My daughter thought I was doing something shady with that woman yesterday, so she just called me to pick her up yesterday. When I got to my daughter's place, man, it's that woman's place. My daughter He didn’t trust me enough to go there to see it himself.”

"Plus the matter of Chizuru?"

"That's right, plus the matter of Chizuru."

What Masaki said was naturally the woman who committed suicide.

And Sato also admitted that the connection between these two things has caused him considerable trouble.

"You also know that I was not a good thing when I was young. Of course my wife also knows this. After Aoi's incident was exposed, I was suspected of Chizuru's suicide again. Her trust in me dropped to the lowest point."

It was because of this situation that he didn't want to go home at all.

The daughter is okay, but the attitude of the wife is really hurtful.

After a few seconds of silence, Masaki thought about it, but in the end he still couldn't find a way to change the status quo.

"It's not easy now."

Once rumors start to spread, they are hard to extinguish.

Because the concept of the people who knew about it has changed, and this change will remain forever.

To give the simplest and most ridiculous example, the winning team has no way to defeat the monster.

Because Tiga and Empat will always show up to defeat the monsters, so now when people mention the Victory Team, or even the Super Victory Team, their first reaction is-'Oh, no, it's the one that can only rely on Ultraman Defense Force? '

Another example is the blue Ultraman.

Masaki, who was researching at the Mars frontline base, of course also saw the scene of Empat fighting fiercely with the blue Ultraman on Mars before returning to Earth, which is a dangerous existence.

However, after the opponent appeared on the earth and defeated the monster this time, people happily discussed what the blue Ultraman should be called, praised him, and felt that the earth was getting safer and safer.

Because people's ideas have changed, they immediately felt that the new Ultraman would also be the guardian of human beings.

Now everyone's views in the company have also changed. Even if the rumors are suppressed, Sato's reputation has also been greatly reduced in people's hearts.

It sucks.

"Now I just hope whoever it is, find out the truth about Qianhe's suicide as soon as possible."

Sato rubbed his eyes tiredly, at this moment, a voice came to his ears.

"It's all up to now, are you still crying like a cat?"


The two turned their heads suddenly, and there was a seemingly thin young man standing there.

His appearance here is the biggest anomaly. The young man named Yamazaki pointed his right hand at Sato.

"Let me ask you one last time, how did Qianhe die, and what did you do?"

What Zheng Mu saw through the opening of the door was the security guard lying on the ground.

"How many times do you want me to tell you?"

Sato's tone was no longer polite, he was already bored.

From the very beginning, he didn't have any good feelings for this 'Yamazaki'.

"At that time, Chizuru came here after get off work just because she wanted to chat with me about something. Her father and I were old acquaintances in college. To me, she was just a junior who needed to be taken care of."

The answer given was the same as before. If it was before, then Yamazaki had probably been taken away by the security guards and thrown out.

But now it is different.

"You don't want to tell the truth, do you?"

Yamazaki lowered his right hand, and what gushed out from his body was blue-black mist.


The abnormal phenomenon made Sato's eyes widen. The next moment, someone grabbed his right hand. Masaki directly pulled out the gun given by TPC, and pressed the trigger without even the slightest hesitation.

The light crossed the distance and instantly exploded on the fog-wrapped face.

Masaki kept shooting, pulling Sato, who hadn't reacted yet, to leave.

Immediately afterwards, his body arched, and the juice pouring out of his stomach uncontrollably spit out.

I have never neglected to exercise every day, and I have maintained a strong body even when I am over [-] years old.

Then, the effort didn't work at all.

If it was really useful, it was that Zheng Mu, who was lying on the ground, still managed to maintain consciousness, and he could only watch helplessly as the feet off the ground kept shaking.

"Another way to ask, you will definitely tell me."

Yamazaki's speech was heard, but Sato did not respond.

He couldn't even breathe, his neck was tightly locked by his hands, showing a painful expression.

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