Because these people don't know anything.

"You have to admit that sometimes people vilify or praise things not because they know what happened and learned something from it, but simply because other people are doing it."

At this moment, words like warnings came to my ears.

Arisukawa raised his head, and sat on the other side as the senior who introduced her.

Fujiwara put down the phone, the next problem was not something she could solve, and she didn't plan to look at those things again.

'When you see something you don't like just ignore it and forget about it'

Evasion is very effective.

"That's why I object to you doing what you said, treating yourself as an envoy of justice, thinking that person is a villain, and I don't care about him... This kind of self-righteous arrogance makes you farther and farther from the truth. Farther away, fake news can kill a person."

This time, Arisukawa didn't miss Fujiwara's reprimand. There was another person who opposed or ridiculed her actions and ideas.

His name is Kirisaki, Ultraman.

'You start thinking for the other person from the other person's point of view, so you can't see the truth. '

That's what the guy said.

Because when I saw Yamazaki for the first time, he was very 'poor'

In a 'underdog' position.

When I went to see Sato while maintaining sympathy, my thoughts had gone astray unknowingly, so that I couldn't see other things. I was just trying my best to find the black material of Sato, a "strong man", hoping to bring him to justice. by law'

'The weak are oppressed by the strong so that the weak embark on the road of illegal and criminal revenge'

This is a logical plot, so this logical story was accepted, and people who knew about it began to release logical malice towards Sato, a victim.

"Is there no other way for us?"

Arisukawa raised her head that had been lowered all the time, her eyes were still full of weakness, and she asked her senior for help.


In this regard, Fujiwara did not answer, because the answer is 'no'

She didn't answer immediately, but talked about other things:

"Ten years ago, there was a person who questioned the existence of Ultraman, and believed that everyone should not trust each other too much. This kind of trust is too dangerous for humans and Ultraman, but in that In the general environment, she was attacked instead."

Not other people's business, but their own business.

Misaki Fujiwara is one of those people who has suffered from cyberbullying, and even been traumatized by it.

That's why she's a journalist today.

"At that time, she lost her job, lost her lover, her family was implicated, and she was even injured and admitted to the hospital. But when she woke up, everything ended miraculously."


How many things can people forget in ten years?

And Arisukawa, who was a child ten years ago, didn't even have any understanding of this matter.

The sudden turn made her unable to react.

"That's all for me. If you're interested, you can search for Empat's case yourself. It's still a very interesting thing to think about now. You'll know after reading it."

Fujiwara smiled, unknowingly, she has reached the age where she can use her suffering as an example.

'If it was like this last time, then this time too...'

Her eyes turned to the window, where of course there was no giant falling from the sky.

Compared with ten years ago, there are still things that have completely changed.

For example, Joan Sato, who was drowsy inside the school, was patted on the shoulder.

"What's the matter? Something is wrong with you today."

"Ah, no, I'm fine."

The friend looked at this side with worried eyes, and she reluctantly responded.

How could there be no response when something happened to his father.

Yes, no one in this school knew about her relationship with Sato Jin, they just regarded her as the same surname.

Since Misaki Fujiwara's incident, Internet regulations have been issued, and it is illegal to dig and disseminate other people's information without authorization. Although the practice of "cyber violence" that hurts others has not been completely eliminated, at least it has effectively prevented people from being injured.

Simultaneously, also prevented secondary injury to the victim.

"These lunatics are really..."

Inside the Metropolitan Police Department, the departments responsible for maintaining network security are doing their work.

To put it bluntly, they will always be half-hearted in preventing cyber violence. There is only one effective way to prevent cyber violence, and that is to prohibit everyone from using the Internet in the future.

Otherwise, as long as you dare to do something 'forbidden'

Immediately will be called 'inhumane' and 'blocked'

'Human rights' and 'freedom of speech' were immediately brought up.

However, although they are only half-baked, they are also working hard.

If you plan to fish in troubled waters, it will take less than an hour for someone to fan the flames, and someone will naturally knock on your door.

People are like this, if they don't get caught, they feel lucky that they won't be found.

They had to place the victim's information leak, all three victims were the same.

However, people don't think so, or some people simply don't want to think about it.

According to the information shared by the police station in the hometown of the victim, Qianhe, some reporters have already dug up this matter, and they plan to go to interview other people's parents again.

Regardless of the mood of the family members of the deceased, they only want to dig out what they want to dig up. The matter is simple and infuriating.

Is there any way to stop this thing?

Yes, it is time.

Anyway, most people just don't know anything about it and don't follow suit for 3 minutes. It won't be long before they just do what they should do.

Things will probably come to an end like this.

Will things just come to an end like this?

At least someone didn't want to end it like this, and what he got on his cell phone was a message.

In his room, Asuka stared at the message on his phone, which read:

'Do you want to know what the truth of the matter is?Come here if you want to know. '

The address is inside, but he can't leave the base casually, not when he is the 'Flying Bird Letter'.

"the truth."

Asuka said the term in a low voice, what he remembered was what he saw and heard last night.

Yamazaki and Sato, they hold their own words and blame each other.

Who is telling the truth?

And who is telling lies?


Take out the flashing sword, when the blade is out of the sheath, the brilliance wraps the flying bird, and finally disappears from this room.

Inside Kumamoto City, a man wearing glasses walked into an open-air teahouse, and there was another person sitting there at the seat he had reserved.

The other party was wearing a black and white hoodie split in the middle, and his taste was unbelievably poor.



Kirisaki greeted without the slightest sense of tension, and the man with eyes who noticed that he was noticed also walked to the other end of the table and sat down.

"what do you want?"

Opening your mouth is the problem.

"Straight to the point? I'm really impatient. Well, let's talk in another place."

Kirisaki drank the green tea he ordered, and stood up straight away.

This should be a great way for the other party.

In this era, every inch of land is expensive, and there are no abandoned buildings.

But if you look carefully for places that are sparsely populated, there are naturally still some, such as the small open spaces that appeared under the intricate interweaving of old houses in the past.

If you are here, there will be no one.

"You are very smart."

Kirisaki turned around, but the man wearing the glasses took a step back instead.

"But you're not very smart."

He sneered, different people walked out of the alley.

They are gearing up.

"Let him know what to say and what not to say."

After leaving this sentence, the man in glasses turned around and prepared to leave.

Two steps later, he heard the sound of something falling.

"Actually, what I mean by saying you are smart is that you took the initiative to come to me, instead of asking me to go to your house to arrest you."


The man with glasses felt someone pat him on the shoulder, and what seemed to be ridicule followed.

Turning around suddenly, his pupils contracted, and the first thing he saw were red dot-like eyes.

The young man in black and white clothes had disappeared, and standing there was the blue Ultraman.


The man with glasses left his feet off the ground, shaking constantly, struggling painfully because he couldn't breathe.

Tregchia's left hand grabbed the opponent's neck, and the index finger of his right hand moved forward a little.

Immediately afterwards, electricity began to flow through the man's body.


The mouth that grew so hard could not even make a sound, and the saliva flowed down the corner of the mouth.

Before being touched, Tregchia let go of his left hand and let the opponent fall to the ground.

"You're so dirty."

He spoke leisurely with an attitude that did not seem to be the culprit at all.

"Next, I'll ask, you answer, you should know the result of the escape, right?"

"Cough cough cough cough!"

The man lying on his side was panting and coughing.

"I'll take it as your answer, how did Qianhe die?"


Nangong, the person who intervened in the incident because of Chancheng's family affairs, has nothing to do with Qianhe's incident in essence.

Asuka intervened through Yamazaki's encounter, and initially stood on Yamazaki's position because of Yamazaki's "weakness".

Kirisaki was different. When he learned about this from Arisugawa, he immediately had a small question.

The narrative conflicts with the reality, as the young girl said at the time: 'Sytech employees are silent'

Since he kept his mouth shut, why did Yamazaki know that Chizuru had been to Sato's office?How do you know she committed suicide after this?

Who the hell told him?

This is very interesting, and what's even more interesting is that, under the premise that 'Satech's employees keep silent', there is actually one person, that is, the man in front of me, who came to the reporter to expose more information.

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