Don't go early, don't go late, but the information was exposed under the situation of "Yamazaki brought two super fighters to the company to make things bigger"?

Of course, these may all be his paranoid associations.

Tregchia didn't care, anyway, he simply wanted to verify his suspicions, just as he said to Empat during the battle-do what he wants to do.

He squatted down, raised his right index finger, and waited for the man's answer.

"She committed suicide—"

"wrong answer."

It won't kill, but it is extremely painful, as if the skin has been peeled off, the electric current makes the man open his mouth in pain.

But before the sound came out, his mouth was sealed by his hands.

Even wailing is not allowed, and there is no problem with today's scene as torture.

"What are you doing! Let go of that man!"

At some point, someone was standing there, and Dyna, who was the size of a human, clenched his fists tightly.

"It's coming, just right."

Tregear let go of his right hand, and the sound of heavy panting echoed.

Without anyone noticing, the two Ultraman stood here looking at each other.

"Save, save me! He wants to kill me!"

When he saw Dyna, the man yelled, as if seeing a savior.

Up to now, he no longer doubts whether Ultraman, who is the same size as a human, is Ultraman, and just wants to escape from this pain.

"You underestimate me, don't you think? If I want to kill you, I still have to wait for him to come over?"

Tregear laughed at the man who crawled on the ground, no different from a bug.

'enough! '

Dyna's thoughts didn't have time to make a sound, because Tregear said such a sentence:

"Speaking of which, I called you here because I wanted you to take a look at the murderer who killed Miss Qianhe."


Chapter 67 The Power You Have

"what are you saying......"

He said so, but Dyna had already turned his attention to the man who asked him for help.

Too many things happened in just two days, and this complicated and confusing event has been deeply engraved in Asuka's heart.

That's why he was lured here alone.

"Look, I'm about to ask the truth."

Tregear laughed, and the tone was completely different from the blow that Dyna couldn't block.


Something is broken.


If this painful cry was heard, it would definitely attract attention.

But the voice only echoed in the deserted wilderness. Dyna glanced around, and after the fog fell, almost all the people came to this uninhabited place.

"Ah, ah, ah."

The man was completely speechless, his right leg was twisted into a strange shape, and it was completely dislocated and broken under the kick just now.


Is this a dream?

Severe pain, how much pain can an ordinary person endure?

At least the man's tolerance point has reached the limit.

"You bastard!"

Dyna clenched his fist, and just as he was about to rush forward, Tregear asked again:

"So can you answer my question this time? Or do you want to try the feeling of having your fingers snapped off? What did you do before Qianzuru died?"

Tregear hadn't considered the possibility that the other party actually just saw someone do what they did.

Because the other party was just called out by the message of 'I know you killed Chizuru', and even brought someone to teach him what to say and what not to say...

'Did I look so weak when I pretended to be human? '

Tregear, who was not flustered at all, still had the mood to think about other messy things in his heart.

This time, his question was answered:

"It's me! I fucked her!"


A mixed cry of pain came out of the man's mouth. One sentence made Dyna's movements abruptly stuck in the middle.

"That woman is so beautiful, and I have caught it, so I can't help it if I think about it!"

I don't think it's my responsibility at all, it's all because this woman is so good-looking.

"I've been calling her attention since the first day she joined the company! Who told her to say that to me at that time!"

The man growled.

"Isn't he just a waste who came in through relationships! What are you arrogant about!"

What else do you say 'tomorrow I will let Uncle Sato drive you away'

"It turned out to be just a stinky sow crying on the bed!"

Men have no respect and no apology.

When he noticed this, Dyna's gaze had already changed the object, and his clenched fist seemed to be shaking with force.


At this moment, Tregear's right hand moved forward quickly, and lightning surged inside the purple-black energy, which did not hurt the man lying on the ground, but only affected his spirit.

The power of darkness aroused the darkness in his heart, and he didn't even need to ask any more questions. The man just said what he had done before, and said it triumphantly:

"So women are all a bunch of idiots. They always look great on their lips, but what can they do if they are actually crushed? Tell others if you can! Anyway, as a man, I can fuck as many women as I want. Show off, try to show off as a woman that she was raped by someone!"

Chastity is very important to women.

Dyna already fully understood why Qianhe didn't sue anyone even in her suicide note, why she didn't ask anyone for help.

For women, it is difficult to speak out when someone has done such a thing.

This man took advantage of that.

"With a cold face during the day, it's very useful at night. When we were together, hahaha! You should really see her at that time, it's so funny! And that idiot Yamazaki, who was put on by me After wearing the hat, I’m still grateful for Dade, hee!”

Just thinking about it makes me feel hard again.

"I just told him that Qianzuru went to Sato's office, that idiot really thought that Sato really did something, and the idiots in the company, they really didn't think about what would happen if they spread rumors Such a consequence, Sato's expression is really funny."

Very popular!

"Didn't you just work hard with that Masaki Keigo? Is it great to have a high position? I ruined your reputation and let me see how great you can be!"

Really all a bunch of idiots.

"I only rely on subjective thoughts to judge things, and I don't know when I'm being played around. It's great to say that Chizuru died. If she didn't die, I still can't see a good show, Empa That idiot who doesn't know anything is really meddling, wouldn't it be over if Sato fell into a meat paste?"

The man sneered.

"Anyway, Sato is finished anyway. He won't have to worry about so many messy things after he dies."


Torrecchia touched his chin.

"Then why are you doing this?"

His question was very simple, and the answer he got was also very simple:

"People who are better off than me are too much of an eyesore, I just see them upset!"

There is no other reason, just because the other party is living better than oneself, and I just have such a chance to pull the other party down.

Isn't that all?

"It seems that the cause and effect of the matter are already obvious."

Tregear shrugged, things were a little more boring than expected.

"Then these people are also involved?"

He pointed to the men who had been knocked to the ground by him before and were still in a coma.

"of course?"

The darkness in the man's heart completely lost control and ran amok, hysterically telling all about himself.

However, the most interesting part is... It seems that this activation does not actually make sense, because before that, he had already——

"A hopeless man."

Tregear evaluated this man, and then he snapped his fingers casually, and the dark energy attached to the man before disappeared without a trace.

The man tilted his head and fell asleep on the dirt.

"So you understand?"

Looking at Dyna on that side again, what did Tregear want the other party to understand?

The darkness in human hearts?

That's all there is to protect?


"The power of Ultraman can do things that ordinary people can't do. What will happen if humans continue to investigate? Will this person be brought to justice in the end, or nothing will be found, and the culprit will continue to be at large?"


Facing Tregear's statement, Dyna remained silent.

"Some people in this world don't know morality, don't know the law, the only thing they know is fear and pain."

In the face of this kind of person, the only thing that can act as a deterrent is these.

"Don't you think so? Huh?"

Unknowingly, the two were approaching, and Tregear put one hand on Dyna's shoulder, whispering in a low voice.

"Don't you feel angry that the life you guard is dismissive of other lives? Since it is the life you saved, isn't it up to you to decide how you want to deal with it?"


"Think about it. Qianhe is dead, but these people are still alive. What will happen after they wake up? Will they plead guilty? Even if they will, so what? If it is not the death penalty, the dead Qianhe will fight against each other because of instigation , Do Sato and Yamazaki, whose lives have been ruined, agree with this result?"

Tregear kept talking about possible outcomes.

"If they don't plead guilty to the law, will they continue to get away with it? Will these scumbags continue to harm other innocent people in the future? Did these scumbags harm other people before they harmed Qianhe? There is no one here, only You and me and them, no one else will know."

"Do you want me to kill them here?"

Dyna suddenly turned his head, he understood what Tregear wanted to say.

"Hey, you don't have to hesitate anymore now, do you?"

Tregear lowered his voice, maintaining his incitement.

"Monsters can hurt others, so monsters will be killed. These people have indeed killed one person and hurt two people. If they don't have to die, why does the monster have to die?"

There was still a trace of dissatisfaction in his tone, and this trace of dissatisfaction resonated with his thoughts just as Asuka was thinking.

Yes, monsters can hurt others, so they must be defeated. Shouldn’t those who take the initiative to kill others also be apologetic with death?

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