"Wu, what's going on here?"

He hurriedly went up to ask his sister who was also standing in front of the door. At first, the boy thought that those people were forcibly removing things, but now it seems that something is wrong, things are being moved inside.

Hearing her brother's voice, the girl woke up like a dream.

"Brother, brother! Don't be surprised!"

is it possible!

"Ada is the Countess of England! She said she wanted to repay us and paid off all our debts!"

"......Can you say that again?"

What?ah?This is not a novel, how can there be such a bizarre thing!

I didn't understand the situation at all, but a new truck came over.

It was the blonde woman who got off from the co-pilot.

"Leng, you're back."


What should I say at this time?

"Although it may make you unbelievable when I say this suddenly, but..."

Ada didn't even believe it herself, because it was all made up.

It's just that she can't watch the family who took her in continue to bear such a burden no matter what.

Using her Pitt star technology, combined with her specially trained electronic skills, she easily invaded certain systems on Earth.

Then I discovered something very interesting, that is, most people with the status of 'officials' have improper property.

So... she did it.

'What if I just robbed you, if you have the ability, call the police! '

Forgive them too.

"Speaking of which, this kind of thing should not be within the jurisdiction of Ultraman..."

Meeting Enpater in the world of electronic data made Ada's heart pound. Who would have thought that the giant who was speculated to be an energy life form could still be digitized? It's too nonsense.

As a result, the Nishinomiya family has become different from today, and everything started with the kind care of the old man of the Nishinomiya family.

At this time, Dagu also returned to the sea base of TPC.

It was completely different from when he went out. What he saw was a transport plane parked in the hangar.

"Are there any guests?"

I asked the people in the maintenance team and got an affirmative answer:

"The person who came seems to be from the TPC US branch. I don't know why he came."

Just after finishing speaking, the two saw the person entering the hangar.

"It's them."

Telling Dagu about this in a low voice, the two immediately stood at attention.

Noticing him in the uniform of the victory team, the foreigners from that branch also nodded in a friendly manner.

"Patrol is hard work."

Saying this sentence in somewhat blunt Japanese, they boarded the transport plane surrounded by crowds.

Then, Dagu heard whispers beside him.

"By the way, did they take that box when they came here?"

The role of the box is to transport things. Is there anything in the TPC Far East base that is worth picking up?


Immediately thinking of the answer in his heart, the young man rushed away towards the maintenance room.

Two minutes later, he rushed into the command room and saw Hori who was full of dissatisfaction.

"Dagu, you're back."

Lina said hello, and then, Dagu looked at the intermediary captain.

"The sphere of unknown material..."

The response was a heavy nod.

"The intact one and the broken one were taken away, and even the man locked in the confinement room was taken away. The analysis has not been completed yet, and we don't know what they want to do."

Xincheng complained about the inexplicability of the other party. At present, we only have one piece of information about that thing - it can generate negative energy generated by people's negative programs into entities. For this, what is needed is a backbone, that is, the user.

Hearing this news, Dagu lowered his head slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

'Although it should be just my needless worry, but people should not be so stupid. '

Zong Fang squinted his eyes and stared at the picture displayed on the screen. The outside world was calm, and it was one o'clock between noon and afternoon.

The sun is merciless, so the business of the coffee shop has also become very good.

The black-haired young man ran back and forth quickly, first to submit, and then to clean up.

"By the way, your movements don't look like you're injured. You really want to rest and lie to me on purpose."

Kyoko complained about the other party's agility. For three days, she couldn't see anything unusual about him, and she only went to the hospital for a checkup for one day, and she was able to go to work immediately the next day.

Is this reasonable?

This is not reasonable.


Nangong denied it without psychological pressure, because he didn't lie to others for rest.

'I didn't say anything at all. Why should I have psychological pressure? '

He took it for granted that at this moment, the wind chime turned, and it was the courier who walked into the coffee shop.

"Excuse me, is Kyoko Shirakawa here?"

"Yes, yes."

Half a minute later, the courier who signed for the package went to the next destination, and the store manager who got the package picked up the scissors.

"After waiting for so long, it's finally here. It's unbelievable that it's out of stock."

Take it apart, open the big package, and then, there are two puppets inside.


Nangong blinked, and what appeared in front of his eyes was a cute Q version of Ultraman, both Di Jia and Empat were smiling.

Even he had to admit, it was really cute.

"Come and help me look at the store, I should give my little wild cat a little surprise."

Kyoko smiled and winked, then walked towards the stairs.

Today's cafe is the same as always.

In a quick hop, Geddy lay on his belly on the chair with a bar of chocolate in his mouth.

It still eats everything, Nangong stroked its furry head.

Chapter 29 Taking pleasure in hurting others

Inside the coffee shop, unconsciously, the air conditioner was no longer in use, and the whirling sound of the exhaust fan was covered by the soft music.

The time is mid-November, and Kumamoto City, or Japan, is getting out of the sweltering autumn and slowly entering winter.

The temperature in the morning and evening gradually drops with the passage of time, and the exhaust fan is still there. In another month, the heating system of the air conditioner will probably start to be used.

Leaning against the wall, Nangong thought about the information that he did not know how many times he had invaded TPC.

However, this information basically does not have much effect. To sum it up, the man he rescued who was eroded by negative energy is now taken to the base in the United States together with the two spheres recovered by TPC.

A lot of researchers have been transferred there, in other words, they plan to make great efforts to analyze that unique device.

Besides that, there is another thing.

Thinking of this, the young man apologized to the boy 'Ryo Nishinomiya' in his heart.

Apart from the necessary memories, he also searched for the origin of the sphere.

It was a man who handed it to the boy when he passed by, and another man's testimony was also recorded in the TPC database. The one who gave him the sphere was a colleague who had never spoken much before.

After that, colleagues don't know whether to resign or what.

In this regard, TPC also called for information to ask him to confirm, and the result was...

That colleague was among the 110 people who disappeared, and was the 81st missing victim.

Connect these two things and the answer is obvious.

After the alien with the ability to change appearances invaded the earth, he continued to distribute devices capable of condensing negative energy to different people. Nishinomiya got the sphere half a month ago.

After authentication, the user and the sphere will have a unique spiritual connection. The negative emotions of the user will be continuously absorbed and exist as the main body, and the negative energy attracted will serve as nutrients to nourish the main body.

The other party is still hiding in some corner of the earth, planning a conspiracy unknown to others.

Thinking of this, Nangong's expression became gloomy again.

No matter how hard you search, you can't find the existence of the other party, and you can only passively fight each time.

Office workers, students, is there any necessary connection between the two?

He thought for a long time but couldn't find any answer. The enemy's ability to hide himself at will is really too tricky.

"Yah ho?"


The voice next to him made Nangong realize from his contemplation that Liangzi, who was always staying on the second floor, came down at some point.

He put down his previous thoughts, and he was grateful to the operator of this coffee shop.

The point of being helped is real, and getting along with customers and the store manager also eased some of his radical thoughts.

Although he uses the power of darkness, it is not the power from the beginning, and the darkness made of hatred will affect him unconsciously.

Who to get along with, chat with... This also made Nangong understand one thing - it is really difficult to live alone.

Because it will be lonely, and there will be no one to share the pain.

"Is work over?"

Not long ago, Kyoko had said that her sister was doing serious work upstairs.

Probably the same network worker as the truth.

"Big success."

The index finger and thumb were joined together, and the right hand made an OK gesture, and Ryoko smiled happily.

"That's good."

Although I don't know what kind of job it is, congratulations anyway.

"Aren't you curious?"

The slightly bland reaction made the long-haired woman look a little unhappy.

"Then what is the job?"

Nangong decided to follow the other party's wishes, and then...

"Don't tell you."

There is no difference between asking and not asking.


Looking at Ryoko who seemed to be very happy because he refused and tricked him, the young man had to sigh that the two sisters were indeed the same.

When I asked Kyoko the last time, she also had the expression of 'come to ask, come to ask, I'm going to tell'.

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