The answer is - no ~ tell ~ tell ~ you ~

Nangong felt that what the two of them wanted to talk about was definitely not the content of the work, but the phrase 'I won't tell you'.

Shrugging, he looked at the guests who were busy with their own affairs.

"How is it? Are you already familiar with this city?"

Ryoko's question made the young man scratch his cheek as if to cover up.


Of course I know, I am a fake stowaway.

"That's good."

Nodding, the woman suddenly pinched her chin.

"Speaking of which, it's already mid-November."

Originally, in October, Kyoko's school would hold a cultural festival.

As a result, classes were suspended for a period of time due to the appearance of monsters, and due to various factors, it was postponed until this time.

"Next week on Wednesday, Kyoko's school will hold a cultural festival, do you want to come together?"

The other party's invitation surprised Nangong a little.


Are you just an outsider?

"Actually, it doesn't mean that we must come together. It's just that the school will be open for off-campus tours during those three days. Kyoko and I will definitely go there. The cafe will be closed at that time. If you have nothing to do, you can go and experience it."

Speaking of this, the corners of Ryoko's mouth turned up slightly, making what could be called a smirk.

"But it's best not to take the plot in the animation too seriously. You will be disappointed when you actually see it."

In fact, the attitude of the students in the cultural festival is basically to just 'get away with it'.

No matter how you say it, it's three days to relax casually, who wants to engage in some inexplicable activities.

"I see, I will go if I have time."

I didn't promise or refuse, I just went when I had time.

After getting a three-day vacation, Nangong began to think about what to do, turned into Empat and flew around the earth to try to find the existence of the enemy?

'Speaking of which, a cultural festival...'

He had to admit that Ryoko was indeed right.

Having watched animation before, he is actually quite interested in this matter.

'Let's talk about it later. '

Kyoko's school, I don't know what kind of school it is.

But since it is a school, it should be similar, studying, attending classes, and chatting with friends.

Looking out of the window, perhaps because of the cloudy weather, the light is not so strong, but different places in a city have completely different situations.

For example, in the coffee shop section, the gloomy sky is blowing with wind.

For example, in a certain school, there are students and teachers sprinting towards the teaching building on the playground, and the dripping rain began to fall, making the area really wet.

I couldn't help but inhale, as expected, there was a smell that I couldn't ignore, the unique smell when it was raining.

"Kyoko, do you have an umbrella?"

Uniq asked his friend.

"Do you think I'll carry an umbrella?"

One person, one bag, one school uniform, the bag is full of books, where can I put the umbrella?Caught in the chest?

"Maybe you can actually do this. Once you pull it, the umbrella will become bigger."

Smiling and saying unreliable words, the girl's right hand touched her ear and squeezed the air.

"You've read too much Journey to the West, do you think it's the Ruyi Golden Cudgel?"

Kyoko complained about her friend, to be honest, why does this guy keep his grades by looking around?

"Don't you understand this very well?"

Uniform's rhetorical question silenced the other party.

Recently, a new hypothesis has been put forward on the Internet, saying that Ultraman may be the prototype in the mythology, so a lot of things have been turned over.

Then after reading it, it was popularized that Journey to the West is a novel, not a myth.

'But it's still pretty. '

The girl looked away.

At this time, the wrist was suddenly pulled.

"Then let's hang around casually in school. Anyway, we haven't looked at it very seriously, have we?"

"I want to do my homework in the classroom..."

"That kind of thing can be caught at school the next morning!"

"Wait, did you hear something terrible?"

Tell me, how many lessons did you miss in the morning?

The two of them just wandered in the corridor. There were many students who couldn't go home because of the sudden rain.

And there really isn't much fun to do at school, so...

In the winter season of November, the temperature at this time is definitely not warm, and the cold water falling from head to toe makes people tremble all over.

Toilets in schools are some people's favorite places because of the variety of things they can do.

Throwing the bucket casually, surrounded by many people was a male student wearing glasses, who trembled due to the sudden coldness.

Noticing this action, laughter came out.

"It's almost like this. Anyway, you will definitely get wet when you go home. First, help you get used to it. We are so gentle."

Having said that, these people laughed again.

After a few seconds, the leading student's expression changed. He grabbed the drenched boy and pushed him.


His back slammed against the door, making a sound that couldn't be ignored.

"Hey, we are helping you, why don't you even say thank you?"


Forced to say words that he absolutely didn't want to say, he lowered his head.

"Can't hear you! Louder!"

"Thank you."

"Can't hear you! When I say you can't hear me, you can't hear me!"

To force others to do things they don't want to do, to play with other people's bodies, whenever this happens, you can feel extraordinary pleasure.

There is a feeling that I am a 'strong man'.

"Thank you!"

Almost roared, and then got a compliment.

"Okay, very good, remember to say thank you in the future."

Patting the other person on the shoulder, the student with his head down said nothing. He didn't want to be praised like this, nor did he want to be treated like this.

It has been like this, as if there is no end in sight.

The other party turned black and white and put himself on a high ground...

"Hey! What are you doing!"

The door of the men's room was pushed open, and standing there was a girl.

Before everyone could react, the photo was taken, surrounded by wet students, and the people around them. Just by looking at the composition, one could already understand what was going on.

"Bitch, you—"

"I asked what you were doing!"

The second question was louder, and then the male students in the bathroom noticed someone attracted by the sound.

"what happened?"

"Did someone slip and fall into the toilet?"

The sound of discussion is approaching, this is the girl's plan to attract people.

Then, after finishing this matter, she ran away immediately, and in order to prevent the other party from snatching her mobile phone, she quickly ran into the crowd.

'Well, that bitch! '

In this toilet, bullying people and people being bullied come into view.

After half an hour, Hoshino-sensei stared at the photos from her students.

To put it simply, it is the phenomenon of campus bullying that often occurs in schools.

Outside the office, Kyoko frowned tightly.

"Aren't you afraid that those people will retaliate against you?"

Acting too recklessly.

"Actually, I'm pretty good at it!"

Uniq is confident in his own level, and he was taught a lot by his father who is a policeman.

"If it doesn't work, I still have a secret weapon."

Electric shock devices, anti-wolf spray, homemade pepper water, use them on the face when the time comes.

"And I can help a student who was bullied, so it's okay to praise me?"

"is it?"

This rhetorical question didn't make Uniform think too much, after all her friends usually look like this.

'Did it really help? '

Kyoko is skeptical about this.

In the rain, the boy, who was already drenched all over, felt even colder. If it was useful to tell the teacher, he would not have been bullied until now.

Over head, shoulders, liquid streamed down, and suddenly, the rain above was covered.

Lifting his head slightly, someone handed him an umbrella.


It was almost stuffed into his hand, the thin-looking teenager smiled, turned around and rushed into the rain.

Before he could stop it, he just looked at the umbrella in his hand.


This is the second time today that kindness has been felt.

The rain in the sky doesn't stop, but spreads out slowly, gradually turning into night rain that stops now and then, dripping drops of water hit the window, and the night passes like this.

The next morning, the heavy rain turned into light rain.

Arrived at the school, also arrived at his own class, and then noticed one thing.

My desk and chair disappeared, and it took half an hour to find them back.

It took a lot of time to wash off the mud on the rain-soaked desktops and chairs, but the smell in the drawers could not dissipate, and the garbage was stuffed inside, soaked in water overnight.

Of course, all the books that were originally placed in it were finished.

No one approached, no one cared, from physical violence to cold violence of small movements, like rain, the bullying did not stop.

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