Chapter 96 The Crisis from the Universe

Embarrassing...couldn't say the same.

It should be said that I don't know what to do to react, and I feel like a needle is on my back.

For Chancheng, this parent visit day, which is usually enviable, is so special this year, because standing behind is a man who would never appear before.

Sato had already known the date, and came here in order to let his daughter accept him again.

Of course, it doesn't matter if it's an emergency.

Specifically——'A person has never had a good relationship with his daughter in more than ten years, and then suddenly regrets and wants the other party to accept him again'

Can anyone give good advice in this situation?

This is a bad situation that is so rare that there is no way to learn from it, so he can only try to do some messy things like this.

One daughter and wife, another daughter, essentially two families.

As he held an important position in the company, it was difficult for him to squeeze out time. He thought a lot, but in the end he still didn't know what to do.


Apart from apology, Sato felt grateful. He knew it was irresponsible and despicable, but he was still grateful that Chancheng was a kind-hearted child unlike her mother.

Otherwise, all he can get is tit for tat.

In the classroom, the sound of teaching was continuous. On the podium, Li Hua, the head teacher, took time to glance at the father and daughter who seemed to have a strange relationship.

' At least it can be regarded as a start. '

Naturally, she could see that Chancheng was restless now, and she could also see that Sato was actually not looking at anything other than Chancheng.

Normal people generally don't like to see other people's family misfortune. Lihua thinks she is a relatively normal person who only acts in her own position and does not do unnecessary things.


The get out of class bell rang, and the class time was over.

After 3 minutes, Li Hua returned to the office and looked at the person who was flipping through the documents on his seat.

"Asakawa, how are you feeling?"

Actions may lead to good results or bad results. If you don't act, you will not get any results. Which side is right?

This point can only be concluded after the matter has come to a result, and the result is presented in front of you.

This young man has done something he dare not do, is this young?

A lot of Lihua's psychological activities are not known, because the words have not been poured out.

Unicorn, who only got doubts, scratched his hair.

"I always feel more nervous than the first class before, and I thought I would definitely not feel this way."

Isn't it just class?

I thought that way at first, but when things came to an end, I started to panic.

The guy in his head didn't react at all, because the other party would be replaced as long as he concentrated a little bit and the control of his body would be replaced.

I have to say that it feels strange to suddenly control my body after many days.

Like...the No.1 weighing game?

"However, all the preparations have been completed. I just hope that when I stand on the podium, I won't lose my mind and forget everything."

Yui took a deep breath, then stood up.

"I think it's better for me to go to the classroom first."

She walked out of the office, Lihua thought for a while, today's Asakawa Yui is exactly the same as when we first met, always with a curious expression on his face, he is a very cheerful person.

"Asakawa, is the cold war with your boyfriend finally over?"

"There's no conflict at all, okay?"

"It's coming again, it's just writing on your face before, okay?"

He could vaguely hear the communication between the other party and his colleagues as they passed each other. Lihua actually agrees with this point very, very much.

You have to say that you prefer to be around expressive people.

In the corridor, Uniyi began to lament that it was really strange that Nangong was missing.

I am used to having a voice in my head talking, and if someone keeps talking to you, the tension will be transferred naturally.


At this moment, two people she was familiar with appeared in her sight.

Chancheng and Sato didn't know what to say's strange.

The two of them just stood there without saying anything. With such a complicated relationship, they didn't know what to do if they wanted to help.

Uniform walked into the classroom, watched the scene in the corridor through the window on the podium.

Students and family members, these two are the only ones who have such a hard time getting along.

"Teacher, did you break up with your boyfriend?"

Some students were teasing in front of the podium, and the difference in atmosphere can be seen just from the appearance.

"Go, go, don't inquire about the teacher's interpersonal relationship at a young age."

Uniqlo waved his hand, the amount of words, the tone of these words, are so much richer than before that I don't know where it went!

Gradually, 5 minutes passed quickly.

When the school bell rang, Unii took a deep breath and prepared for her first parent visit day.

What she was doing at this time was exactly what she should do as a profession. Everyone is like this today, and everyone's actions are normal.

The people who make the planet livelier are not nervous, nor are they afraid.

In order to protect these people, near Neptune, the mobile fortress NF-3000, also known as the strongest weapon of Kulakhu, stays here and moves to this position.

The previously calculated giant asteroid will come within range after 10 minutes.

At that time, it is enough to completely destroy the asteroid with a diameter of [-] kilometers with the new Magus cannon carried by the Kulakhu.

For TPC, something similar has been done more than once.

Inside this huge mobile fortress, people perform their duties, waiting for that moment to come.

Power system warm-up, weapon system inspection, data calculation.

Everything is going according to the original plan, and it is precisely because everything is going according to the original plan that the enemy will be given an opportunity.

Humans are not stupid, the more they touch, the more flaws will be exposed.

So to this day, even though this small sfia sphere can hardly do anything, there is no reinforcement.

It tossed and turned in the vehicle, and finally arrived at the Kulakhu.

Inside the Mars base, there is certain information about the fortress.

But that information is not much, and the specific situation is well hidden, so Sfia came in person and looked for an opportunity to take advantage of.

Wait, wait, keep waiting.

Finally, that moment has arrived.

Everything is ready, the radar system has already marked the target before the visual monitoring system can see the existence of the target.

"New Mags, fire!"

The X-Model's propulsion wings adjusted the angle of the fort, and the new Magnus power guns were also calibrated.

Facing the dark distance, the pale golden light eclipsed the surrounding stars.

At first, it was just light, but soon, the color of this light became deeper, from a seemingly harmless light to a bombardment with quality.

The data generated during the launch was collected by the computer, and these data were collected by Sfia.

It's not an invasion, Sfia's trait is 'merge with objects'

So, it's just 'becoming part of the computer'.

The people on the Kulakhu, relieved to have completed their mission, do not know that Sfia is stealing data in ways that humans have not yet understood.

A single blow from the new mags was enough to knock the asteroid out of—

Predetermined results were shattered in sudden alarm.

The radar system is still operating, but anomalies have appeared.

"20,50,80, [-], [-], the number of asteroids keeps increasing!"

The radar system gives the result of the detection, which is read out again.

"The flight path is straight towards the earth!"

Information was reported one after another.

"Fragments? No, you shouldn't leave fragments..."

The abnormal situation made the faces of the commanders present turn serious. Even if there were indeed fragments left, according to calculations, the remaining fragments should be pulled there by the gravity of Pluto.

Huge asteroids, lots of asteroids, flying to Earth?

An invasion under the guise of an asteroid?

"Contact the Mars base immediately. It's an emergency. There are unknown beings planning to invade the earth through the cover of the asteroid. How fast?"

"It's very fast! It's even's about to collide!"


In an instant, the posture of the Kulakhu was defeated, and the hard metal instantly deformed.

The shattered asteroid turned into a large number of broken rocks, and among these floating broken rocks, the hidden existence inside appeared.

One blow, two blows, three blows, besides that, more asteroids are passing by like comets, rushing towards the earth.

"These monsters are——"

One, two, three, appeared from the inside of the shattered asteroid, and they were monsters that had been registered by the TPC.

His name is Kerubim.

The two monsters that once landed in Russia and were finally defeated by Empat appeared on the Kurakhu at this time.

They used sharp claws, fireballs, and head horns to make additional attacks on the wounds of the Kulakhu hit by the asteroid.

"Are they sentient?"

This action is all connected in series with the previous actions, first the asteroid impact, and then the pursuit, so that a certain number of individuals will attack the Kulakhu here, and the remaining individuals will directly move towards the earth.

It's almost like a so-called 'blitzkrieg'

Go straight ahead before reacting.


"Don't be too naive!"

The earth is not a soft persimmon!

No matter how fast your asteroid is moving, how can it be faster than the transmission of communication!

As the commander of the Kulakhu thought, this communication went directly through the asteroid group and arrived at the command room of the Mars base.

"what happened!"

The door of the command room was opened directly, and the staff officer Gondo who arrived here looked serious.

"The emergency communication from the Kulakhu is now on the screen!"

The screen was instantly captured by that scene.

"This is......"

Staff Officer Gondo's eyes widened. A large number of Kembiru surrounded the Kulakhu and were besieging the opponent. If this continues, the mobile fortress will be breached in a short time.

the question is that......

More asteroids are approaching the earth rapidly.

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