"How soon will the asteroid group approach this Mars?"

Staff Officer Gondo was thinking about how to deal with it.

"Maintaining this speed will reach the Martian circle in 38 minutes!"

"38 minutes...enough."

He straightened his body. Naturally, he had thought about what the enemy army came to do, and he also had a way to deal with it.

This time was different from the previous ones where they couldn't even detect, so there was enough time.


Staff Officer Gondo issued the order, and his subordinates quickly executed it.

About 8 seconds later, the anomaly of the Kulakhu, and the current situation, were all transmitted through the information network.

Mars to the moon, the moon to the earth.

Every TPC base moved instantly, the battle location was in the universe.

The Japanese base, the super victorious team assembled in the command room.

"The enemy is the cherubim, and there are only two different from the last time. Roughly, at least 80 cherubim are heading towards the earth. They ride on asteroids. Regardless of the destructive power of the monsters, there are so many small cherubim. A planet falling to earth is enough to destroy our human civilization."

Captain Xibi has a serious face. Everyone likes to watch the fleeting meteor shower, but no one likes to watch the 'meteor shower' falling to the ground

"Last time, the two Kerubims seemed to be just the vanguard of the scouting force. This time the army is overwhelming, we must deal with them. The whole army is dispatched, and the front marking points converge."

He gave the order, and the team immediately stood at attention.


After responding, head out of the command room.

After the subordinates left, Captain Xibi's expression was a little gloomy.

He wasn't scared because of the upcoming battle, it was simply because he didn't understand the orders above.

It is indeed no problem to set the battle in the universe, but... with so many enemies, the Kulakhu is in crisis again, how is the higher-ups going to intercept it?

At this time, there are still 33 minutes before the meteor swarm arrives near the Martian circle.

On the earth, people looked at the sky with some doubts, and countries at night could see it more clearly.

Rays of light left towards the sky one after another, and at the same time, the person in Japan raised his head.

With such a large-scale dispatch of fighter jets driven by the new Magus power system, the energy fluctuations are very clear.


Kirisaki pondered what happened, and then the emergency evacuation warning sounded.

The sound all over the city instantly startled the people in the city. In one of the schools, the fierce sound seemed to scare the teacher on the podium, and the textbook in her hand fell.

What was unusual was that his expression suddenly changed from enthusiasm to coldness at this time.

The sense of touch in the brain is so strong.

'what happened? '

Uniform who was ejected suddenly did not complain, because the fierce warning sound was so harsh.

'Don't know, but...'

Nangong sensed the fluctuation of energy and knew the urgency of the situation.

No need for him to do anything, the students and parents in the classroom took the initiative to leave to the outside.

Over the past ten years, the drills have been carried out continuously, and the action of emergency evacuation has been engraved in the flesh of the citizens.

Chapter 97 The Monster's Trick

"There is still 1 minute until the asteroid group arrives at the position."

In the command room of the Mars base, the palms of the soldiers reporting the situation were naturally sweating.

This is his first time... no, it should be said that human beings use 'that kind of weapon' so recklessly

Although everyone knows that this is necessary, the tension cannot disappear after all.

Unlike the soldiers who simply obeyed orders, Staff Officer Gondo waited quietly for that moment, and he didn't think about what happened next.

Because there is no need, only if human civilization still exists, can we have the right to think about how to do things in the future.

Yes, that's what he's fighting for.

'The continuation of humanity'

Doesn't the TPC exist for exactly this?

The time spent thinking is less, not less, and more, not much.

It can only be said that 1 minute is still too short after all.

"Countdown, 10, 9, 8——"

The asteroids are moving rapidly, but they are just asteroids after all. They are different from comets with long tails. If it is not for radar, they will not even know their arrival and cannot be seen visually.

These asteroids that hit the earth are not considered large, but the speed and number are enough to cause considerable damage to the earth.

Falling into the ocean is a huge tsunami.

Falling into the ground, it is dust all over the sky.

"3, 2, 1."

The countdown is over, and the course of the asteroid group is so straight that it has long been predicted by the Mars base.

The mines brought out by the team from the Mars base are all over the opposite, and when the internal sensors detect the passing of the object, the brilliance not weaker than the sun will bloom in this space.



"Hahaha, this is truly a masterpiece!"

It was at this moment that the three people in different positions felt that huge force at the same time, which was even more exaggerated than the simultaneous activation and use of the new Magus power system all over the earth.

Every city is being evacuated, and this evacuation is only at the end.

Everyone acts to survive, so no one notices the youth on the roof of the building.

The visual system that is completely different from that of ordinary people can see the second round of the sun rising in the blue sky.

Kirisaki smiled, if that power erupts on Earth...

No, it should be said...

"Because we are in the universe, we can use that weapon unscrupulously."

Inside the alley, Nangong is no stranger to this burst of energy. He also experienced it ten years ago. At that time, a battle that he would never forget in his life took place.

"what is this?"

In the universe illuminated by the brilliance, Asuka couldn't help but speak.

Like him, all the soldiers who have arrived in this universe are shocked by it.

One, two, the brilliance of the explosion formed a long piece, and the strong light released was blocked by the mirror of the Shenying.

And this weapon has gone through numerous improvements over and over again, and has already overcome its initial shortcomings.

The radiation is not strong, what it possesses is only the terrifying killing caused by exaggerated heat.

In an instant, the group of asteroids within the killing range disappeared without a trace in the instant ultra-high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees.

Inside the Victory Condor, the faces of Nakajima and Koda sank at the same time.

They possess some knowledge of the weapons so represented.

"I'm afraid it's a nuclear weapon."

When it was first manufactured, every country felt lingering fears because of the pollution of the surrounding environment. Later, because of the appearance of this weapon, all countries on the earth started an arms race.

It should have been launched and wiped out due to the invasion of the Imperial Stars ten years ago. Why do these weapons appear here in piles now?

The glare in front of everyone's eyes has not completely disappeared, and nothing appears inside, and no asteroid can cross the barrier of light and heat.

This very effective killing made Kariya feel relieved.

"Anyway, at least it works, doesn't it?"

He said that, if he had to fight nearly a hundred monsters, he would definitely feel uneasy.

To put it bluntly, it makes people doubt whether it is possible to win.

"You are right."

Liang also nodded, since the enemy has already revealed their intention to invade the earth, there is no need to show mercy.

However, the words of the two did not make Koda feel relaxed.

What he was thinking about was the hidden meaning behind the existence of these nuclear weapons.

Can nuclear weapons be made from Mars frontline bases alone?How is this possible.

The manufacture of nuclear weapons must be supported by people behind them, and only the TPC and other countries in the world can manufacture nuclear weapons.

'Drop your arms and join hands'

TPC based on this concept is now...

This is not something a soldier should consider, but Xingtian still can't help feeling worried.

TPC seems to have become different from the past without knowing it.

At this time, in the command room of the Mars frontline base, the monitoring data on the screen gradually weakened, and the newly developed nuclear mine was a very effective line of defense.

The only disadvantage is probably that the user has no way to detect how the involved target has become during the duration of the explosion.

Slowly, this space domain became dim again.

The huge energy data also gradually decreased, and the detection system worked again.

"The number remaining is zero."

This is the conclusion that none of the asteroids attacking the earth is left in the destruction of nuclear mines.

"very good."

Staff Officer Gondo relaxed slightly.

'very good. '

Far away at the edge of the solar system, there are also people who think this way in their hearts.

The monsters named Kembiru surrounded the huge existence. Judging from the appearance, that existence was no different from the Kerubims, except that it was several times the size of the Kerubims.

It...or she is the matrix of the Kerubim.

This population is similar to bee colonies on Earth, in that the mother is the leader of the colony and is also responsible for reproduction.

However, compared with the queen bee, what Cherubim's mother has is the ability to think.

Since when did you have this ability?

Monsters that should obey their instincts have the ability to think unknowingly. Although this is rare, it does not exist.

Ten years ago, Menshel Height, who was born out of self-confident energy and darkness, is a monster with the ability to think.

The same is true of the evil god Gatanjah, which appeared from nowhere 3000 million years ago.

It is precisely because of the ability to think that he can play some tricks.

The mother had received information from the scouting force some time ago, and was also aware of their deaths.

In other words, this habitable planet is quite dangerous.

This danger comes from another creature.

"67% of the surface of the fortress is damaged, 35% of the system is paralyzed, there is no way to leave!"

Surrounding the Kulakhu, there are a large number of Kerubim, and they surround this huge metal object that can't move and can be destroyed at any time.

"It just happened to destroy the communication system!"

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