'Did you get noticed?How did they communicate? '

Empat threw out the palm light arrow again, and the pierced asteroid exploded directly, leaving nothing inside.

The fact that he intercepted and achieved results here has been known to the enemy, and the enemy has a means of communication that he does not understand.

Kembiru, who keeps his distance, shoots fireballs.

Asteroids that keep coming and can't just sit back and watch.

While Empat is here to prevent the monsters from attacking the earth, the monsters are also here to prevent Empat from advancing.

Standing deadlocked, exploding, all actions are under the panoramic view.

Detecting and recording, unlike ten years ago, the Mars frontline base is observing and recording in detail, keeping in mind the energy level and wavelength released by Empat during the space battle.

"Zeber, the Black Storm team will come back first."

Quan Teng gave orders to his trusted captain of the Black Storm Team. He knew very well that in the battle between an unknown number of monsters and a giant, the armed forces of the Black Storm Team alone would not be able to exert their strength and would get in the way.


Saeki didn't refuse at all, she trusted her chief from the bottom of her heart.

The whole team retreated backwards as if abandoning Empat, who was fighting on the front line.

A dark universe becomes bright as fire and light mingle.

The fireballs spit out by Kembiru are intertwined, and in the fierce barrage, the figure of that existence can be seen from time to time.

Empat's hands formed a cross in front of him, and when the light burst out, his figure was covered by the passing fireball.

At this moment, the entire battlefield can be divided into three parts.

The first part, is Empat who intercepts the asteroid while evading the attack of Kembiru.

The second part is further ahead, the Condor Flying Squad who first contacted Kembiru and fought.

α, β, γ, a large number of fighters fight with monsters with limited mobility here.

Two fighter jets with the same configuration passed each other, Asuka pulled the trigger, and the beam cannon at the front of the α fighter fired continuously, destroying one of Kerubim's eyes.

The monster that lost its eyes frantically waved its claws, and its tail kept swinging.

What is it like to see nothing in the world?

Floating in this universe are the remains of metal and the corpses of monsters.

He didn't seem to care about his own situation at all, and he didn't seem to care about the deaths of his fellow clansmen. Kembiru, who lost his eyes, spat out fireballs frantically, and was then flooded by more light.

"What do these monsters want!"

Asuka gritted his teeth, and the α-fighter rolled over to open the distance, and the asteroid that passed by its original flight path was only two meters away from smashing it into pieces.

Here to entangle, here to fight, here to die.

What unfolded in the Second Battlefield was a fight in which there seemed to be no escape and no death.

Compared with the fierceness of the first two battlefields, the third part is a bit quieter, but it is strangely quiet.

"This monster is the commander..."

The Kulakhu is no longer able to move autonomously, and it is being transported by a large number of Kembiru.

These monsters, which were violent when attacking and quiet when transporting, spread out to the sides after completing their tasks.

What people saw was the mother body of Kembiru, preliminary detection...

"The body is more than 300 meters!"

The energy level has not yet been revealed and cannot be calculated.

Why did it let its men transport the Kulakhu here?

'Could it be that......'

The commander had a bad premonition in his heart.

At the same moment, Empat's body leaned back, sweeping past his eyes with a spiked tail.

No matter what kind of creature it is, its physical strength will have a limit.

The attack of the Kerubims was the same, the release of fireballs reached the limit, and they had to close the distance.

Empat ignored the passing cherubim, the back of his left hand popped out like a springboard, and slammed the other cherubim hard on the face.

After knocking a monster into the air, he flicked his right hand to the upper corner, and the purple light bullet smashed into the asteroid, leaving nothing inside.

'It goes on forever. '

The body deflected, deflected again, deflected constantly, the number advantage of the Kerubims was very obvious, and they kept oppressing.

If you are completely restricted to fight here, you will only treat the symptoms, not the root cause.

Empat caught the slashing claws with both hands, threw the enemy flying over his shoulder, and then immediately raised his right arm, and the enemy's claws collided with his forearm.

At this moment, a green light passed over the right side of his cheek, and precisely hit Kerubim's shoulder.

Supporting them was the Black Storm team that had broken away from the battle line before.

The Victory Phantom is back, with special equipment.

'that is......'

Empat hadn't actually used such equipment, but he had some knowledge of it.

When fighting EX Tyrant, Dyna's last blow was exaggerated because of it.

The next moment, Empat was frightened.

No kidding, he was really scared.

In the universe where monsters were flying around, one of the Victory Phantoms advanced rapidly, passed through the gap, and rushed straight to him.

In response to this abnormal situation, Empat pushed both arms to the left and right at the same time, and the blasted thought force formed an invisible 'field' to push away all the approaching enemies.

His right hand is in front, different from the aggressive Nianli, the soft Nianli guides the Phantom and pulls it to the palm of his hand.

Contact is the medium for transmitting sound, and the female voice is transmitted to his ears.

"Enpat, that is the light particle amplifier developed by our TPC, which can greatly increase the energy, use this!"

Captain Saeki could feel how intense her heart was beating. If he wanted to cross the road where the monsters gathered, he had to go at full speed.

And the goal of this full speed ahead is Empat.

If one fails, she and her love machine will directly collide with each other, and the machine will be destroyed.

Fortunately, the plan worked.

Because she was willing to believe that Empat would catch her, at least she had already helped her and her team when the opponent on Mars fought the blue Ultraman.

Zobo's words were completely understood by Empat. His right hand held the Phantom in front of his chest. The burst of thought power pushed away the surrounding Kerubim, leaving enough road for him to pass through.

In an instant, at a speed that the monsters could not stop, Empat climbed rapidly towards the top.

The light particle amplifier transported by the Phantom was pulled by an invisible force, and the five rings were pulled together to the position where Empat was.

In just a short two seconds, there was no one in the siege of the Kerubim.

But it was also during these two seconds that an asteroid flying in the distance passed by.

Saeki's fingers quickly flicked on the control panel in the cockpit, and she is now in charge of the control of these devices.

Soon, the ring unfolded, and an invisible force field gushed out from within.

Empat's right hand pushed the Phantom a distance to the right, concentrating energy at this position overlooking the entire battlefield from his angle.

The rings of different sizes were arranged, and his clenched fists were also straightened to the sides.

The black line pulls the dark energy and completes the compression before the timer.

When the arms are crossed directly in front, the absorbed energy is also increased in the body due to the accumulation of energy, and the irrepressible energy leaks through the whole body.

Empat's entire body was covered in shadows, only the timer on his chest and his blue pupils proved that he was not pure black.

The arms joined each other to form an L shape, and jet-black particles spewed out.

When this particle goes through the first ring, the vertical line becomes a circle, and then, it is a new ring.

One, two, layer upon layer.

Three, four, overwhelmed.

In the last one, the range was expanded almost ten times, and the pitch-black light rain fell, instantly covering the entire universe.

The approaching asteroids, the receding asteroids, and the Cherubim who are trying to get closer, are pierced by the cold dark energy.

Empat's increased force again, and the violently pushed light caused the light particle amplifiers to explode one after another.

At this moment, there is no starlight in this universe, only the darkness like ink.

The only ones who could witness this scene were the members of the Black Storm team.

They used their own eyes to see the pitch-black world where there was no light at all. This was Empat's power, and the shadow-wreathed body exuded a terrible sense of oppression.

This resulting sense of fear reached its limit after there were no enemies or asteroids in the entire universe.

However, fear can be transformed.

When the other person lowered his arm, when he nodded in gratitude, this feeling turned into a sense of reassurance.

'Ultraman is an unknown existence'

Be wary of the unknown.

But he is not so unknown, because he is the guardian of mankind.

Not only that, ten years ago, everyone heard his voice and words.

It has nothing to do with order, nothing to do with the future, he just hopes that human beings can be more like human beings and become better.

The next moment, Empat's figure disappeared without a trace.

He rushed to the second battlefield at a speed that human eyes could not see. The dark particles floating in the universe also dissipated because of the master's departure. the amplifier.

When the Cherubim near Mars were all wiped out, the Cherubim mother who never received any feedback was even more gloomy.

The native species of this planet are stronger and harder to defeat than imagined.


There is no fear or anger in the mother's heart, only more thinking.

How can we win?

How can we occupy that planet?

The burst of energy just now was the strongest it had ever encountered.

If we want to defeat that obstacle that is approaching at high speed...

The mother's gaze turned to the Kulakhu, which was only a few meters away from it.

It didn't hesitate, and directly grasped the fortress with both hands.

The Kulakhu, which has already been scarred on the surface, is something that can be crushed with a little force for the mother body, but its purpose is not to crush this thing.

Chapter 99

"Empat is here!"

"Empat is here!"

When that giant appeared on this battlefield, morale suddenly soared.

The first people on earth to trust Ultraman were the TPC soldiers fighting on the front lines. Ten years later, there is still no big difference.

The old people know the difficulties at the beginning, and the new people grow up listening to the story of Ultraman.

Before I knew it, a strange feeling had taken root in my heart.

At the same time, it lived up to everyone's expectations. Although it was silent and there was no aftermath, when Empat's elbow hit a Kerubim's head, the opponent did not make any movement after flying out. The results proved his strength.

Empat waved his purple-dyed arms, and the two energy blades advanced rapidly, cutting the tails of the two Kerubim, and the two fighter jets that were about to be hit by only a short distance left in time.

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