After saving others, his palms meet in front of him, but the extracted energy only exists in his right arm.

Purple and white, white is more vivid, this is the extracted energy, mixed with the power called 'Spaceum'.

In addition, another kind of power has gradually assimilated with him without knowing it. The light left by Tiga is also mixed with the same "Zapeliao" as him.

Since it is a combination of two light energies, it should be called Spirio.

The sound of force was only heard by Empat himself, and the huge purple-white light wheel was spinning at a high speed beside him.

Putting most of the power into it, the total number of Kerubim present here is 57.

If you want to eliminate such a large number of enemies in one go, you need to use another trick.

Empat throws forward with his right arm, and Spiral's halo spins out.

Immediately afterwards, the deliberately unstable energy inside the light wheel began to split, changing from one to dozens.

The split halo released during the fierce battle with Baltan's general reappeared, and the trick created to fight against a large number of enemies is rarely used, but once there is such a chance...

"Okay, that's amazing..."

Inside the β-fighter, the blond-haired blue-eyed man stared blankly at the bright discs one after another. The discs are constantly rotating, and the sharp serrated blades are rarely blocked by anything.

And it's a pity that Kerubim's skin is not that hard.

With the release of Empat's thought power, the light wheel moves and cuts rapidly under the manipulation.

The fireball was split in two from the center, the tail was cut off along with the sparks, and the skin was cut with scorched marks.

A scene that can almost be called brutal is displayed here, without hesitation or slowness, the light wheel slices open one monster after another.

The struggling movements of the Cherubim are meaningless, their sharp claws, their sharp horns, their tails and fireballs do not have the hardness to resist the light wheel.

Even if you barely block it once, you can't bear the second one.

Dozens of discs walked in arcs and straight lines in this area, precisely avoiding the fast-flying fighter jets and hitting the huge monsters.

When the light flashed, the monster's arms, legs, and even the head, the body was cut into different parts.

Five seconds, ten seconds, Empat turned his head away, and Kerubim, who had attracted the light wheel in front, suddenly climbed up, and the attacking light wheel passed by the left side of his cheek, cutting into another place more than 200 meters behind. Only the inside of Cherubim's chest.

The gap in strength is so obvious that anyone can see it clearly, so that this is not like a battle, but like...

The asteroid group that was advancing before had stopped when Empat released the Zapelio light. Without distraction, the energy became more abundant due to the universe. This amount is only right. It's nothing to him.

After 30 seconds passed, the rotating light wheel began to shatter, turning into lavender particles, which could not last even half a second before disappearing without a trace.

If there is air, the smell of burning must be pervasive.

Convinced that the enemies here are all defeated and that no one escapes to the earth, Empat accelerates again, heading for the enemy's final location.

'It's just...'

This is an inappropriate feeling, and Uniq, who has witnessed the whole process, can't help but feel a little...

Even though Empat is protecting the earth, and she is the object of protection, there is still a strange feeling.

Leaving the Condor's team behind, Empat sped forward.

Nangong was also thinking, he didn't have too many weak thoughts, he was just thinking about what the enemy's purpose was.

Although there is no specific number, he still has a vague general understanding.

At least one hundred Kerubim died at his hands.

The question is, why are they still not afraid?

As a person who kept fighting monsters, he had naturally seen monsters being afraid. The fear of death was an instinct of living things, but from just now, it seemed that Kerubim did not have the slightest fear.

This answer...

Empat's eyes were already able to see the enemy's figure, some distance away from Pluto, the huge Kerubim stood on the huge asteroid wreckage.

It is enough to know the difference between it and other Kerubim from the size alone, not to mention those ordinary species that guard around it like a guard.

The moment he notices the enemy, he is also noticed by the enemy.

Kerubim's matrix stared at the existence exuding strange energy. Judging from its size alone, it couldn't understand why the existence with such power was so small.

But this kind of thing is not the point.

It has been waiting for this moment, the moment when the two sides face each other.

The vanguard who went to the destination not long ago, as well as the mixed 'blindfolds' all disappeared.

None of those things could reach their destination, and the existence in front of them intercepted everything.

Why did the other party do this?

To test this, Kerubim's mother body made a movement, and its hands began to exert force.

"The system is damaged by 47%, and the oxygen leak cannot be stopped. The current remaining capacity is 33%, and it should last for 21 minutes!"

"The injured have been transported to the center!"

"This Empat!"

Inside the Kulakhu, the crew tried their best to save themselves, however, the continuous leakage of oxygen alone has sentenced everyone to death.

"The fortress is damaged again! The residual oxygen level is 32, 31, 30... and it is still decreasing!"

The soldier monitoring the situation of the fortress said anxiously, he couldn't maintain a stable state of mind, rather, there are not many people in this world who can remain calm before life and death.

Even if the distance between the two sides is so far, the strange shape of the Kurakhu cannot escape Empat's eyes.

He could see the deformation on the surface of the fortress, and he could also see the cracks torn open above.


Empat instinctively understood what the other party wanted to do, and he subconsciously stopped his actions.

This was a wrong choice. Without communication or understanding, this action made out of concern for the Kulakhu revealed information.

Kerubim's mother body instantly understood this, and kept its ears open, releasing the ultrasonic wave to issue an order.

One, ten, one hundred, in an instant, a brilliance brighter than the stars appeared in front of my eyes.

The flames gushing from the mouths of the Cherubim formed light spots, and they simultaneously spit out this energy as fireballs.

Empat, who sensed the danger, began to evade, but this action stopped halfway.

The hands of the Cherubim mother body strengthened again, as if to crush the Kulakhu.

Immediately afterwards, inside the Kurakhu, everyone observed that scene.

Empat's body was engulfed in the explosion created by the fireball, which was just the beginning.

The Cherubim mother who had been acting as the commander raised its tail. Unlike the normal species, its tail turned into a huge fireball at this time, and this fireball split into more fireballs.

These more powerful fireballs moved towards the center of the brilliance. When they came into contact with them, a huge sphere like a star was formed, and the burning black shadow inside could be vaguely seen.

At this moment, there was no longer any obstruction, and the fragments of the asteroid with Kerubim hidden inside were thrown out, with only one target, and that was the earth.

Noticing this, Empat, who broke free from the flames, had no time to act, and the two sections of the Kulakhu's propulsion wings were directly broken.

Grasping the moment when his movement stopped, the fireball exploded on his body, blasting him directly out.

The ejected asteroid raced forward and appeared on Condor's radar as blips.

The flying team that was still rushing to the battlefield noticed something strange, and Asuka immediately raised his head.

"This is?!"

Several asteroids passed over his head.

"Is there any more!"

The rays of light shoot continuously, trying to intercept those asteroids.

However, the reaction speed is not enough.

The asteroids thrown towards the earth at full speed separated a distance of more than a kilometer in an instant. The Shenying stopped suddenly, turned, and chased again. At this time, the distance of [-] meters was already separated.


What is going on with such a fearless monster who doesn't seem to have the slightest pity for its own life?

Why do they come to the earth, why do they stare at the earth?

Is there any hesitation time?

There is no such time.

The new Magus power system was activated, and the Condor immediately caught up with the asteroid group ahead.

Aim at them and the light shatters the asteroid.

The three aircraft separated immediately and shot at different asteroids.

Their purpose is not to kill the monster, but to pull out the monster inside.

As long as they don't land on Earth, half the battle is won, so there's no need to actually fight them.

With such an idea to intercept, is the matter so simple?

Even if the flying team doesn't want to get entangled with the monster, it doesn't mean the monster will let them go.

On the human side, smashing more asteroids to keep Kerubim from landing on Earth.

On the side of Kerubim, it is to land on the earth to prevent more asteroids from being crushed.

Attack the target, get blocked, more monsters appear due to the smashed asteroid.

The battlefield instantly became incomparably chaotic.

I don't know where the fireball came from, and I don't know which comrade-in-arms the flying light came from.

"Don't want to go!"

No matter how hard you try, there are still fish that slip through the net.

Asuka operated the body to the limit, and the α-fighter chased the distant asteroid.

Although it is still equipped with the new Magus power system, it is different from the combination, and cannot perform such ultra-distance sailing.

Watching the asteroids grazing into the distance one after another, Asuka took out the 'blade' from his bosom with his right hand

Warm light gushed out from within, as if urging him to transform.


If you transform, you will fight monsters.

What are these monsters fighting for?

Why invade the earth?

The moment the question popped up in his heart, Asuka knew that he was still hesitating and still couldn't find any answer.

He is afraid to make choices.

When he realized that the choice had weight and he had to bear it all the time, he began to be afraid.

Looking up, the distant asteroids are almost invisible. What would happen if they fell to the earth?

"A real fight..."

Regardless of the reason, monsters with malicious intent will destroy and cause tragedy, parents will lose their children, and children will lose their parents.

But when I kill monsters in order to protect human beings, will there be monster companions and family members crying?

"It's time to start!"

Not sure, but...

The blade of the flashing sword popped out, and the gentle light enveloped the whole body.

Dyna's figure changed from blurred to clear, faster than the α fighter, his hands formed a cross in front, different from the Solgate ray, the Spetsium ray with lower energy consumption penetrated a An asteroid that penetrates the inner Kerubim.

The high-temperature particles raged in the enemy's body, and then shattered the flesh.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The battle on the front line is still going on, and the Mars base is monitoring the battle situation.

"It was detected that the asteroid group is approaching...and Dyna!"

The words were changed in the middle due to new news, and the tone of the messenger was full of surprise.

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