Aiming at the pair of eyes, the swordsman who slashed out the emerald green light blade with his backhand cut the enemy's eyes and burned the launcher.

At a very close distance, the two light blades swung quickly, and the giant sword that crossed the defense slashed at the rear body.

Stabbing, chopping, picking, in order to interrupt this smooth attack, the floating claw changed the target of the attack and aimed.

'How can it be so simple! '

Guregel's figure became blurred, and his flying kick directly kicked the floating claw away, and the beam of light that was about to shoot was also interrupted.

At the other end, Zamsha, who raised his two swords high, took a step and cut down the enemy's giant sword before it swung.

Can't see anything, Galatron only saw the movements of 'raising the sword' and 'finishing the slash'.

After a few seconds, it fell in two.

Chapter 140 A Certain Omen

In the severely damaged city, Zamsha retracted his sword and kicked the motionless wreckage.

"It's the 8th station, it's really troublesome."

This mechanical weapon called Galatron has been found in various locations.

Although they have a similar shape to monsters, they are essentially different things, and they are accompanied by space teleportation every time they appear.

From the original one to the current one, there are a total of 8 machines, and different individuals have been discovered from different galaxies.

The Star Alliance felt a sense of crisis because they arrived using 'space teleportation'.

8 monster weapons, 8 have been found now, and 800 may be found in the future.

Think about what will happen if this thing locks on the target and directly arrives at the capital of civilization through space teleportation. After a round of bombing, it runs away after hitting the target.

Civilizations with capabilities are already researching new transmission verification mechanisms.

Of course, these are things scientists are doing.

As a soldier fighting on the front line, Zamsha's job is to patrol everywhere, so he happened to meet the new Galatron here.

"By the way, have you seen where this thing came from?"

He turned around and looked at Guregel who was calming his breathing.

That clumsy disguise couldn't fool Zamsha. Having observed Empat up close, he knew what the giant of light's energy fluctuations were like.

"I don't know, it suddenly appeared in the city."

Guregel shook his head, he just came out of the restaurant one second, and saw a mechanical monster rushing out from nowhere in the next second.

Then came the troublesome battle.

For Zamxia's sneak attack, he didn't feel any disgust in his heart.

Because the faster you defeat this ghost, the sooner you can end the disaster.

'Sure enough, it was deeply affected. '

Guregel evaluated his own thoughts in his heart. If it was him at the beginning, he would definitely be unhappy with Zamsha's sneak attack, because he destroyed the "sacred battle"

It's just that during those years of acting as a show, he unknowingly also acquired some soft things, people will change.

"Do you know what this is?"

For Guregel who ran to Earth without authorization and left the Star Alliance without authorization, Galatron was a strange existence.

"I don't know where it came from. It may be a weapon made by an extinct civilization, or it may be that a civilization that has not been observed has messed up something. In short, I don't know. "

Zamsha gave an answer that was equivalent to saying nothing.

For Galatron, the only thing the Star Alliance can confirm is that 'the material of the entire machine is an unknown product'

"Won't the universe be in chaos again?"

He whispered something, peace and war, people in their right mind prefer the former.

Is it not good to live and work in peace and contentment?

Although he is a warrior, Zamsha traveled to many places when the empire still existed, and saw many scenes there.

One side is the winner, the other side is the loser, and the races are completely different. How can there be any good things in this situation.

Zamsha's words did not escape Guregel's ears.

'Going to mess up again? '

Hearing the incredible words, what the hell is going on with this mechanical weapon?

"Anyway, I'll contact you first...huh?"

I just took out the communication device, and what I saw was a message from a very distant place.

'Zamsha, the situation has changed, and I will come to New Baltan immediately. '

As the text was written like this, his expression became serious.

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Should it be said that it is self-inflicted, or is the risk that research will inevitably bring?

The underground research area of ​​Star New Baltan was busy. Sitting there, Galatron whose limbs had been completely disassembled had red eyes, and the red crystal on his chest had been removed at some point.

It is in the state of being activated at this time without any weapons remaining. In order to obtain more information, Baltan repaired it to a certain extent.

The result in exchange is to speed up the analysis speed.

Baltan's translation equipment plus Galatron's own translation equipment, the addition of the two will bring even greater gains.

However, just as these actions were proceeding steadily, the inside of Galateron shot out a 'wavelength' that no one could predict in advance

When Baltan was about to pursue it, the incredibly fast wavelength had gone nowhere.

Regardless of who Galatron had notified, the coordinates of Neo-Baltan were almost certainly revealed.

This is troublesome, the current Baltan has not yet returned to the military level of the peak period.

Even more troubling is the fact that Galatron 'sent a message to something'.

That's enough proof that there's something else behind it.

"Civilization that has not been discovered for such a long time, is it a location that has not been explored? Or..."

The main cadre of the research, Diana's hair is messy, and whenever she is upset, she will always tear off a lot of her hair.

Fortunately, the evolved body no longer needs to use hair restorer or the like, otherwise it would be strange for women to spray that kind of thing on their heads every day or two.

In her cognition, a civilization that only dwells on a small planet is absolutely unable to research this kind of thing, but if it explores outward, it should be noticed by the Star Alliance.

In other words, it was a civilization bred in an undiscovered location in this vast universe... Originally, she would have guessed that.

"It can't be from other universes..."

Zamsha and Nangong have been to this planet more than once, and Nangong once said something about 'other universes'.

After learning about this, Diana was very concerned about it.

Come to think of it, is there a difference between universes and universes?

Different rules, different ages, and different birth methods may also lead to different destruction methods. What does another universe look like?


At this moment, a reminder sound interrupted her thinking.

"Huh? Isn't he on Earth?"

Any creature, any race will have different fluctuations, and Ultraman is of course no exception.

Diana has already developed the 'Enpater Detection Device'

That is a detector that can capture Ultraman's fluctuations.

She stood up from the seat, ready to meet the 'subject she wanted to study' she hadn't seen for a long time

She turned and left without noticing one thing, that is, the mark on the detector was not going straight in one direction, but floating aimlessly.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line


Three different powers became two powers, the pure white of Tiga fused with the red of Tyranoid.

And when the dark blue Empat touched, the power of Tyranoid was directly ejected.

Three-point power is essentially three completely different giants.

For example, a person can help a person, but a person cannot integrate with another person, it is such an obvious thing.

However, only one of the three giants actually has self-awareness.

That is Empat, Nangong Lan.

So fusion shouldn't be that impossible...probably.

"He has a bitter face."

Pushing in front of him was a very, very ordinary glass of ice water with sugar dissolved.

Nangong took it, and drank the sweet syrup inside.

"I don't think I should have made an expression."

He sat in front of the bar in the coffee shop, Ryoko blinked in front of him.

"Although he didn't make an expression, isn't it proof that he has something on his mind if he doesn't speak at all?"

A person who is always distracted, with a pensive look, is completely exposed.

"It makes sense."

Nangong had to admit that what the other party said was right, but just observing people's performance is already a thing that needs long-term training.

The so-called observation of words and expressions is not easy to do.

"So what are you bothering about? Things aren't actually being resolved?"

Ryoko tried to think about it, and found that there were probably only a few things that would bother Ultraman.

It can't be that you are worrying about what to eat tonight.

It is said that if a person can worry about what to have for dinner for more than ten minutes, he is indeed a very special person.

If you want to say that there is something that Nangong can relax, it must be the point of "Every friend knows that he is Ultraman".

Most of the time there is no need to worry about being alone.

"I don't know if it has been resolved, but I know that I have new troubles."

What is it that solves the Sfia black hole?

It can't be the Space Guard. If it was them, they would definitely say hello.

"Anyway, have another drink first."

Nangong felt the taste in his mouth. The lightly sweet sugar water was surprisingly delicious, and he learned some small details in life that he didn't know if it was useful or not.

"Speaking of which, you seem to be unexpectedly greedy."

Another person was seated on his right side where there was no one else, and Yui looked at Nangong who was actually a 'young person' in her eyes with curious eyes.

She had discovered this before, whether it was eating or cooking, this person was surprisingly enthusiastic.

Altman's hobby is actually cooking?

"Because there's not much left to feel like."

Nangong's feelings when he is not possessed can almost be called blank.

At this time, the feeling on the tip of the tongue is very precious.

"And even though I haven't demonstrated it, the thing I'm really good at is grilling."


"Well, you can do anything if you push people into a hurry."

At the beginning, Zamsha and Zamsha were on different planets to hunt and cook on the spot to avoid starvation, mainly to prevent Zamxia from starving to death.

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