"Barbecue, BBQ..."

Uniq thought about it, but she went to the barbecue that was specially prepared for food, and the person who did the barbecue was her father.

Inside the cafe, people take a break here.

After the crisis was over, he returned to his own life.

Today's Ultraman is still so reliable, I don't know what's going on, but as long as he wins, it's fine.

What happened to Mars?

What is going on with this crisis?

All we have to do is wait for the TPC to be announced. Instead, we can’t think of any process after much deliberation. It’s better to just wait for the answer from the above.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

The laboratory was in a mess, and the computer was completely destroyed by the violent explosion.

And in the huge space filled with scorched black, Tyranoid, who should have been standing there, disappeared without a trace.

The artificial Ultraman project was a success.

The man-made Ultraman project also failed.

Terra Noyd really moved, and also showed enough ability to fight monsters.

Letting humans master the power of Ultraman is what the current TPC wants to do.

This is indeed a success, but where it fails is that Terranoid is gone.

They didn't even know who had gained the power of Terranoid.

Sfia's invasion has brought a lot of damage. At present, 80% of the equipment in the entire Mars base is in a state of paralysis. Fortunately, there is no problem with the life support facilities, otherwise everyone would not survive.

"Dr. Masaki..."

Masaki Keigo, the man who occupies the leading plan in all kinds of plans.

His name is also on the missing list.

However, this so-called 'disappearance' is actually not much different from 'death'.

The researchers and soldiers who were swallowed by Sfia were also judged as 'missing' because their bodies could not be found

The surviving researchers bowed their heads in silence in this completely damaged laboratory. Fortunately, they were still alive and could create more things while still alive.

Unfortunately, some people did not survive, which is the most unfortunate.

The invaders are so ruthless, they say something that seems to be great, but in fact they keep taking away the things that others cherish and care about.

A look that is good for you but does not give you the power to choose.

Yes, the power to choose.

How to get the 'power of choice'

There is only one answer, which is stronger, strong enough to resist or even defeat any enemy who dares to visit.

This is not some selfless development of force, but the crisis-ridden environment makes human beings have to master stronger power.

"Invaders, and Earth... Huh."

Taking the shuttle, Staff Admiral Gondo, who survived Sfia's attack, was heading towards the direction of the earth.

No one is closer to the enemy and death than him, and under such circumstances, his words and experience are very important.

For Staff Officer Gondo, the wording and speech scripts are all familiar by heart.

He is ready to continue persuading the leaders of various countries to vigorously develop force, and he is also ready for new proposals.

From the beginning, he felt that there were countless time bombs buried on the earth, and this incident perfectly confirmed this point.

Chapter 140: The Volatility Covering the Earth

"What are you doing?"


It's not good to sit in front of the bar all the time and dominate the seat, so Nangong changed to other ordinary seats.

What he observed was none other than Ryoko who was chatting with customers at the bar.

Now that Kyoko is not here, she went out with other shop assistants to stock up on raw materials.

On Saturday's rest day, Nangong has enough time to rest here and do nothing.

The interesting thing is that after yesterday's battle, he really felt a strong sense of exhaustion.

Unlike when I didn't have a body, the fatigue now cannot be recovered by just sleeping.

"It sounds really good."

Of course, Uniform could also hear the voice, which came from the bar.

"Bai Chuan, if you have nothing to do tonight, how about having dinner with me?"

According to Nangong's upright hearing during this period, he was already the fourth man who proposed the invitation.

You have to admit that people's aesthetics are so simple, if someone looks good, someone will have a good impression.

Ryoko's answer to this was:

"Although I am very grateful for your invitation, I don't have any plans for that right now."

This was a very straightforward refusal, so it also made the young man who sent the invitation look disappointed.


"what happened?"

Noticing Nangong's thoughtful expression, Uniyi was a little curious.

"It's different from the previous answer."

If I remember correctly, it should be:

'Sorry, I still have things to do later in the evening. '

'It sounds very good, and I will think about it slowly later. '

'It's really pleasing, but unfortunately I've been a little busy with my schedule lately. '

Although they are all refusals, the meaning revealed in them is indeed somewhat different.

"There will be different answers to different people. Do you think that person is very young?"

Uniq pointed to the young man who wanted to initiate the pursuit.

"If such a young man gives some ambiguous answers, he will not be able to understand the situation, so he must firmly refuse. As for the three people before..."

She actually had some impressions of them.

"The first is the stalker type, the second is the flamboyant type, and the third is a veritable playboy. The art of speaking is still very important."

Having said that, Uniq looked at the existence next to him that was essentially 'different from humans'.

"It may be difficult for you to understand, but for getting along with people, it is also very important not to embarrass others when you speak."

Although there are some misunderstandings in this sentence, it does have something to say.

In fact, Nangong basically fought away from the crowd for ten years, and had little contact with normal society.

But even he could see one thing.

"Where did you hear that sentence?"

He didn't think Uniform would have such an idea at all.


So, Uniform immediately showed a smirk.

"It was Sister Liangzi who told me that 'eight-faced and exquisite' is a complimenting idiom, which has nothing to do with derogation. It is neither exploitative nor hypocritical. Skillful choice of words can make getting along with people simple and easy. Bai also needs to be divided into places."

It's the same as when you see a person dressed in a mess on the street, you can't go up and say 'you are so ugly'.

"Everyone has something like a mask. They wear more or less, depending on the occasion."

While speaking, Unii swayed as if holding something in his hand.

"That's right."

Nangong nodded, fully understanding the meaning.

Language is indeed an amazing thing.

He picked up the glass and took another sip.

And at this moment, the female guest who was also sitting at the table in front stood up.

No matter how she thought about it, she felt that the guest in front of her was a bit strange, her eyes were always looking at places she couldn't see, and from time to time she made some reactions as if she was responding to someone.

On the Internet, this female guest has seen a lot of sharing about "hitting ghosts" in recent years.


"It's scary."

"Seems to be."

Nangong put down the empty cup, and the window on the right let in sunlight.

Also at this moment, something is different.


From the top of the sky, in the star-studded universe, unique wavelengths began to spread.

Spread from top to bottom, from one point to the surrounding.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

In late June, the temperature has already risen to a level that is completely unmatched in spring.

Inside the city, there are also people busy.

For example, Arisugawa and Kirisaki sitting in the noodle shop.


The two of them ordered a lunch each, then rummaged through the interior.

"Since such incidents have already occurred, of course stronger supervision will be carried out. How can the same incident occur twice in a row?"

Kirisaki is a delicious person, but he didn't start eating at this time.

The reason why Arisukawa came here was naturally because of exposure.

Someone once ate disgusting bugs in the noodles of this restaurant. It is unforgivable for a restaurant to do such a thing.

Of course, the other party did not admit it.

"And let me ask you a question, do you still want to eat noodles after knowing this?"

"Are you kidding me, I'm going to vomit!"

"Look, aren't you very clear?"

Kirizaki's words have already explained the essence. After knowing that there were dead insects in the noodles of this store, no matter how you look at it, you feel that the noodles with good color and fragrance become disgusting, and you can't raise the quality of eating.

"If this incident becomes a big issue, other customers will not come to this store again, so of course it is impossible to admit that your exposure makes the victims feel comfortable, but it may lead to the dismal business of this store."

Of course, there is a huge flaw in these words.

"Are you speaking from the store's point of view?"

In a sense, Arisugawa, who has been "poisoned" by Kirisaki, has become less one-sided and one-sided.

"From the store's point of view, this is true, but from the consumer's point of view, it is completely the consumer's disadvantage."

She didn't think it was okay, not at all.

"The best solution is for merchants to apologize to consumers in private, and everyone to settle the matter in private, and then in order to prevent such a thing from happening again, merchants should strengthen supervision, find out the cause of this situation and solve it."

What Arisugawa is talking about is an ideal situation, but it is also an ideal situation that is difficult to achieve. Why?

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