There are people who choose to stay in 'connection' and they part after saying goodbye to each other.

Watching this scene, the youth's trouser legs were gently pulled.


"I know, don't rush me."

Nangong withdrew his gaze, but Gedi was very dissatisfied

Distracted while walking the dog, you are human!

180 Chapter Six Face to Face

Here is a piece of green grass. On the grass, the fluffy and chubby Shiba Inu is running at a very agile speed.

It jumped up, and jumped up without even waiting for the Frisbee to fall, directly catching it.

On earth, this is a very familiar activity for dog owners. When they see it, they will naturally smile knowingly, and sigh that it is really a cute and interesting dog.

Of course, the things thrown are not limited to frisbees, and baseballs can also be used.

Watching the Shiba Inu named 'Gedi' running back with its tail flickering, Nangong suddenly had a strange idea:

'It has completely turned into a, it was originally a dog. '

But the physique of this dog and the dog cannot be generalized. Gedi once tore the super beast with his hands in extreme anger.

How did the ultra-ancient koma dog monsters that punched monsters and kicked super beasts become what they are today?

"well done."

Nangong knelt down, rubbed his head with one hand, and pinched his face with the other.

Sure enough, it was because she was raised so well that things turned into the way they are today, all of which are Kyoko's responsibility, but she will not apologize.

The other party's 'arrogant smile' immediately appeared in my mind

"Well, try this."

He took the frisbee and took a ham sausage out of his pocket.

Spread it out, take it out, and it will be fleshy when you shake it.

As expected, wherever the sausage moved, Geddy's eyes would move there.

"Geddy, go catch it."

Get up and throw it. Under the cover of night, most people can't see what it is, so Nangong will do this.

For Gedi, compared with the eyes, the first thing he smelled was the smell of meat.

Following the call of its nose and appetite, it rushed out quickly, jumped up at a speed that was absolutely unmatched by ordinary dogs, crushed it with its teeth, and happily tasted the delicious food when it landed.

Seeing such a scene, Nangong folded his hands on his shoulders, and suddenly felt a strong sense of déjà vu.

If I really want to say...

"A land seal?"

He had seen the performance of Ocean Park on TV, and the seals jumped up to catch the small dried fish thrown by the trainer in this way.

Geddy, you still watch the seal show.


It was a urging sound, and Nangong could understand the meaning.

So, he touched the pocket of the windbreaker and took out various snacks.

Cookies, chocolate, and even jelly.

These were given to him by Kyoko before leaving the coffee shop.

Now if you take a closer look...

"Why do I feel that you have eaten better than me in the past ten years?"

How could this be?

What went wrong?

Nangong was thinking about it carefully. If you calculate it, when Gedi was enjoying the blessings on earth, he was fighting everywhere.

Geddy had Kyoko and the others grooming and playing, and he was hunting on desert planets so that someone wouldn't starve to death.

What exactly caused this situation?

"It's all thanks to Zamsha."

If he is not him, but he is her, who will take care of whom!


In the distant land of China, an alien who climbed the Great Wall in the evening sneezed.


The island country on the ocean, Gedi said that he will come again, he has not been with the owner for such a long time, come again!

"Well, let's try this."

Nangong held the snow cake between his fingertips and quickly flicked it forward.

In an instant, Gedi's eyes became sharper.

It was the orange lightning running on the ground, accompanied by a crisp sound, when it landed, it raised its head proudly, with six pieces of snow cakes in its mouth.

Geddy crunched them into pieces and swallowed them.

It was also at this time that Nangong began to count, he wanted to see the remaining snacks in his pocket and how many times he threw them like this.

About that... seven times?

The package was torn open, and Nangong stuffed the senbei into his mouth.

It's six times now.

He had to admit that seeing someone eating happily made him suddenly feel hungry.

On this piece of grass, one person and one dog share snacks.

I have to say, this scene is kind of weird.


"This? I'll try."

If I really want to describe it, it is a person talking to a dog, and he must have no friends at ordinary times.

Suddenly, Geddy's expression changed.

It is very clear what kind of feeling this is, and a sense of vigilance surges from its heart.


Hearing someone's call, the young man who stepped into this grassland carried a creature like a doll in his arms.

There was no one around, so the pair of black horns began to rotate, and produced a little flickering electric current.

Even after ten years, King Aire and Gedi still can't get used to each other.

"Liang, sit here."


Ten years ago, it was youth and teenagers.

Ten years later, it's youth and youth.

The two look like peers from the outside.

On the grass, there were King Aire who quickly climbed onto Nangong's shoulder with his hands and feet, and Gedi who kept pulling on Nangong's trouser legs.

Seconds later, Geddy picked up a bar of chocolate and whimpered.

Nangong unpacked the package and handed it to Gedi.

With a triumphant cry, it reached King Airi's ears, and it also took out the same, exactly the same chocolate.

It's just that the action was a little funny.

Holding an unopened chocolate in short hands, he pokes it in the face.

Because King Airi has no mouth.



There is a cry on one side, and the sound of an electric current on the other, and the two sides seem to use this to communicate.

"Okay, calm down."

Nangong sighed, the two sides just couldn't get along well, and he didn't know why.

Tear open the package with both hands, and hand the soda crackers inside to Geddie.

The gap between the right hands converts light energy into electric current, and this electric current becomes the food of King Airi.

Watching this way of getting along, Ryo blinked, overlapping with the scene from ten years ago.

"You haven't changed at all."

Not sarcasm, but a heartfelt exclamation.

Whether it was ten years ago or ten years later, Empat was the same Empat, so Nangong was still the same Nangong.

"You have changed a lot."

Nangong looked at Liang beside him, the thin boy in the past... Well, he hasn't become very strong or anything like that.

"You have become reliable, you have become mature, and colleagues in the hospital are relying on you. I think it's amazing."

"No, it's not that..."

Happy, but shy at the same time, being praised so bluntly makes Liang very embarrassed.

And he also noticed another thing.

"Wait, have you visited me?"

Totally didn't notice.

"of course."

Nangong nodded, even though he had changed his appearance at the time, it was only natural that he couldn't recognize him.

"At that time, the teenager who gave up on himself and wanted to ask for help but gave up asking for help is now helping others. It is really remarkable."

He smiled and reached out to rub the black hair of the young man beside him.

"Because I also want to be somebody's hope."

Feeling the palm of his head, Ryo gave his reason for deciding to become a doctor.

I have been rescued before, so I want to save people.

Straightforwardly simple and stupid reasons, and at the same time...

"When my grandfather passed away, even though I knew that people were born, aged, sick and died, I was still very sad. At that time, I couldn't do anything, so I worked so hard. I don't want to see someone who can't do anything when they are in the hospital bed. arrive."

Initially, it did.

"It's just that after I became a doctor, I found that the situation that I can't do anything at the bedside will never disappear. There are always people I can't save."

It's too late.

incurable disease.

There are many reasons for a person's death, and Ryo has been exposed to the death of many people.

"The feeling of powerlessness will strike from time to time, and at this time, I will always think of you."


"You always feel that way, don't you?"

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