After a moment of silence, Nangong nodded.


It won't always be possible to arrive in time. After arriving late, what you see is a broken body and a broken arm.

"But when I think about someone wanting to live, I know it's not the time for me to give up on myself."

Nangong raised his head and looked up at the starry sky. The light spots he saw in his eyes were all regarded as galaxies, but they were still too few.

There are many people suffering from monster disasters in the universe. If he gave up, those who could have been saved would not be able to be saved.

"Me too."

Ryo knew that the person he imagined was right in front of him, and he was not mistaken.

First accept the fact that you may not be able to save everyone, and then try your best to save people, that's all.

"Then what if one day everything will come to an end?"

It was a familiar voice. At this moment, Gedi's expression became fierce.

It growled and put on a fighting stance, staring at the existence that wanted to occupy Kyoko's body before.

A giant who uses the power of darkness may not be a villain, but this one in front of him is definitely not a good person.

Before Ryo could react, a back figure appeared in front of his eyes.

Nangong stood there at some point, his clothes swaying in the wind.

"You don't have to be so excited, do you?"

Kirisaki threw it casually, and threw the tightly tied plastic bag over.

And Nangong, who took it, glanced at it, and it was full of various snacks.

"Accept it, this is a gift from a certain girl to Empat."

Shrugging, Kirisaki spread his hands to show that he was not hostile.

"Actually, I'm here to chat with you today."

Facing a determined fighter, he wants to know what the opponent thinks.

"Come to talk about your nihilistic despondent thoughts?"

Nangong responded with such a seemingly provocative sentence.

"Ha! Why didn't I know that your mouth is so poisonous?"

Kirisaki applauded, and behind him appeared the usual blue-black fog door, and he made an inviting gesture.

"How? This is an invitation. You are in perfect condition now, and I appear in front of your eyes. Are you coming or not?"

Looking back, Nangong showed a smile.

"Liang, I may be late when I go back today."

"Remember to be back before breakfast."

At the end of the conversation, he returned to his calm expression.

The next moment, Kirisaki's arms were crossed in front of him, and what hit him was a sudden heavy punch.

"So you can't get rid of this bad habit of beating people down before chatting, can you?"

Following the force of the impact, he was directly and forcibly pushed into the fog door.

The gate slowly closed, isolating the two worlds.

It is completely different from when they are in another world, what they show is the most original and true posture.

Is the blue giant's chest a timer or something?The mask on his face is like hiding his true self.

The silver giant has black stripes on its body, which symbolizes the darkness that leads people to extremes, hatred, pain, and anger.

All around are ruins.

The ruins of the ruins, the setting sun and the setting sun, it seems that the earth is also stained with blood when it shines here.

Fantasy, that's all.

"Welcome here, Empat."

Tregear stepped back a certain distance, and there was no hostility in the gesture of bowing and saluting.

"Ask, where do you think this is? What kind of scenery is it like?"

What he was referring to was naturally the scenery in the illusion.

The whole city seems to have been ravaged by something, broken buildings, smashed roads, collapsed buildings and green vegetation buried under the rubble.

The scenery it presents is just 'death'

The city is dead, and there is no man to build it, no beast to ravage it.

A dead being is forgotten until no one in the world speaks its name.

Compared with the city, Empat's height of 54 meters is higher than some buildings and shorter than some buildings.

Now, there is nothing higher than him, only the ruins all over the ground, and he is standing in the ruins.

"What do you want to say?"

Tregear snapped his fingers casually upon hearing this question.

Suddenly, it began to rain heavily.

The clouds were thick and the rain was pouring.

After the rain, the sky cleared again, and the rainbow was built.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, rain, sun, fallen leaves, ice and snow, time passes year after year.

Finally, the plants that broke through the ground began to drill out from the gaps in the buildings, and the ruins of the original city gradually disappeared.

Ten years, one hundred years, one thousand years, the evidence of the original civilization has completely disappeared, leaving only a dense forest.

"This time, what did you see?"

Torregia asked again, and Empat looked around. There were small animals running around on the lawn, a sea of ​​flowers at the end, bees collecting honey, and nesting birds completing a round of transporting at the top of towering trees. Spread your wings and fly high again.

"The birth of a new life."

This was Empat's answer, so Tregear nodded.

In an instant, the sky seemed to be falling.

The flaming meteors began to fall, and they pierced the sky, dyeing this natural picture with a color of destruction.

The flames swallowed everything, and the billowing smoke spread, becoming a life-killing poison.

The animals living here began to move towards death non-stop, with nowhere to escape.

Not only the flames, but the strong vibrations tore apart the earth, and the magma flowing in the planet spewed out, completely burning the already overwhelmed soil.

The fire continued for seven days and nights until no life remained.

Nothing can be bred from this dead land, and the dark clouds in the sky are filled with dirty muddy water.

"What about this time?"

The heavy rain lasted for three days and three nights, and finally left mud and disappeared.

The giant floating in the sky stares at the pitch-black earth, and the giant standing on the ground looks up at the golden star.

Chapter 180 Seven Differences Between You and Me

The universe is so vast, why are there so few civilizations capable of interstellar travel?

Because the birth of life itself is a miracle, but the miracle is just the beginning.

Do not perish in the process of evolution.

In the process of development, it will not perish.

The super ancient people on the earth have developed a vigorous civilization, but even so, they are still destroyed.

Looking at the entire universe, how many civilizations are the same as super ancient civilizations?

Life is fragile, a disaster can make them no longer exist.

In the sea for a long time, life is like a fish that occasionally jumps out of the water.

They still live in the sea, only a small number of them leave the sea and walk on land.

The lucky few made their way to the cosmos, but...

There are also those who have not been able to go to the universe.

Take a look here and see the scenery in this fantasy.

The city finally turned into a forest, and the forest finally turned into scorched earth, and there was nothing left.

"Do you think life is meaningless?"

Empat asked Tregia above, and what the other party showed was the new life after destruction and the destruction after new life.

As it had felt in the past, there seemed to be nothing but emptiness inside the blue giant.

And this question is something that Tregchia has long thought about.

"The meaning of life is defined by ourselves. If you think it is meaningful, it is meaningful. If you think it is meaningless, it is meaningless. Only creatures that can think can define such things. Only the universe that exists Pay no attention."

The universe is just evolving, and life is a part of the evolution process.

Tregear pointed to the sky, where the moon and stars were sparse.

On the side of the bright moonlight, light appeared.

That was the scene that Gilbaris wanted to reproduce in the solar system. A light cluster was constantly expanding, and the surrounding planets were like daytime.

When the blue light filled the entire sky, it began to press down here.

The dead earth beneath Empat's feet was splitting, collapsing, and finally merging with that light.

Everything is inseparable from that light, until the exuberant glare is extinguished, leaving the wreckage after the explosion to prove that there was something here.

Formed by supernova remnants, galaxies that might have been able to develop life were completely destroyed.

"Don't you think this is boring? If the death of a star symbolizes the end of life, how can the light of a tiny life compare to the light of life when it dies?"

Tregear, standing in the starry sky, has expanded its scale, and now it is not just a planet, but a galaxy.

"A star is alive. When its lifespan comes to an end, it will be destroyed. What will civilization do at this time?"

No matter which race is aware of this, so...

"Leave the galaxy before then, go to a new world, or find other ways to let the stars burn again."

There is no hesitation in Empat's words, because he understands that life will not give up on survival as long as there is hope.

Obedient to these words, Tregear waved his palm, and under the shining stars, the huge fleet was sailing.

They span space and distance, looking for a new world where they can settle with hope.

Finally, in a certain galaxy, on a certain planet, the fleet landed.

Life within is taking steps to re-establish the planet in what is called the 'new world', where the sun is still young in the sky.

Time flies by, nature turns into a city, and the city is full of traffic.

It's a pity that the peace will not last forever, and what falls are bloodthirsty monsters.

Gather your forces and beat back the monsters.

Develop weapons and develop armaments to protect yourself.

Then someday in the future, other civilizations are observed.

No matter which side it is, it is a continuation of the miracle.

What will happen after they meet?

Cultures, languages, life forms, ways of thinking, all completely different civilizations exchanged.

In the vast sea of ​​stars, is it lucky or unlucky to meet like this?

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