Get up, yawn, stretch.

After finishing what he would do every morning, Asuka moved forward with his tired and stiff body from the life in the wild.

The person who got off the transport plane had a very familiar face.

"Captain Xibi..."

"What captain, you are no longer my subordinate now."

There was no sense of distance in the opening conversation, and this feeling made Asuka feel a little bit at ease.

What he didn't know was: just because he said the title 'Captain Xibi', Xibi thought that even though Asuka was Dyna, Asuka was still the original Asuka.

"Shall we chat?"

Xibi made a suggestion, and after 5 minutes, the two picked up stones by the natural and intact lake and let them "jump" on the water surface

"I didn't expect that to be unreliable at all. The brat who was so impulsive at the beginning turned out to be Dyna. Good boy, Xing Tian must have known it a long time ago. I said why he was always on the sidelines all of a sudden and always helped you talk."

It all makes sense now.

And hearing Xibi's words, Asuka scratched the back of his head.

"Actually, most of the time I am acting without authorization, and it has nothing to do with Koda."

Asuka is still a bit entangled in the punishment of Koda who spoke for him because of his unauthorized actions.

But now it can be regarded as overturning the case. It's not that Koda is biased, it's just that the secret is too big.

Xibi smiled, and threw the stone again, causing five more ripples on the water.

The reason why he came here today is actually quite complicated.

"Asuka, can you tell me why you did this?"

Doubt, gratitude, curiosity, all kinds of emotions mixed into this question.

Why protect monsters?

Just judging from Ultraman's usual performance, he can probably get a rough nickname of "Monster Slayer".

But now it seems that it is just prejudice.

Asuka can easily answer this question.

"Captain, do you still remember what happened when Sfia invaded? The monster Guvila on the bottom of the sea woke up."

That's what got him to do it.

"At that time, I actually didn't fight Guvila, because Guvira was about to die. No matter how hibernated, Guvira is a creature that has lived from 3000 million years ago to the present. Maybe the monsters sleeping underground are not Not waiting to wake up, but waiting to die."

Thinking of this, Asuka felt very uncomfortable.

Those monsters who are already very old are even killed at the end of their lives, which is a bit too cruel.

What drove him to do it was 'sympathy'

After a period of silence, Xibi smiled wryly after getting the answer.

"It's not so much a watcher, it's better to say it's a grave keeper, really——"

"Hey Captain, don't say anything about bitterness and hard work. Do you feel bitter and hard as the captain of the Super Victory Team?"

Asuka doesn't need sympathy, because it's the path he chose.

After fully understanding this point, Xibi shook her head helplessly.

"Stinky boy, he really likes to choke people as usual."

If that's the case, wouldn't I have nothing to say?


Asuka laughed. At this time, the bird flew across the sky, entered the forest under the sunlight, and stayed on the branches.

Even the free bird has a nest in which it often dwells, and now, so does he.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line


The electronic pen in his hand was put down, and Dagu sat in his own seat in the office thinking.

There is basically a prototype on the design board in front of him.

As an architect, he has now received a new task, which is to establish a new area on Mars.

The development plan for Mars has already started, but it has been put on hold because of various things.

Today, the sky has turned blue, and the transformation is progressing steadily.

So it's time for some experimentation.

For example, a farm, try to grow food in this area.

There is still a long way to go to turn Mars into a new earth. As a pioneer, his task, like other researchers, is to open up a new road.

"The words here should be designed like this..."

Dagu folded his hands on his shoulders and thought about it. At this moment, a little hard touch came.

He reached out and adjusted the position of the spark prism in the inner pocket of his clothes. After all, he got this thing again after ten years, and he would forget to bring it with him from time to time.

The Giant of Light, Ultraman, possesses great power and incredible abilities.

It's just that Dagu believes that this power is only necessary when human beings cannot fight against powerful enemies. Construction and development are all things that human beings should do by themselves.

And there are things in this world that strength alone cannot do.

For example, on Mars today, Tiga has no ability to transform terrestrial planets into habitable planets.

No matter how strong Tiga is, there is only one person, and there are limits to what one person can do.

What one cannot do alone, we may be able to do together.

"it is good."

After resting for enough time, Dagu held the pen again.

With his fists smashing the starry sky and his feet stepping on mountains and rivers, the giant named Tiga is now nothing but a man who works hard for his work.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"You came here alone?"

In the research building of New Baltan Star, Diana looked at Masaki in surprise, she thought that Masaki would come with another person.

"How to say that you all saved the earth, I think I can trust you a little more."

Zheng Mu considers himself a suspicious person, but since the "Star Alliance" has already appeared, there is nothing wrong with him trying to trust others a little bit.

"And the earth can't provide me with research equipment."

After careful consideration, he felt that the earth was not suitable for him for the time being.

When a wallet with 1000 million in it is placed in front of you, do you want to collect the money or take it for yourself?

Today's Tyranoid is the wallet containing 1000 million, and he doesn't want to test what others will do.

Ultraman's power is very strong, which makes people very eager.

But are human beings ready to accept this force?

Masaki has been dreaming recently, dreaming about fragments of memory.

Ultra-ancient people who were more advanced than modern humans were destroyed by the power of giants. Although he believed in the future of human beings, he did not blindly believe that there would be absolutely no problems.

It's like throwing 1000 million in front of someone and saying, 'I'm sure he'll make it back'. It's unreasonable and stupid.

So he decided that it would be better for him to study the secret of the giant of light first and then decide what to do next.

Diana raised her eyebrows irrefutably, and then decided to respond to that trust.

But before that...

"Okay, since that's the case, the first thing you have to do is... wait, what are you doing going there?"

Before she could finish speaking, Zheng Mu moved on his own. He stared at the screen, and then tried to touch the virtual keyboard.

"Can you use it?"

Facing Diana's question, Masaki sneered.

"Who do you think I am?"

One of the benefits of Altman, the memory is no different from the hard disk.

At least he had noted down some of the uses of these devices completely beforehand.

Masaki decided to stay on New Baltan to conduct research on himself, and at the same time learn some alien technologies.

Maybe one day, he will return to the earth again, but that day is still very far away.


As if thinking of something, Diana suddenly spoke.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"The Space Guard?"

There are visitors in the living room, guests looking for 'Empat'.

The nouns that popped out of his mouth made Nangong feel a little magical.

The Space Guard, he knew that there was such an organization in the distant parallel universe, but he never thought that such an organization would also be established in the universe he was in now.

"After all, monster disasters may appear on any planet, so the Star Alliance decided to build a new team to deal with monster disasters while strengthening the original force."

It was none other than Zamsha who came to lobby.

With a can in his hand, he took a sip of Coke and continued:

"You also know that enemies from parallel universes have appeared now. Of course, the Star Alliance must be vigilant about this. After thinking about it carefully, the expansion of the army is inevitable, so let's just implement the previously conceived plan together."

That is, the troops that deal with monster disasters.

"Then why is it called the Space Guard?"

Nangong still cared about the name very much.

"Because you told me about parallel universes before, I casually mentioned the Space Guard, and Baxter just nodded and said that the name is good to use."

"He just doesn't want to think about it."

Regarding this description, Nangong couldn't draw any other conclusions other than 'too lazy to think'.

"Yeah, he's just lazy."

Zamxia nodded, at least looking at him from the closest distance, he felt that Baxter didn't think about anything, even Baxter like the "Ultimate Space Guard" would directly agree.

"That's the thing, I came to ask if you want to join together?"

Summing up in one sentence, asking a question in one sentence, Zamsha shrugged after completing the task, and turned his gaze to the girl who released the driving breath at him.

"You don't have to look at me like that, it's not up to me to decide whether he wants to join in the end."

The reason why he said that was because Mai was staring at him with a confrontational look.

"That's it, I'll go first."

Zamxia stood up, walked out of the hall with a coke that he hadn't finished drinking, and the sound of the door opening and closing was heard shortly afterwards.

In this somewhat quiet home, Ye looked at Nangong with worried eyes.

During this time, everyone lived together as a family, so of course some abnormalities were noticed.

For example, at night, Nangong always stares at the night sky with unclear emotions, or at the stars hanging on the night sky.

'Anyway, someone has already done it, so it doesn't matter if I don't do it'

...if only he was such a handsome man.

Talk about the Space Guard in the future

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