Oxygen is the source of life.

Most living things depend on it for survival.

But the universe is so big and full of wonders, why would such a huge monster devote itself to creating an oxygen-free world?

For this weak civilization, it is difficult to fight against those monsters.

One day, a huge meteorite that was about to hit the planet was crushed by a weapon, but a large number of strange objects were released from the inside.

Part of this object fell and disappeared, and part was recovered, temporarily named Zola.

During the research, a strange phenomenon was discovered. This fluffy white object seems to be the seed of some kind of plant, which will grow rapidly after photosynthesis.

After reaching a certain stage, they will start to absorb a large amount of surrounding oxygen, turn the surrounding into an oxygen-free environment, and at the same time carry out further growth.

Strange plants from the universe have taken root and sprouted in different places during this period of research, and then on a certain day, huge plants comparable to buildings rose from the ground and began to crazily absorb the oxygen on this planet.

Aware of the bad civilization, it began to try to fight back, but soon, the army was defeated.

These huge plants can absorb not only oxygen, but even the energy generated by weapons.

The disaster that descended from the sky is still growing, more seeds are sprinkled, and more plants are planted.

The sky could no longer be seen. People turned their heads during the evacuation process, and a large amount of yellow fog covered the sky and the sun.

That's a catastrophe for poisonous organisms, and it's also a toxic gas that fills an oxygen-free environment.

How many of these plants are there on this planet?

How many more seeds have been planted?

This is how plant-type monsters expand and pollute the atmosphere until they completely erode the planet.

They didn't think, and what they had was just the most basic biological instinct, expansion and reproduction.

Meteors that pierced the sky penetrated into the atmosphere, and what greeted the eyes was not the clean air, but the pollution that even made it impossible to see.

"What the hell is this environment? I'm going to put on my anti-virus prosthetic hand."

The man sitting in the spaceship took out what looked like a prosthetic hand and pressed it on his face, and finally the deformed prosthetic hand turned into a mask covering his face.

"You... forget it."

The other seemed about to say something, but finally swallowed it again.

The spacecraft that originally landed changed back to its original color after passing through the atmosphere, and it glides smoothly after slowing down.

Such a rough way of entry is a provocation no matter for any civilization.

But there is no slightest reaction here, in other words, they have been unable to respond.

The hatch of the spaceship opened, and the air mingled with poison came directly to the face.

"Uh! Is this a wild place where animals live together? It smells bad."

The man in armor waved his hand in disgust, and then jumped out of the air.

"I'll go find the source of these ghost things first."

He pulled out the hilt from his waist, and the blue blade of light instantly burned the yellow mist mixed with strange dust with high temperature.

The other person was a step slower than him. He stared at the strange and blurry sky, and then changed his posture while jumping out, flying into the distance.

At this moment, people kept evacuating.

What is placed in the city is a huge 'fan'

Trying to blow away the poisonous mist that was blowing, this time was different, and it was different from any other time in the past.

The yellow poisonous mist was not blown away, but was getting closer.

What exactly caused this situation?

People don't know it in their hearts, they just keep evacuating.

The land that can survive is getting scarcer, and everything is caused by the disaster that fell from the sky.

In the vast universe, the emergence of civilization is a miracle, and the disappearance of civilization is not surprising.

It's not surprising when this kind of thing happens, monsters who only rely on instinct to act don't think, just destroy and destroy.

The wind blows.

"What, what?"

It wasn't because the equipment here was in use that the wind was blowing up, because even the equipment was shaking non-stop, making an overwhelmed sound.

Dust on the ground, garbage, paper, poisonous fog in the air, dust.

What appears here is the scene of the eye of the hurricane, a large number of things are drawn into it, and it becomes a spiral that reaches the sky, a yellow tornado.

Vibration, non-stop vibration, if there is a machine monitoring, it must be verified that this is a strong wind that can even tear apart buildings.

Even though they are at such a close distance, people just feel that their balance is unstable and they cannot stand.

Finally, the poisonous mist was completely pulled away and gathered inside the tornado.

Only then did people understand why the poisonous mist could not be dispelled this time.

Outside the city, along with the mist came the plant monster Zora... No, it should be a plant-like monster.

At some point, they moved to such a close distance.

And now, the ground beneath their feet is cracking.

Accompanied by sharp screams, dozens of Zora were uprooted and sucked into the tornado.

The howling wind filled the ears, and the strong wind made it difficult to open the eyes.

During this process, someone tried his best to look at the huge tornado through the gap between his arms.

Then, he saw the thrown monster's head being pulled back again.

Green wrecks with plant characteristics appear in it from time to time, and disappear from time to time.

The wind pierced through the clouds and reached the sky.

Slowly, the wind weakened, and even gathered into a huge yellow sphere against common sense.

In the center of the eye of the wind, that figure gradually became clear.

If Zora is called a monster because he has no human form, this existence will be called a giant.

The often hazy and cloudy sky became clear, and the sun, which had not been seen for a long time, shone on it.

The pair of silver arms met in front of him, and after that, there was a fierce and piercing sound, and the purple light evaporated the sphere where the thought power gathered at super high temperature.

Not only disasters but also guardians fell from the sky.

"Zamsha, how are you doing?"

Empat, who had just saved a city, asked his companion on the other side.

"I think!"

Zamxia, who was fighting in the poisonous fog, held blue and green double swords, slashing while moving.

"We probably!"

Slashing horizontally and vertically, and slicing upwards, Zola was cut off instantly, and the flames climbed up along the plant-like shape.

This flame also burns up the dust that makes up the poisonous mist.

Zamxia spun his body, and the sword light shredded the vines entangled in all directions.

"Need a little support!"

Cut, did nothing but this.

But the enemy seems to have no end in sight, no matter how you cut it, new enemies will emerge.

Considering that two-thirds of the planet turned yellow before landing, Zamsha felt that it seemed a bit difficult to rely on two people.

After all, it is much more difficult to 'save' than 'kill'.

"I see."

Empat's right hand, which temporarily made an area safe, gathered power and radiated this power into the universe.

The strange symbols seem to be words, but they don't seem to be. They are coordinates and information.

After completing this action, he turned his head to look at the surviving people in the city.

The eyes of the other party are mixed with completely different emotions, fear, worship, curiosity, joy, pain.

There are common movements throughout the universe, and Empat nodded slowly, hoping to express a friendly message.

After that, he floated into the air and his figure disappeared.

The yellow poisonous mist was directly torn apart, and the continuous light was like a sword blade.

Zamsha kicked a Zora away, and the enemy on his left was torn apart.

The falling Empat extended a light whip from the front of his arms, and frantically threw it around.

Just like the characteristics of the lightsaber, the poisonous mist was burned along the path of the light whip.

Zola who was touched by the sword shadow was instantly shattered, and Zola who was hit by the light instantly evaporated.

As Zamsha said, they need some support.

The white light bullets like rail guns began to rain down, and every Zola was completely shattered in the explosion.

The "yellow planet" floating in the universe has a large number of points, which is enough to peek at the earth below.

"I heard someone needs support?"

In Empat's ears, the inquiry was heard.


He didn't mean to hide anything at all.

"The Space Guard is happy to help you!"

The number of descending teams is 20, and they are from the same civilization.

The huge double pincers of the Baltan family gathered energy inside, like a movable fort, firing continuously crazily.

Zora is a troublesome monster, but not troublesome enough.

The energy fluctuations generated by the explosion also destroyed the poisonous mist at the same time, and Zamsha, who cut through the enemy, pondered for a while.

"Did he just say that the Space Guard is at your service? Aren't we also members of the Space Guard?"

With a throw of his elbow back, he knocked off a Zora that was trying to sneak up and cut it in half.

"Looks like even a gas mask can't shut your mouth."

This is what makes Empat so talkative and expressive.

Empat raised his right hand, and the energy gushing out of his palm shot out like a shell, blasting three monsters to pieces.

"I'll just take it as you are praising me."

Zamsha kicked away the wreckage of the enemy and pulled out the lightsaber he had thrown earlier.

On this planet, energy fluctuations are continuous and continuous.

Finally, the monsters that invaded nature were completely wiped out, and the poisonous mist that led to extinction also disappeared in the largest hurricane that could be observed in the history of civilization.

What's left here is a huge mess.

Two-thirds of the land is mixed with poisonous dust, the ecology has been completely destroyed, and the turbid air needs to be purified.

Faced with Zamsha's question of "Can you handle it?", the captain of the Baltan team opened and closed the giant pincers.

"Idiot! I, Baltan, is number one in technology in the world! This is not as difficult as turning water into energy!"

"Wait, did you just call me an idiot?"

"OK OK."

Empat pulled Zamsha, and the two returned to the boat.

Entering the wormhole and crossing the space, the huge planet rotates leisurely.

This is not the capital of the Star Alliance, this is the base of the Space Guard.

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