The human body began to twist, and the alien tentacles began to pop out, piercing everyone present.

"Hee, hee hee hee... hee ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The man is smiling, but also seems to be crying, how much is it out of his own will?How much is it due to the manipulation of others?

The best way to corrupt a person is to let him taste despair, nothing more.


Internal bleeding, I dream that it hurts even to breathe.

He barely reached out to touch the device hidden in his pocket.

The laughter stopped abruptly, and the huge device was fully activated.

Cracks appeared in the sapphire cone, and the hidden energy inside spewed out.

Is it because the light of the earth is repelling foreign objects?

The crazy man's body was disintegrating, and he ran away screaming in pain.

I Meng smiled, he could hear someone knocking.

Half a second later, the device that originally supported his body disappeared, and he fell to the ground following gravity.

Staring at the ceiling with eyes that gradually became hollow.

Above the ceiling, above the earth, above the sky.

The black giant overlooked the already useless planet, its arms ignited purple flames, its left palm stood up vertically, and its right fist hit the left arm, igniting it like a flint and steel.

In the center of the flame, a purple-black beam of light passed through the atmosphere and hit the earth directly.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Cracks can also be seen in the universe, and the earth has a large number of lines spreading like a glass ball that has been dropped to the ground.

What erupted from the inside of the crack was not magma, but purple flames.

The yellow planet turned purple, and the strong flame seemed to ignite the whole planet.

But stronger energy leaked out, and the light blasted from within tore the earth into countless pieces, which were burned up in the flames.

The black giant stared at the flying fragments and roared in the vacuum.

Around it, a large number of strange creatures bowed their heads.

The earth is just the beginning, and next, this universe will usher in true destruction.

'I will destroy as many lives as you save. '

He turned around, and before leaving, he heard the voice.

The 'beast' created on the basis of human beings lowered its head and told an unimaginable thing.

Prologue Encounters of the First Kind

Are humans alone in the universe?

This proposition was put forward in the last century when human beings began to explore the universe.

The solar system is the star system where human beings exist, the Milky Way is beyond the solar system, and the distant universe is beyond the Milky Way.

The solar system is a small corner of the Milky Way, and the Milky Way is a small corner of the universe.

In what might not even be a speck at all, humans appeared.

I don't know how many thousands, how many billions, how many trillionths of miracles, this is human beings.

"The one in front of you and the one in the back don't match at all. What the hell are you talking about?"

"I'm really sorry for making such a mess."

In the office, a little time for lunch break is so precious.

The two who tease each other are colleagues and friends.

Kazuma Kazama, 29 years old, is just an office worker who can be seen everywhere.

Being a man everywhere, graduating from school everywhere, pitching resumes to companies everywhere, and finally getting a job everywhere.

His personality is also very ordinary, he laughs when he should laugh, and gets angry when he should be angry.

I like positive things and hate negative things.

For example, now, when he was idle and scrolling through SNS, he saw someone making a speech that was hard to ignore just by looking at it.

Life is still very long, what exactly do you encounter to seek death?

Underneath this remark, some comforted others while others ridiculed them.

Kazama thought he was a normal person, so following the normal person's thinking, he tried to comfort him.

It's just that, as colleagues complained, he didn't know what he was writing.

So-called 'consolation' How many times can a person do it in a lifetime?

When things came to an end, I realized that I had no experience at all.

"Then again, instead of teasing me there, you kid, you might as well do something with me."

"Then you should send me a link."

The colleague spread his hands. He is also a normal person. Normal people would not encourage others to commit suicide or anything.

During this time, the two typing on the mobile phone did not get any response.

Although they called the police, no one knew what the result was.

Maybe this person is just grandstanding, but...

Please, how much time does it take to type a paragraph?

Wouldn't it be great if this short period of time could save a person?

The clock turned with the passage of time, the lunch break was over, and Kazama returned to his position to focus on his work.

This is not to say that he likes his job so much, but that's how people live in the world. Even if there are things they don't like, they have to do it. Work is a typical example of it.

Kazama doesn't like his job, nor does he hate it, but he likes the monthly salary.

The fingers keep moving on the keyboard, and the characters keep leaving in the document.

The window changed from dull to dazzling, and the clouds changed batch after batch.

The orange-red brilliance penetrated from the outside, and the young colleagues raised their hands and walked with their shoulders crossed.

For a bachelor party, every month's salary is at your disposal when you are alone.

It's a pity that Kazama is no longer qualified to participate in such a party, and he has no complaints about it.

"Are you going to pick up your daughter again? It's really hard."

"It's long-winded, it's almost time for you to get married."

"Hahaha, please forgive me, I'm the kind of person who doesn't want to take any responsibility."

Saying goodbye to each other with colleagues, Kazama walked towards his little car.

Pre-spending is bad behavior, but sometimes, you have to.

Keys, ignition, accelerator, the car leaves the parking space and drives onto the congested road at this time.

The great challenge that anyone who buys a car faces is intense anger.

Especially after waiting for a long time, when I was about to cross the green light ahead, I saw the color quickly change to red.

Kazama is already 29 years old, and there is only one year left before he becomes an uncle in the eyes of the world. It is inevitable that his blood pressure will increase at this time, isn't it?

While waiting, he boredly looked around at the front.

He seemed to see someone leading someone into the alley, but when he looked closely, there was no one there.

'Probably an illusion. '

After a very long wait, the red light ahead finally turned green again.

Following the traffic, about half an hour later, Kazama stopped the car in the designated parking space.

He left the car and walked towards the door where the crowd was not crowded.

He kept scanning his eyes, and finally saw her on the inside of the door.

The little cutie who holds a stone in his hand and throws it into the green belt.

"Xili, here!"

A call, in exchange for a look up.

The girl who was bored a second ago smiled and ran out of the school.

Kazama didn't realize it, but he did laugh.

Reach out and hold hands.

This feeling is very special.

In the past, he has also said this:

'It's only a fool who gets married, isn't it good to live alone?Women can't be as happy as spending time and drinking. '

Now, he has become what his friends call a good family man, a stupid father.

However, no matter how many times, he felt really good.

I met the person I liked, married the person I liked, became the father of the child, and became the husband of the wife.

Emotions, love, are really special things that cannot be controlled by yourself.

"Today, a lot of things happened today!"

A little girl was sitting in the co-pilot, and the seat belt restrained her, but it didn't affect her shaking her hands and feet.

What kind of knowledge did the teachers teach, what kind of things did they do with their friends, and what kind of episodes happened in the class.

Children are always energetic and full of energy for all kinds of things.

The originally long and boring driving became lively and happy, and the smile never disappeared from Kazama's face.

Unknowingly, the vehicle stopped.

Kazama took her daughter's hand and opened the door with the key.

The sound did not escape her ears.

"I am back!"

"I'm back too!"

The father spoke and the daughter repeated the words.

The mother and wife, Kazama Rino, also responded:

"Wash your hands, it's almost time to eat."

"I heard you, wash your hands first."


If in the past, Kazama heard such a tone of response, he would definitely say "really contrived"

But it was different now, the girl with a baby voice occupied his life and filled his mind.

The sunset outside the room gradually sank, corresponding to the night, the lights in the room came on, and the family of three laughed and laughed.

There are not many stars left in the night sky that was so clear in the past, but the moonlight is still the same.

Perhaps the future where even the moon cannot be seen is still a long way for human beings.

The clock ticks and finally stops at 10.




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