In the living room, the time is too late for children, but too early for adults.

Of course Rino could feel the weight on her shoulders, as well as the warmth of the man behind her.

"Tomorrow we will all rest, so we don't need to get up early, so it's okay to be a little late, right?"

Kazama said with a smile, his wife never tires of hearing about her long hair with moisture and fragrance.

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about? Pillow fights?"

Li Nai said with a half smile, of course she knew, but she just didn't say it.

"You want to know, I'll let you know now."

Before she could react, Kazama smiled and hugged his wife like a princess.

"What a beast, you."

"What's wrong with being a beast?"

The lights in the living room were extinguished, and the moonlight in the sky outside the room was also obscured by clouds and mist.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Nothing can be caught by the waving net, and the autumn sun is not so dazzling.

Xili ran around chasing the flying bugs. Not far from her, a couple sitting on the grass cuddled each other.

"I used to chase bugs around like this when I was a kid."

A little nostalgia flashed in Rino's eyes, and Kazama blinked when she heard this.

"Then why can't it work now?"

What he remembered was his wife who would come to him whenever he saw a bug.

Rino didn't know why.

In the past, I even pulled out the legs or wings of insects, but now I get goose bumps just by looking at them.

"After all, I've grown up."

She sighed a little about it.

"I remember when I was a child, I jumped out of the window of my room into my father's room, then stole his wallet and bought a lot of snacks and toys."


Kazama blinked, and unconsciously exerted more force on his arms around his wife.

"It's a good thing you're fine."

"Huh? Shouldn't it be about me stealing money?"

"No, if something happened to you, I wouldn't even be here to hear you say that you stole money, so I want to thank you that nothing happened."

"...Aren't you ashamed to say that when you're old?"

"Your ears will still be red when you get old."

"Who do you think is too old?"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

What is a double standard?

This is a double standard!

I can tell you how old you are, but you can't tell me how old I am!

"Dad, come and play!"

At some point, Xi Li, who was still playing before, had already run in front of the couple.

Upon hearing this proposal, Kazama smiled wryly.

"Let Dad rest a little longer, Dad's back hurts a bit."

"Pain? Why?"

Xi Li's big eyes were full of doubts, and Kazama couldn't stand the pure and innocent gaze.

And here is the answer given by Rino, who seemed to be smiling but not smiling:

"Dad may have been exercising too much."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Kazama couldn't help but glared at his wife, but all he got back was a mocking look.


For Xi Li, this reason was enough.

"Then let's play together again later!"

"Do not."

Kazama straightened his back and stood up to prove that he was good at it.

"Let's fly a kite!"

After putting it on, you don’t need to move it, how nice!

The father and daughter picked up the kite that was put aside, and Rinoyou secretly laughed.

Then, some uncomfortable expressions appeared on her face.

Kazama is not alone in backaches.

On the green grass, the father and daughter are running, and the kite that floats into the sky is flying in the wind.

The mother watched the scene from the sidelines.

'If only it lasted forever. '

There is no need for any earth-shattering events, nor any heroic struggles, it's just that it's safe and sound, and it's good to go out and play together occasionally during the overlapping holidays.

Rino thinks that this is already very good, she likes her life very much.

Unknowingly, the sun in the sky began to sink amidst the laughter and laughter, and when the sunset was sprinkled on the grass, the tent was set up with the efforts of Feng Jian.

While the wood was ablaze, Rino was preparing dinner.

Both of them were not very peaceful people when they were young. Thanks to this, they can be said to be quite experienced in camping.

Today, they are the only ones in this common camping area.

After all, it's not a big holiday, it's just an ordinary weekend.

This is also good, because of this, they can relax here without worrying about anyone's play.

"Come on! Look at this!"

What Kazama moved out of the trunk of the car was a brand new astronomical telescope.

"You bought this kind of thing again..."

Rino showed a helpless expression.


Xi Li's expression was different, she raised her hands and cheered.

She had been clamoring for one before, but she didn't expect to get it after she had forgotten about it.

"It's okay, and it's not expensive."

Kazama smiled gently, it was the time when the child's curiosity was flourishing, so it wouldn't hurt to take a look at the astronomical telescope, right?

It's not that clamoring to play computer games is bad for the development of the eyes.

" dote on Xili too much, don't you?"

Rino felt that at this time, she should show her strictness as a mother, and it would be bad if Xi Li got into the habit of wanting whatever she wanted.

"Oh? Are you jealous of your own daughter?"

Kazama hugged her shoulders with her hands, smiling all over her face.

"Did you forget that I practiced karate?"

"Forgive me, forgive me..."

Kazama, who was full of confidence just a second ago, wiped his sweat-free forehead. He didn't forget that the first time the two met was when he was beaten up by a black belt Rino when he went to experience karate.

How could a man lose to a woman!

Then I lost, it was very embarrassing, in full view, like a clown.

I don't know if she also recalled the memories of the first meeting, Rino's eyes almost narrowed into a line as she waved her fist in vain.

The interaction between them is fully visible.

In the far corner, someone stood beside the big tree, staring at the scene.

"Daddy! Here's a big blue star colliding with a big red star!"

Xi Li, who was completely ignorant of the communication between her parents and was attracted by the astronomical telescope, said excitedly. The scenery in her eyes was like an animation.

"Red stars and blue stars?"

Kazama and Rino looked at each other, and they could also see each other's doubts.

That alone is strange enough, what happens when they collide together?

Before they could figure out the situation, they felt the strange brilliance at night.

Looking up, red and blue are intertwined in the sky.

The brain couldn't accept the situation before them, and their vision couldn't see the light.

In an instant, the red and black flames burned violently and spread out in all directions crazily.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

I had a dream, and what I dreamed was a wonderful thing.

Even though it was night, it was as bright as day.

It's just that it's not the normal sun that gives the brilliance.

Dark blue and red and black, if you say it is the sun, it would be too nonsense.

But if you say it's not the sun, why is there such brightness?It felt so bright that I couldn't keep my eyes open.

Sure enough, it was just a hallucination or a dream, right?

Slowly opened his eyes, the sky sprinkled, is the real sunlight.

Birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, the surrounding touch is not cold, because it has already been transmitted by body temperature.

What exactly is a dream?what is real

Kazama is very puzzled by this. It seems that it is true that the whole family went out camping together, so...are the two blue and red suns also real?

In other words, just lying here is unreal.

The memory is only as far as seeing those two suns.


Thinking of this, Kazama suddenly bounced off the grass.

Beside her is his wife Rino, and at the astronomical telescope is her daughter Xili.

Is it because of too much movement?

Rino's eyes moved, and she opened them slowly, as if she was still not quite awake.

"Rino, are you okay? How much is this?"

Kazama stretched out five fingers of his right hand.

"...I'm just asking if you're okay?"

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