He lowered his head, and the pointer of the fuel gauge was about a quarter of the way.

He raised his head again, this road was really blocked and unbearable.

'never mind. '

Kazama gave up the plan to refuel, and waited until there was no traffic jam in the future.

Otherwise, once you enter, you don’t know if you will be able to get out.

"Compared with fear, it is easier to feel irritated now."

He couldn't help complaining, although he is not a Road Nu, but he thinks he can probably understand how the Road Nu was raised.

At this speed, walking with legs is faster than driving.

10 minutes, 10 minutes, and finally half an hour later, the vehicle slowly drove into the parking lot.

Staring at the building in front of him, he scratched his hair and decided to find a coffee shop to waste some time.

After everything he's been through, what he wants most now is to see his wife and daughter.

So picking up my wife from get off work and picking up my daughter from school was a one-off process.

'Empat, are you there?I have a lot of things I want to ask you now. '

"As long as I can answer, I will tell you all."

Just like every time, Nangong appeared on Kazama's side.

The time was 15:30 in the afternoon. During this time, the global leaders had already made a call and saw the video.

And now, a bag of things is being shipped to the biological research department.

The man who was transformed into a strange beast has not yet woken up, and now he is under the control of the police. There is no trace of the characteristics and residue of the strange beast on his body.

But before that, there's a lot of 'teeth' on the ground

The teeth, which Empat smashed when he was about to crush the hostage's head, are now being transported as important items.

At the same time, this is also the first body tissue of an alien beast obtained by humans.

Regarding this matter, relevant departments have already received news, and they are waiting for a part of the 'alien creature' to be delivered.

Chapter Six Confessions and Actions

The sun has been dyed red, this beautiful scenery is a common sight for people in the city, and no one will pay much attention to it.

On the contrary, they felt that the reflection of the glass was a bit dazzling.

Rino who left from the main entrance of the building raised her eyebrows.

"Why did you leave work so early today?"

Normally, she took the tram home by herself.

After all, it is no longer the period of passionate love, and they have children at the same time.

Rather than taking the time to pick her up, it's better to pick up Xi Li directly, and the child can't be kept waiting for a long time.

"Occasionally I want to—"

Before Kazama could finish speaking, Rino's expression changed.

Tokyo is a big city, and of course news spread quickly.

"The street that was attacked by terror today is near your company?"

"Uh...terrorist attack?"

In a sense, it is considered a terrorist attack...

Kazama's expression made Rino understand the situation, she took a step forward, although she knew she couldn't see it, she still reached out to touch her husband.

"Are you all right? Is there any injury?"

"No, I'm fine. If I have something to do, I won't be here."

Before Rino could react, her palm was held by Kazama.

The two walked towards the nearby underground parking lot together, and their backs disappeared from the sight of other employees.

"It's so sweet."

"If only my boyfriend came to pick me up from get off work."

"I don't even have a boyfriend."

The topics the girls talk about are always commonplace.

On the other side, Rino, who was led at first, took two steps forward, but hugged Kazama's shoulder instead.

"Thinking about it, we haven't gone shopping for a long time."

After getting married, there was still a period of time between the two of them. After having a child, I couldn't even remember that there was such a thing as shopping.

After all, the first year when Xi Li was born was a disaster.

Maybe there were some nights when I slept well, but when I think about it now, I only have the impression of 'I didn't sleep well at all'.

A child who cries in the middle of the night is really painful.

Feeling the warmth from his wife, Kazama also relaxed, following this topic, he thought for a while.

"After that, when Xili Elementary School is on winter vacation, leave Xili in the care of her father-in-law, and we go on a trip?"

"Forget it in winter."

Rino doesn't know how to ski, nor is she interested in skiing. Being able to stay at home in winter is the greatest happiness.

"Then wait until summer to make a good plan?"

"no problem."

Kazama's words made Rino nod, and before they knew it, the two had already walked near the underground parking lot.

"Wait for me here."


Gradually, Kazama's back disappeared into the darkness, and Rino felt slightly relieved.

The previous situation was really strange, she could easily see that her husband seemed to be entangled by something.

'Annoyance' or something.

But it's not the same now, there is no such sense of irritability and insecurity.

Taking out the phone, Rino flipped through the news on the phone.

The news of the terrorist attack in Tokyo is exaggerated, but there are few details about the terrorist attack.

To put it bluntly, there is only such a label of 'terrorist attack'.

However, on SNS and Twitter, many people said that it was not a terrorist attack, but a 'Resident Evil'

"......It can not be?"

Rino was skeptical, yet uneasy about it.

After experiencing the first type of contact, it doesn't seem so unbelievable that the alien virus caused a biochemical crisis on the earth.

Before she could think about it, she heard a call.


Soon, Rino sat in the co-pilot, Kazama stepped on the accelerator, and turned into the main road.

He thought a lot, and there were some things that he had to say, not to mention being irresponsible to his family.

"Rino, would you believe me if I said that I got some strange powers after that night?"

Compared to 'I have an alien in my body', 'I got special powers' is easier to accept.

At least that's what Kazama thinks.

After hearing this sentence, Rino's first reaction was that her husband's brain was broken.

"It's like this."

Accompanied by Kazama's words, Rino's handbag on the side of her leg floated up.


Eyes wide open, unbelievable, incomprehensible, strange, messy feelings rose from Rino's heart.

But if this matter is connected with the anomaly in Fengjian before, it can make sense.

However, 27 years of cognition was smashed with a hammer.

"I know it's unbelievable, but I have to tell you."

Kazama didn't want any bad consequences due to his concealment.

On congested roads, vehicles cannot move quickly.

Slow enough for Kazama to tell his wife what he knew.

The most important thing, of course, is the alien beast.

First of all, don't go out at night, and second, the alien beast is not only attracted by fear, the creature will attract it.

Fear is a staple, but they don't mind a treat either.

So it's dangerous.

After picking up Xi Li and returning home, Lino's brain was still in a daze, and it was difficult to figure out the situation.

This absentmindedness continued until the end of dinner.

Xi Li held the toy in her hand, and happily watched the vehicle that was exactly the same as the toy in her hand driving on TV.

Finally, Rino, who reluctantly accepted the situation, took a deep breath.

"Yizhen, let me drive the car tomorrow, just as you don't have to go to work, I want to pick up Dad."

If it's really that dangerous, the father who said 'don't disturb the world of the two of you' can't be allowed to stay in the old house, there is still room anyway.

"no problem."

Kazama directly agreed that he would have something to do tomorrow and he would not need a car.

And Rino hesitated for a while, then spoke again:

"and also......"

What she wanted to say was something she had never said or thought about before.

"You have to promise me that even if you have this strange ability, don't do anything stupid like fighting alien beasts."

Someone has been victimized, someone has died.

The massacres that happened in Saitama County are too horrific. If they are connected with the so-called 'alien beasts', then we can clearly understand how dangerous the alien beasts are.

"You are not a teenager anymore, don't get hot just because you have become special."

For Rino, Kazama is her husband, and her child is her father.

Death means the end, a farewell that cannot be said.

She doesn't want to lose someone who is very important to her.

"I promise you."

Kazama nodded, he already knew, and Empat also promised him that as long as he could leave, he would leave immediately.

It's fine until then.

Following the emotion in his heart, Kazama pulled Rino closer to his embrace.

"Do not worry about me."


They looked at each other, and the two pairs of brown eyes moved with water.


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