'Cough cough. '

This was a reminder from Nangong, just when Kazama was about to scold someone, he found that Xi Li was staring at her firmly.

"What, what's wrong?"

The two separated like an electric shock, and Xi Li blinked.

"I know this, this is called kissing, right?"

"Who, who taught you?"

Rino was shocked, a ten-year-old girl didn't need to know that much.

"Teacher, you can't do this."

"That is not bad......"

Kazama wiped off the cold sweat that was gushing out, and it was indeed time for Xi Li to have some sex education.

It's easy to be deceived if you don't know anything.

At this moment, the family lives together in harmony.

The moonlight outside the window is still bright, and this light has nothing to do with the research institute.

The scientists analyzed the 'teeth' obtained, and finally came to a conclusion:

"Not fundamentally different from human teeth, but...harder and sharper, longer and thicker."

This is in line with Empat's statement that 'the alien beast is a monster produced by combining the factors of the alien beast and the life on the planet'.

Although the human beings who were transformed into alien beasts began to change into other forms, they still seemed to be the strengthening of 'human'.

The problem lies in this, human alien beasts alone can no longer be harmed by small-caliber firearms, so what about other creatures?

Such as tigers, gorillas.

The zoo is open in the city, and there are a lot of people every day.

If there is a combination of alien beasts and animals in the zoo... the consequences will be unimaginable.

"The extraterrestrial creature that humans first came into contact with turned out to be this kind of thing..."

One of the researchers sighed deeply.

If these small alien beasts enter the city, are they going to start a war in the city?

Strafing the streets with heavy fire?

"The information is still not enough. If we can find a living alien beast to study, the situation may be different."

Another researcher said this seriously, if you don't understand it, you won't know what kind of weakness the enemy has.

Maybe they can find a way to curb the emergence of alien beasts in the research.

"But until then, let's see what Empat can bring us."

Another researcher spoke, after all, even the information about the alien beast was handed over by the other party.

Maybe the opponent has a lot of extraterrestrial technology, but ignoring and confronting them because of "human pride" may run counter to the truth.

Understanding, mastering, researching, progressing, this is the correct approach.

Now, the research institute has temporarily stopped its activities. After all, all it got was these few broken teeth, which didn't make much sense.

The time is 20:11 in the evening, and this time is just the beginning of the nightlife.

Compared with the few insiders, most people don't know what happened.

They are enjoying their rest time. It is enough to read the information circulating on the Internet and feel a little scared. As soon as they put down their mobile phones and do some other things, they forget that there is such a thing without knowing it.

The government is also discussing what to do next, and they are thinking about whether to implement a curfew policy.

The problem is that there are countless industries that operate at night, and once they stop, the economy will definitely be affected.

Centering on this point, the rulers are constantly arguing.

They have not yet understood what kind of existence the "alien beast" is, and other people's narratives are narratives after all.

In the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, the police received a report.

Unlike ordinary reports, this citizen was invited into the office.

Because the video he brought was too scary, and now this video is playing on the screen.

In the empty room, the strange liquid alien beast kept wriggling.

The pizza disappears with the carton on the outside, and the wine bottle disappears with the alcohol inside.

That thing is really as scary as the slime in fantasy works.

Devour everything, digest everything wrapped up.

At this time, the citizens were still fidgeting, and he dared not go home at all.

Just looking at the picture, he thought it was something like a movie.

The problem is, those things in his house really disappeared just like in the video.

There was even weird slime left in the refrigerator, on the floor, and on the table, and the house was filled with a horrible stench.

"You didn't tell anyone about this, did you?"

The chief of the Metropolitan Police Department asked seriously.

"No, I ran over with the video at the first time, and I didn't dare to go home to be honest. What the hell is that?"

Facing the questions of the citizens, the director did not know how to answer them, and how to answer them.

After a moment of silence, he stood up.

"Sir, we will send someone to your home to investigate immediately, and you can sleep in the hotel we arranged for one night today."


The conversation ended here, and the minister left the office to make arrangements.

What he wants to send is not ordinary police, but special police.

The so-called investigation is naturally to collect those liquids.

"Alien beast..."

When the director pronounced that noun, he couldn't help feeling a chill down his spine.

Because he tried to imagine the scene after the other party wrapped the human being.

The dead in Saitama County were so miserable, so he had no doubt that the alien beast could not devour a human being.

Under the moonlight, the lights are feasting.

Where light cannot reach, darkness creeps.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Then I'm going out."

"Well, be careful on the road."

In the morning, Rino, who was on leave, kissed Kazama goodbye.

The door opens, the door closes, and the voice of chatting can be heard faintly:

"Is mom sending me to school today?"

"What's wrong? Don't you like it?"

"Dad said Mom was a poor driver."

"Okay, I'll fix your dad when I get home later."

The voice gradually faded away, and Feng Jian smiled wryly, it seemed that he had a good time tonight.


Looking down, a black spark prism appeared between the palms.

"how to use?"

"Just think about it."

Accompanied by Nangong's answer, Kazama gripped the Spark Prism tightly.

When the consciousness is synchronized, the spark prism unfolds, and the released arc surrounds its body.

It didn't take half a second for Empat to appear here.

Seven Chapters

The day's plan is in the morning, but for serious adults, it is necessary to get up in the morning.

The man got off the bus while scratching his hair.

It's not that close to the center of the city, but it's very lively today.

The original tiredness disappeared without a trace, the man was stunned, and one police car after another stopped at his workplace, in front of the winery.

He was puzzled at first, then stepped forward and gathered with other colleagues who were also blocked from opening the door.

"What's going on? Is there a thief?"

As soon as he said it, the man himself wanted to laugh.

What can a winery steal?Stealing ingredients for wine?

This question was exchanged for shaking his head, so the man could only look at the blocked winery from a distance with his colleagues.

At this time, the interior is not empty.

The police search came to an end, and each of them frowned.

Because the taste here is really too bad.

All kinds of equipment were covered with foul-smelling slime, and the stench mixed with the smell of wine was disgusting.

For these liquids, the police know what it is.

Because the first victim was an ordinary citizen, the food in his house was looted and there was nothing left.

The one who did this kind of thing was the unannounced 'Alien Beast'

Dirty isn't a big deal for that monster that moves in various pipes.

The filth brought out from the sewer remains in the place where the crime was committed.

"What exactly is it trying to do?"

Police officers have of course studied criminal psychology, but that is for 'human' criminals, not 'monster' criminals.

After all, the way of thinking of the so-called alien beasts is an unsolved mystery.

'Just hope that the alien who claims to be a human partner can bring us more information. '

Of course, it refers to Empat, and Empat, who is being missed by the police officer, is integrating into the electronic network at this time.

Unlike TPC, there is no global network system on this earth.

But just within the territory of Japan is enough.

When the Prime Minister who received the news arrived at the same police station as yesterday, Empat appeared from inside the surveillance system.

In order to give an early warning, the dense light particles first attracted the prime minister's attention.

Then, the light particles quickly condense into shape.


The too weird appearance made the prime minister's heart stop for half a beat, and he almost dropped the laptop he was still holding onto the ground.

He had to admit, he was intimidated.

invisible?Teleport?Or some other way?

In any case, its danger is beyond doubt.

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