However, the Prime Minister is worthy of being the Prime Minister, and he still has a calm and calm expression on his face.

"Mr. Empat, I already had related calls with high-level officials from various countries yesterday."

By the way, even the funeral has been explained. After all, if this 'Empat' is a well-disguised enemy, he will probably be the first to die.

"We still know too little about the alien beasts. What kind of weapons should we use to destroy them? What kind of weaknesses do they have?"

The Prime Minister's initial question is very important.

Empat also understands this very well. In fact, in his eyes, Zaki and the alien beast are essentially two problems.

Things have been different since the first Xenomorphs appeared on Earth.

Zaki, who has the ability to manipulate the alien beasts, is not the mother body, and the alien beasts are not hive minds. After killing the insects, everything will be fine.

Therefore, the most important thing for human beings at present is to have the power to fight against alien beasts.

For this reason, Empat came here at this time.

"This is the design drawing I sorted out yesterday."

What he took out between his two fingers was a mobile hard drive, a very large mobile hard drive.

After all that time, he's not just running around the universe fighting.

Of course, he didn't actually have any achievements in science.

All he can do is to try to learn and learn from the gourd.

The Prime Minister took the mobile hard drive from Empat and took out the laptop that had been prepared for the information.

'design diagram? '

He repeated the term in his mind, and then connected the mobile hard drive.

The drawings in the internal folder are all marked in Japanese, but for the Prime Minister, this has nothing to do with his major.

Of course, Empat knew this very well, and he immediately spoke about its function and source.

"As I said yesterday, I am an existence from another parallel universe, and I also have a deep connection with that earth. If there are some points of agreement, there should also be Spiche on Mars in this universe. Mu minerals."

Chasing Zaki to this earth, he has no time to check the situation on Mars. Of course, if Mars does not have it, other power sources can be used instead.

"Ultra armor, this is a technology developed in my universe."

Silver, red, and blue.

The central blue timer caught the prime minister's attention because, despite its different shape, its position was almost identical to the one on Empat's chest.

"Speshum mineral is a mineral that contains special energy and substances. Using it as the main body to create exoskeleton armor can allow ordinary humans to have fighting power that surpasses that of human beings. On the earth in my world, this armor has been used for military purposes. The equipment is being produced on a small scale."

Empat continued to explain the situation. As for the reason for this color scheme, it is probably because of the movie "Ultraman".

"As long as you wear this armor, those small alien beasts shouldn't be a problem."

It's not that he hasn't fought with someone who has this armor, or rather, he only knows that he has such equipment because he was called to test it.

Masaki, even though he left the earth, he still cares about the situation of the earth.

He didn't have the slightest sense of being the former chief scientist of TPC. After stealing the data of the Ultra armor, he worked with the scientists of Baltan to analyze and improve it accordingly.

Sometimes, Empat wonders if the Spethium ore on Mars is another gift left by the giants 3000 million years ago. After all, the Spethium material is hidden in the light of the Otts special substance.

I only hope that this mineral exists on Mars in this universe.

Thinking that it was only a moment, he continued to tell about the armor.

"I know that human beings are creatures that rely on guns to fight, but when guns can't do damage, the fragile body will become a weakness. To make up for this weakness, Ultra armor will appear."

Of course, there will be various improvements and supporting equipment after that.

The question is, what's the point of subsequent models if you can't even make the original armor?

After listening to Empat's words, the Prime Minister thought about the feasibility of the words.

"On Mars..."

As early as decades ago, various countries on the earth have begun to conduct various explorations into the universe.

Today, although humans have not yet obtained the technology to leave the solar system, it is still possible to go to different planets for investigation.

"I see. I will continue to pass on the information I have obtained to other countries. Also, you haven't told us the weakness of the alien beast yet."

The Prime Minister's question was also difficult for Empat to answer. He could only say this:

"The combination of alien beasts and different creatures may naturally have different weaknesses, and may even combine into completely different aliens."

Only a part of the favorable parts are taken, and the rest are recombined with the xenobiotic factor to form other structures.

In this regard, the Prime Minister can only smile bitterly. In other words, what does this mean?

You won't know what it is until you see it.

"Unknown life form, worthy of the name."

The Prime Minister was about to sigh, but the door of the room was directly and roughly pushed open.

"Excuse me, but Mr. Empat, please watch this!"

The door is facing the wall-mounted TV of the police station, and the latest news is shown on the TV.

In addition, the phone that kept ringing seemed a bit noisy.

In the real camera, there is a tragic scene just like the description of "terrorist attack".

The screams continued, and there was uncontrollable fear in it, and people fled from the vicinity of the gas station.

At the end of the picture, it is not clear due to shaking.

Even so, that existence was captured.

The flesh-colored body is uneven, and a large number of tentacles emerge from its body.

When in front of the body, there are no eyes, only a 'mouth' that starts from the face and spreads to the bottom

As if some mollusk had grown hundreds of times bigger, the alien beast was wriggling in the gas station emitting a stench.

On the ground, someone fell.


Without waiting for the prime minister or the police officer to react, Empat disappeared from the room.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line


The time is 8:00 in the morning, and there is still some time before the elementary school starts.

After sending Xili to school, Rino was driving the car forward.

Although a certain road was closed due to yesterday's attack, and other roads became congested because of that road closure, the traffic volume at this time cannot be said to be too exaggerated.

Rino stared at the fuel gauge on the dashboard. After sending her daughter to school, there was not much fuel left.

In this case, it is estimated that even the father will not be able to get there.

"Remember this car uses ethanol gasoline?"

Stopping in front of the traffic light, Rino reached out and picked up a small sticky note from the side of the dashboard.

Occasionally she is also driving, so there is this note.

She looked at the handwriting on the note and wanted to laugh, probably because the times have changed and there are fewer chances to write by hand, so Kazama's handwriting looks more crooked than before.

"What a man without perseverance."

Linai still remembers that when the two fell in love, she once complained about the bad handwriting of the other party.

As a result, Kazama's handwriting career only lasted for a week.

However, remember that he also said that he hated his current job?

Obviously hate it, but unknowingly did it for such a long time.

'Is there perseverance or no perseverance? '

Of course Rino knew why Kazama was able to persevere. People will change after they have concerns.

Soon, she put the sticky note back on and followed the green light ahead.

The vehicle moved forward slowly, and the company where he worked appeared in his sight.

But I didn't come here today for work.

Rino turned the steering wheel, carefully turned around on the prescribed road, and finally turned into the gas station to wait for the vehicle in front to leave.

During this time, she thought about what had happened recently.

'Actually, it's just these few days. '

Alien life forms, alien beasts, husbands with special abilities...

'Is it really just a special ability? '

Thinking of some abnormalities before, Rino still felt something was wrong.

Because the two of them haven't shared the same bed for the past two days, Kazama seems to have some scruples.

This strange situation really makes people very concerned.

Of course, Rino also thought about something like 'alien replacement'.

However, Kazama's performance is exactly the same as before, except for sleeping on the sofa, there is no difference at all.

So maybe it's just because he's still struggling?

'Otherwise, it's better to take a detour later. '

While stepping on the accelerator, Rino approached the refueling station ahead.

'I remember he used to like to buy robot toys, and then I went to the model shop to see. '

After parking the car and opening the window, she told the staff at the gas station the model to be added.

In sight, the other party picked up the device, and then, something broke.


That is the door, and it is also the window.

A large amount of glass was broken, and the loud noise instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the gas station.

In the eyes of everyone, the convenience store located in the back of the gas station changed its appearance, its front was completely shattered, and a 'something' was pushing out.

It is impossible to describe what kind of creature it is in words. At first glance, I thought it was a dream.

But when the flesh-colored 'thing' leaves from the inside, everything gets worse.

One after another, the tentacles swayed as if they were alive, and the front 'mouth' opened and closed.

If you take a closer look...

'Is that a hand? '

Rino was stunned, she subconsciously looked inside the convenience store, but the cashier was nowhere to be seen.

The next moment, the employee who was still helping her screamed.

The employee was turned upside down, and the tentacles wrapped around his feet, pulling him to the side.

This alien beast is not dexterous, but it has strength beyond human beings, and the weight of human beings is no more than that for it.

A dull sound sounded, someone was thrown into the air and fell, someone was smashed to the ground, and someone was swallowed into that mouth.


Rino felt that her breathing was about to stop, the glass in front of the car was smashed to pieces, and the man who was smashed over rolled down there.

She opened the car door subconsciously and wanted to escape. Anyone who faced this situation would have the same impulse.

In an instant, more tentacles stretched out.

The car owners who originally planned to refuel here bumped into their cars with irresistible force.


Rino lowered her head, the flesh-colored tentacles swayed as if saying hello, the blood gushing out of her abdomen stained the inner lining, and her consciousness instantly fell into darkness.

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