Chapter Eight: The Eye Hiding in the Dark

Fear is energy, but not only fear is energy.

The essence of the alien beast is still a living thing.

As a living thing, it is inevitable to eat.

That's why it hits the distillery, and that smell, the smell of ethanol, is special to it, not only for the taste, but even for more energy.

Thanks to these energies, its power becomes stronger and stronger.

This takes the form of increased body size.

The liquid alien beast continued to move quickly in the sewer, and it knew it was almost time.

Ethanol is special, but its staple food remains a human fear.

Half and half, its slime-like body splits in two from the center.

One of the sections keeps going, while the other changes direction and leaves.

Creating fear, eating fear makes it stronger.

However, if you put yourself in it in order to create fear, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Thus, the Liquid Xenomorph splits itself into two parts.

One part continues to hide, waiting for an opportunity.

The other part is now moving on, following its preferred flavor.

Enter the pipe and work your way up.

Above this passage, fetid filth combined with the slime-like body of the liquid xenomorph.

Outside the passage, the man was about to leave.

However, a strange noise caught his attention.



Not only the noise, but even the whole toilet was shaking crazily.

Before the man could react, it was like an explosion, and the strong force directly hit the man's head severely.

The toilet door shattered and he fell straight to the ground.

The convenience store cashier, who was bored just a second ago, suddenly became more energetic.

In the next second, he didn't know how to react.

Because the store manager who went to the toilet before was lying on the ground motionless, he was moving slowly.

A person who is lying still is moving, which in itself is an irrational thing to do.

Soon, the store manager's body disappeared into the door frame.


The cashier swallowed subconsciously, and then, an urge to vomit flooded his brain.

A disgusting smell spread outward, and a strange pool of liquid crawled out of the door.

Before he could react, the liquid 'stand' up.

It kept expanding and changing its posture, surpassing two meters in an instant, and tentacles appeared one after another.

It twisted its body, and this movement gave the cashier the feeling of 'it's looking at me'.

The question is, does this monster really have eyes?

It looks like a mouth-like hole, and the round balls around it are eyes?

The feeling of fear, absurdity, and mess echoed in the cashier's heart.

It's just that he doesn't have to experience this feeling anymore.

Because in his eyes, the big mouth of that black hole is constantly expanding.

The alien beast, which changed its posture, stuffed the second human being pulled into its mouth together, and began to devour him.

The two are gradually merging and integrating.

However, the cashier's brain still exists, and can even think.

He felt the process of 'I am going to die', unable to think of anything but despair and fear.

And the alien beast kept absorbing and tasting this emotion.

It turns around and looks out the door for more 'food'

Following the urge to eat, it went straight forward, smashing a 'noodle' of the convenience store into pieces.

In an instant, the eyes focused on it.

The alien beast started to move forward, it didn't want the 'food' to escape.

The next moment, it was joyful.

Because of the mere activity, it sensed the arrival of 'fear'.

It understands that as long as it hunts, and succeeds, other food will 'fear' and produce more food.

Following its appetite, the alien beast extended its tentacles and caught more food in an instant.

In its 'eye', there is food that wants to stay away.

It doesn't matter, killing them and eating them is the same.

One, two, three, four, five.

Break them, smash them, individual differences don't matter, don't matter at all.

The fearful crowd is decreasing because their consciousness is disappearing.

Someone was smashed into the fuel tank, someone was smashed into the car, someone was pierced, and someone was twisted off. The fragile flesh could not bear this force at all.

Gasoline sprayed out, blood flowing out, mixed together and absorbed by the moving alien beast.

The abnormal noise here has already attracted the attention of other people. As long as they turn their heads, they can see the scene of monsters preying on humans and raging cruelly.

The fear that broke common sense was instantly exchanged for screams. People wanted to leave here and escape, so they didn't notice that this strange beast was wriggling non-stop.

Its body has become larger, more bloated, and at the same time harder and stronger.

The original tentacles became tentacles and became more powerful.

The body in his early two meters continued to swell, three meters, four meters, five meters.

This strange beast was witnessed by hundreds of people, and fear spread like a plague.

It makes itself more suitable for fighting, in order to welcome this moment.

In the sky, something is falling.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Anxiety, restlessness, disbelief, prayer.

A lot of emotions are being conveyed, and Kazama wants to scream.

'No, it won't be like this! '

Of course he knew the car and the license plate number that appeared in the background in the news.


Why is that car there?

Is it for refueling?

That's right, Kazama found out that the car's fuel level was low yesterday, but because the road was congested, he didn't turn to the gas station to fill up.

At the same time, it was also because he didn't work hard that Rino...

'impossible! '

Kazama's messy thoughts were conveyed by the integration of the two, and Nangong's mood became more irritable.

Empat's eyes locked on the gas station below, and the perspective penetrated the ceiling. Inside were vehicles and humans in disorder, gasoline and blood mixed together, and alien beasts that almost touched the ceiling.

The five-meter huge alien beast shook its arms, and the pair of tentacles on its head emitted a little light.

Then a fierce fireball directly penetrated the ceiling of the gas station, Empat quickly changed direction and dived, and the scorching flames flew away into the sky.

The aftermath of the heat ignited the gasoline on the ground, and before the flames spread, the power of thought extinguished the package.

Clasping his fists, Empat superimposed speed on the blow.

Like a heavy hammer sweeping across, the upper body of the alien beast writhed amidst the roar, but there was nothing else.

Unable to react, Empat's right hand turned into a claw, and the fingertips formed five arcs in the fierce friction. The claw strike pierced into the enemy's body, and a large amount of mucus spewed out.

The five fingers of his left hand were close together, and before a palm knife stabbed out, a strong light emerged.

A reddish light shone inside the huge vertical mouth of the alien beast.

The next moment, the company gate on the opposite side of the gas station was smashed.

The people who hadn't had time to escape screamed. Behind the unmanned front desk was the wall, which was full of cracks, and Empat was embedded in it.

'Kazama!Kazama! '

Nangong kept calling the name of the human body, but failed to get a response.

In the gas station, one of the people lying on the ground was Rina, and the ground was stained red with blood.

Empat broke away from the wall and rushed forward like a cannonball. The three tentacles that struck penetrated the wall in the sight of people's fear.

'Kazama, listen to me! '

He swung his left palm from the waist on the right side to the opposite diagonally upward corner, and the purple trajectory formed a protective wall, and the other three tentacles were directly bounced away.

As the distance got closer, the wounds that had been torn out by the claws of the alien beasts before were nowhere to be seen.

Facing the alien beast that absorbs fear and regenerates, Empat's left and right uppercuts tore through the air, hitting the opponent's sides continuously.

But there are no bones inside the writhing body, even so, it still has a huge body standing upright against common sense.

The alien beast blocked the inside with its long whips, but it missed Empat's ascent.

The counterattack was as fast as a thunderbolt, and the alien beast sprayed out the liquid again, and the alien beast factor contained in it sprinkled on the enemies in front.

As if responding, the blue timer began to blink continuously.

"Kazama, if you don't fight, those who could have been saved will die!"do not give up! '

Nangong felt that his power was passing away, and it was not because of the so-called alien beast factor.

'......I need to---'

People don't only have good sides.

Light and darkness are intertwined, this is human beings.

Kazama and Nangong are one and concentric, and he can also feel this powerful force.

When you're bitter and angry, you want to take it out on the person who caused you, even if it wasn't human.

'I'm going to kill this thing! '

The bent tentacles of the alien beast attacked its prey from behind, and it lost its target in an instant.

In an instant, an unrivaled force exploded.

The alien beast, which seemed to be limp before, couldn't keep upright. It fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment, and the surrounding gasoline splashed and hit it.

It didn't know what was going on, it just followed its instinct to fight back.

The drawn tentacle was attached to lightning, but it failed to hit it, and it was it that was pierced.

Empat, who stepped on the enemy with both feet, turned his fists into claws, and directly pierced into the body of the alien beast.

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