She subconsciously shrank back into Grandpa's arms.


The old man looked out the window, it was dark.

In the darkness, someone waved a fist.

No one was on the street, and naturally no one could hear the voice.

The alien beast in human form wanted to roar, but before he could roar, the mouth that had just opened closed again under the heavy blow.

The sharp fangs cracked due to the shock of strength, and the heavy punch it swung was interrupted before it hit.

The sound of broken bones echoed, and in front of it, three blue lights were blurred by the rapid movement.

Empat, who broke the arms of the alien beast with both hands, took a step forward, twisted his right fist at the waist 180 degrees, and hit the enemy's chest precisely.

The force of the explosion seemed to make the strange beast's back swell, its jacket was torn, its upper body fell back, and the whole body was about to fly out.

Before that, Empat quickly reached out with his left hand, pulled the opponent's leg and pulled it back, aiming at the face with a fist.

The next moment, that terrifying face was beyond recognition.

The alien beast that fell on the ground was hit hard again. Empat stepped on the enemy's face with his right foot, and cracks appeared on the ground.


Before Empat pursued again, his movement was suspended.

It seemed to be divided into two worlds in the vision. In this world, Nangong held Kazama's shoulders to prevent the other party from continuing to attack the alien beast that had lost the ability to resist.


Kazama shook off Nangong's hand, he kept taking deep breaths, but gritted his teeth.

The control of the body was exchanged again, Empat took a step back, and the light particles gushing out of the palm of his right hand covered the alien beast, turning the human being alienated by the alien beast factor back to its original appearance.

He leaned over to pick up the opponent, floated into the sky and rushed towards the police station.

"Kazema, not all alien beasts have to be killed. '

'I know! '

Nangong's words were strongly refuted, and Kazama's tone was full of restlessness.

He is still that Kazama, but keeps changing.

Empat's power is not pure light, but also has a dark side.

And now, this dark side is having an irresistible impact on Kazama's heart.

Self-blame, hatred, pain, sadness, and chaotic emotions made him polarized and irritable.

Why is the dark force difficult to control?

Because he will subtly make you into a person who was absolutely unimaginable before.

Nangong fell silent, he didn't know how to persuade Kazama.

This appearance is almost exactly the same as when he just gained Empat's power in the past.

Acting became more and more extreme, but I didn't have the slightest self-consciousness.

Soon, Empat arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department, which was still on duty at night.

With the assistance of the police officers, he put down the rescued ordinary people.

"It's almost like Resident Evil."

Among them, a police officer spoke in a fearful tone.

It's not just other creatures that can become alien beasts, human beings are the same.

This is already the eighth person in three days.

If this continues, will one day be full of humanoid monsters in Tokyo?

At this time, as if he could see what the policeman was thinking, Empat spoke:

"It's not going to be like that."

There was firmness in his tone, since this world also has Spethium ore, the Ultra armor is not just a theory.

"The government has already started researching equipment to fight against alien beasts. Humans are not helpless."

Does handing over technology to humans like this mean interfering with the development of humans themselves?

Empat felt that it was better to start doing something now and then regret doing it later, rather than later regretting not doing anything.

'Ah. '

What came from his heart was a sneer, and Kazama instinctively resisted the positive emotions coming from Nangong.

Disgusting, disgusting, disgusting.

Empat took two steps back and continued to leave toward the sky.

The alien beast in human form is the eighth person.

What about inhuman form?

In the past three days, he has dealt with 28 strange creatures combined with mice, cockroaches, stray cats, and stray dogs.

Even so, efficiency is not enough.

Yes, even so, efficiency is not enough.

In another corner of the city, the smell of fear attracts the alien beasts to act.

But the instinct to survive overwhelmed the appetite.

Two crescent-shaped light arrows directly pierced their bodies, blasting a big hole.

The 'mechanical figure' floating in the air fell down, with a purple flame surging in the center of the palm of its left hand, and when it touched the alien beast, it was burned to ashes.

The extended blade of the right arm swept across, and the cut alien beast ignited a blue flame as if spontaneously combusting, and finally disappeared.

One person's efficiency is not enough, but two people's efficiency is not enough.

This is a strange beast that has been killed in three days, and they are not good.

The consumed fear had just formed a new alien beast before it was wiped out by this mechanical figure.

Without giving time to grow, the fear of being consumed is just waste for no reason.

Just as the robot figure was about to go to the next location, it suddenly turned its head and looked in another direction.

Across dozens of streets, thousands of meters apart, there is a morgue.

Accompanied by police officers, the coroner entered here with some uneasiness in his heart.

A total of [-] corpses are placed here. They are dead, but they have not been buried in the ground.

Because the government wanted to know what happened to the humans killed by the alien beasts.


The coroner took a deep breath. It's not that he didn't dissect the person killed by the murderer, but it was the first time for the person killed by the monster.

Behind him, the police officers who accompanied him were waiting, and at the same time, they naturally had the identity report of the deceased in their hands.

'Rino Kazama, Kazuma Kazuma...heh. '

One of the police officers lowered his head, a pair of red pupils hidden under the brim of his hat.

He slowly raised his head and locked onto the pale corpse.

The original beautiful face has lost its color, and now it is just a wreck, and the inside of the wreck can be used to fill other things.

At the same moment, Empat, who landed on the roof, stopped moving.

"Kazama, I used to—"

Before Nangong could tell his past, the mobile phone belonging to Kazama suddenly rang.

He took out his phone, and there was a familiar number inside.

The control of the body was switched, and Kazama switched it on.


He tried his best to keep his tone calm, but it wasn't his friend's voice that came from inside.

"Kazama Kazama, Empat, three days later at midnight, Zaki will desecrate Rino Kazama's body. If you don't want this to happen, go there and hide."

A mechanical voice came from the other end of the phone, telling words that people could not ignore.

"Wait! Who are you!"

Kazama's questioning was not answered, and the busy tone continued after the phone was hung up.

The clouds cleared, the moonlight fell, and the mechanical figure on the street raised its head. On its chest, there was a blue timer in the center of the breastplate with a gold frame and a red background.

Chapter Ten: The Time of the Final Battle

The mortuary, for Zaki, invading a place made by humans couldn't be easier.

During this time, he collected the fear created by the alien beasts and turned this fear into darkness.

He doesn't intend to use this energy himself, because it doesn't make sense.

Kazuma Kazama, if that person has a warrior of the Ultra family, then there is nothing more interesting than letting him fall into darkness.

At that time, what will happen to the Ultra fighters who are at the center of the two forces?

Undoubtedly, it will be hit hard.

If it can be manipulated, it can even seize part of the opponent's power.

Of course, thinking well, doing it is another matter.

There were no lights in the morgue so as not to interfere with Zaki's vision.

He walked to the location he had confirmed before, and pulled out the corpse stored there.


In the darkness, the two pairs of eyes met each other.

One person's eyes revealed surprise, and the other's eyes revealed anger.

The next moment, there was a loud noise, and the ceiling layer after layer was smashed.

The flashlight in the guard's hand fell to the ground due to fright. Several holes were formed underground and above the ground. The two men knocked out from the top were entangled in mid-air against common sense.

Kazama grabbed Zaki's neck tightly with his left hand, and he clenched his right fist and swung it out.


He aimed at that face and smashed it down without mercy.

"How dare you!"

The explosive blow carried a force close to the limit of human beings.

"Shoot on her!"

Before the second blow was retracted and smashed out, the human face in front of Kazama changed.

It's a pity that the power that is still within the scope of human beings is not even a tickle for the enemy in front of him.

Before he could react, Zaki's left palm turned into a claw, and he stabbed out quickly.

'! '

Kazama lost control of his body, and Zaki's claws were only a short distance from piercing Kazama's body.

What blocked the claw attack was the unfolded spark prism.

The thunder gushing out from inside was concentrated at one point, spinning like a vortex.

A ball of lightning exploded in the night sky, and Zaki and Empat bounced apart in opposite directions.

Without them noticing, the mechanical figure standing on the roof in the distance stared at the scene.

For Zaki, this was an unexpected situation.

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