The corpse that he had locked as a candidate was gone, and Kazuma Kazama lying in it was lying in ambush as if he knew he would appear there.



But now those things are not important anymore, there is no need to linger on the failed plan, the important thing is to deal with the current situation.

Zaki swallowed the darkness stored in his body himself, and his body, which was slowly healing itself, became stronger.

The next moment, half of the people in the city woke up because of the loud noise, because of the exaggerated shaking like an earthquake.

Tokyo has a curfew, so no one is loitering on the streets.

It was a matter of luck that no one died at the giant's feet.

The streets were shattered, vehicles were crushed, and a huge body of 50 meters was reflected on the glass.

Another giant's body was reflected in the reflection, and soon, this 'mirror surface' shattered and fell under the vibration.

Zaki turned sideways and received Empat's assault punch with his left palm.

This moment, across the city... no, not just one city.

Alien beast factors have already spread to the world, only the difference between more and less.

The newly formed alien beasts instantly became active and violent. They left from hidden corners and began to look for someone to attack.

In response to this situation, the robot figure turned its head away from the two giants in the city.

On that field, instead of trying to pull his hand back, Empat approached again, his bent right arm sweeping his elbow as a weapon at the enemy.

Zaki, who let go and took a step back, ignited a black-red flame in the palm of his left hand, and this flame formed a sphere.

Dangerous energy builds up inside, and he pushes it straight out.

But the fireball was blocked before it left the palm, and similar energy surged inside Empat's palm, and before the two collided, the overflowing flames dispersed in the wind.

After half a second passed, this energy was detonated.

The instantly expanding fireball blasted Empat into the air.


The security guard in the morgue was stunned. What he saw was the heat wave.

Left, right, the building was burned to ashes without even a little bit of resistance under the touch of this flame, and there was nothing left.

Suddenly, a force pulled him away from the dangerous area.

He heard the sound of something shattering in his ears. It was Empat stepping on the road with his feet to relieve force while retreating.

Immediately afterwards, from the explosion that hadn't dissipated, a black and red figure rushed out indistinctly.

Where he passed, the flames fluttered due to the strong wind, and the parked vehicles were lifted and overturned by the pulling wind pressure.

Countless pieces fell, and the entire facade of the building was shattered.

Fingers interlocked, Empat was pushed into the deserted office building at night.

"You are a poor wretch."

Zaki laughed loudly at his enemies. At this moment, after the flames dissipated, the street that was detonated before almost completely disappeared. The hemispherical flat land with a diameter of nearly a kilometer and a depth of tens of meters was caused by the aftermath.

If it wasn't for Empat's immediate stop, it wouldn't be just this area that was blown up.

"Handbound in this paper world."

The head hammer came down, and Zaki's blow sent the enemy's head back.

He immediately reached out, grabbed Empat's head and pressed it down into the crumbling building.

In less than half a second, the building shattered from top to bottom.

This time, it wasn't just the glass that fell. The broken stones kept falling, hitting the ground one after another, making a noise that couldn't be ignored.

For Zaki, the decisive gap between the two lies here. Empat will care about the damage caused by the battle, but he doesn't care.

So he can fight as much as he wants, and shoot with all his strength, unlike Empat, who is even distracted by those slightly useful little creatures.

The pale golden radiance instantly illuminated the surrounding scenery, and a blade of energy extended from the front of Zaki's right arm.

His left hand was still firmly holding down the enemy's head to prevent the enemy from escaping, and the little blue light leaking from the gap between his five fingers seemed to still reveal the will to resist.

Zaki pulled the blade back, and while stabbing, Empat, who was held in the ruins of the floor, twisted his body, and he aimed the timer at the enemy.

In the past, this timer used to absorb energy from the surroundings when casting Zapelio's light, and released energy when using the timer to flash. This time, it is the same application.

The power in the body spurted out, and the beam bombarded Zaki's chest.


His heavy body was lifted by the attack, and Empat, who stood up from the ruins, faced the timer with his palms facing each other.

The spouting azure blue beams converged between his palms, compressed even more solidly.

Empat took a step and pushed the ball of light in his palm directly towards the enemy in the sky.

Like a meteor rising into the sky, but too slowly.

Zaki turned his body away, easily dodging the attack.

Before he could make his next move, the ball of light returned under the pull of his thoughts.

Sensing the approach of the attack, Zaki turned his body, and the light blade in his palm swirled along with this movement.

The photosphere is cut open, and the energy inside is scattered due to interference.

But that's enough time, Empat's speed is faster, and when the opponent's roundabout cut just barely touches his arm, his uppercut has hit.

The battlefield moved from the ground where it was easy to cause damage to the sky, but just this time is enough to make the city of Tokyo move.

In the end what happened?

What about that strange light?

Some people have seen the scene of two giants fighting, which is an unacceptable scene.

Even prehistoric dinosaurs did not have such a huge body, what are they?

Passing vehicles on the deserted road, after emergency braking, the reporter felt a certain fear of facing the unknown.

"What the hell!"

At the end of this road, something alive seemed to be roaring, and the air became blurred.

The vegetation standing on both sides was pulled, almost torn out of the soil.

At the same moment, the roaring sound made the reporter subconsciously cover his ears. He had heard this sound before, and it was a sound that could often be heard in airports, but it was closer and more exaggerated.

It was because of shrinking in the car that the reporter could not see the two giants passing over his head.

The acceleration brought about a sonic boom, and the punching brought about a sonic boom. The moment Empat hit Zaki, the position of the two people's paths was also affected, and the sweeping gust of wind raged in the city, like a typhoon coming.


The reporter in the car subconsciously wanted to grab something, because his car was thrown into the air, dancing with the strong wind from the end of the road.


Screams can't save him, but someone can.

The vehicle was caught before it hit the ground. The right hand of the mechanical figure raised the vehicle, and the beam of light gushed out from the palm of the left hand, directly tearing up the alien beasts that attacked it.

It wasn't just the gust of wind that Zaki had an impact on.

Now Zaki is flying towards a higher height.

When the heavy fist hit his chest, the force of the explosion was forcibly endured.

The next moment, Zaki's clenched fists moved forward at the same time.

In contrast, Empat's fist turned into a palm.

The purple-black supergravity wave hit Empat, and the purple-white eight-point light wheel began to cut crazily.

The two energies were entangled and exploded, and the spreading shock wave could be observed over the entire sky of Tokyo.

Uneasiness, fear, invisible emotions are rising upwards.

The falling Empat stabilized his body, of course he could feel this force.

The reason why Zaki is not afraid of fighting is because he has the self-confidence that is constantly restored in the battle.

Although it was rare, he was indeed recovering little by little.

The aftermath of purple energy was pierced through, and several crimson light bullets fell towards the city.

Before hitting, the palm light arrow thrown by Empat detonated after contacting it.

It is precisely because it is the next movement, so it will be a step slower.

The aftermath of the light arrow colliding with the light bullet shattered, and the next moment, the residential buildings on the edge of the community were smashed.


There were hysterical screams, and the family of three who were terrified at home were overturned to the ground. They tried to escape with their limbs limp from fear.

Half of the living room disappeared completely, and there was a head that was too huge for a human being.

Empat was pushed into the building, Zaki continued to apply force to the back of the enemy's head, and he had to admit, he liked the situation.

But in the next second, he felt pain.

The purple-white blade pierced through his abdomen. This blade pierced Empat's abdomen and finally pierced into his body.

In an instant, light golden particles and dark red particles spilled out at the same time.

The blade in Empat's hand dissipated, the wound on his waist was constantly overflowing with light particles, and the timer also changed from blue to red.

He ignored the injury directly, and threw out the whip leg with all his strength to shatter the air.

On the outside of this residential area, two giants clashed with fists and feet as weapons.

Each collision brought a muffled sound that could be heard halfway across the city.

Zaki's bottom-up uppercut collided with Empat's vertical elbow, and his approaching uppercut was parried before it could hit.

Temporarily unable to cause harm to each other, but after several fights, Empat can clearly feel that Zaki's strength is improving bit by bit, or...

"I'm tired at this level, why, didn't you eat that human being?"

Zaki can feel this too, so he laughs at his opponent's indecision.

His previous wound pierced by the blade no longer leaked energy, but the opponent's wound was still overflowing with light.

From the very beginning, he knew that this was Empat's weakness.

The next moment, the fear gathered in Tokyo began to turn into darkness.

Empat's side kick kicked Zaki a short distance away, but the cloudless night sky was completely covered with a layer of purple-red nebula expanding.

Darkness is not absorbed, but transformed into other landscapes.

Neither starlight nor moonlight can pass through this force, the dark field G, Zaki intends to use this to eliminate the enemy in one go.

The darkness of this entire city is undergoing transformation, but before that, the particles kept floating.

"I was waiting for this moment, this moment."

Empat's right hand was raised high, and more light particles gushed out from the wound in his abdomen.

If this darkness is transforming from fear, then this light has always existed here,

Because Empat always knew that just beating Zaki wouldn't end it all.

What should I do?

Waiting for an opportunity, waiting for Zaki to gather darkness, just as he turned the energy of the stars into darkness.

Now, this unformed darkness, this transforming fear, is wrapped up.

If it's released from 'now' then it's not fast enough.

What about releases from 'before'?

The particles constantly gushing out of Empat's unhealed wound are part of his body. This part has not disappeared, but quietly floated around.

Now, the pure light was gathered together, and the light distributed around began to expand and expand, instantly enveloping the dark nebula in the sky and Zaki directly below.

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