God knows that this time it's a strange beast, next time there will be something like a parasitic beast.

The sense of crisis is unprecedented.


But the road has to be walked step by step, down-to-earth, after all, it is not possible to become a reality by thinking, the road is made by people.

Thinking of this, Klaus yawned and walked towards his dormitory.

Behind him, the door of Fujimiya's dormitory was closed tightly, and the owner didn't do any washing, and fell headfirst onto the bed.

He didn't even bother to adjust his posture, he just closed his eyes and lost consciousness.

The brain completely fell into a state of sleep in order to eliminate fatigue, and the time passed by every minute and every second.

After an unknown period of time, Fujimiya's consciousness gradually became clear.

'Is this... a dream? '

He felt as if he was floating somewhere, and there was a strange heaviness all over his body.

It also seemed that there were many hands touching him gently.

However, since you can realize that it is a dream, is it the so-called lucid dream?

Fujimiya slowly opened his eyes, what he saw was strange light and strange darkness.

It's not the sky, it's the sun shining on it.

The sunlight was isolated from the outside, and only a little light penetrated through.

Along with the fluctuation, the light also swayed together.

To describe it in one word, it is probably 'sparkling'

Fujimiya breathed subconsciously, and then a large number of bubbles rose from his eyes.

'Where am I? '

He realized that the feeling of floating was not an illusion, and looking around, he saw a strange scenery.

Coral, fish, seaweed, here is the sea.

Even though he was in the sea, he could see everything clearly.

Even the one in the distance...


Even the giant in the distance can see it.

Fujimiya has read the reports and seen the video materials.

The alien life forms are not just alien beasts, but also two giants.

Those two giants were fighting in the city, and their size was not outstanding compared to modern cities.

However, the buildings in the city don't run around or fight with their fists. Their destructive power is amazing.

'Is it because of my guard that I dream of giants? '

Fujimiya was very puzzled by the current situation.

Because the giant in his sight has little similarity with the giant in the materials he watched.

If you are struggling to find it...it probably has the same black lines and the same height.

Suddenly, the giant in the sea turned around.


I don't know if it was an illusion, but Fujimiya felt that the other party was looking at him.

Immediately afterwards, the blue giant acted.

His arms were crossed in front of his forehead, a strange light blue radiance was released, and his right arm turned upwards, turning the radiance into beams of light.

'this is---'

Fujimiya knew that this was a source of the giant's destructive power. They were like some kind of weapon that could release 'cannonball' attacks.

Before he could react, the blue giant took a step forward, and swiped his right arm down.

Accompanied by this movement, the beam of light extending from the forehead cuts down like a sword blade.

Feeling dazzled by the strong light, Fujimiya subconsciously put his arm in front of him.

The next moment, the beam of light passed by his side, and a strange cry echoed in his ears.

Fujimiya turned his head quickly, and he didn't know when the giant beast with the same size as the giant had come behind him.

The body of this behemoth is similar to that of a fish, its arms have 'shrimp-like' features, and the body of a fish has legs that can walk on land.

The elements that go against common sense are superimposed together, coupled with the uneven and weird skin, the sense of alienation is impossible to ignore.

Now, the giant beast howled in pain, its body was continuously vaporized, and the light beam hitting it did not penetrate it, but extended out countless dancing lines.

After a second, the monster's movement stopped, and the large number of bubbles surging around it also disappeared.

Two seconds later, the giant beast exploded, turning into water and merging with the sea.

What Fujimiya saw was not a battle between giants, but a battle between giants and giant beasts.

'Why do I have such a dream...'

He didn't understand it, even the dream was as clear as it happened in reality.

"Fujimiya, Fujimiya Hiroya."


Someone is calling his name.

"Crisis is approaching, find me, find the will of the ocean."

The voice was unmistakably clear.

The will of the sea, what is that?

Is it this ocean?

In an instant, the color of the ocean changed.

Plants are withering, and schools of fish are floating in a dead Red Sea.

Not only that, but the blue giant who fought before is gradually fading.

Soon, even the red sea water was evaporated, leaving only a desert.

Losing power, the blue giant who turned into a stone statue half-kneeled on the ground, his outstretched hand seemed to grab something.

The wind mixed with dust covered everything, and Fujimiya couldn't see anything except the lifeless yellow now, and couldn't even stand firm.

Finally, he couldn't resist the sandstorm, and he was pulled into the sky.

As the world spun, he wanted to grab something, but all he held in his hands were grains of sand.

A sense of panic rose in my heart. This was not like a dream, but like reality.

'If this is a dream! '

Just wake me up!

However, this dream was not decided by him.

In the real world, Fujimiya was struggling on the bed with a painful expression, but he still couldn't wake up.

There was a red and black light around him, which seemed to be eroding him.

This power is released by one person, a mechanical humanoid, with its palm facing down, so that the person it wants to affect can see the nightmare.

Both Aguru and Gaia appeared too late, they must realize the crisis earlier, gain strength earlier and become stronger.

For Fujimiya, this unpleasant dream continued.

He was dragged into the sandstorm with him, along with dirty, rotting human bones.

"Find me, find me."

The voice kept ringing in my ears, and finally, everything came to an end.


Fujimiya's heart was beating violently, he almost jumped off the bed, gasping for breath.

This feeling is not so much that I woke up from a sleep, it is better to say that I have just returned from a long-distance run.

Suddenly, the white in front of him caught his attention.

Fujimiya opened his eyes wide. It was the paper he usually used to record when he suddenly had some inspiration.

He immediately glanced around, these papers were lifted up as if they had been used by someone, and another one fell, scattered on the ground, on the bed, on the table.

It was as if someone had been in the room, but there was no one there.

"Dream... it should be a dream... right."

Fujimiya murmured uncertainly.

find who?

Will of the sea?

what does that mean?

What is the will of the sea?

Is it the earth?

Does the Earth have a will of its own?

One question after another emerged in Fujimiya's brain, but he couldn't find the answer.

According to common sense, it is a nightmare, but things that go against common sense have appeared one after another.

So... is it realistic?

---------------------------------------------Dividing line


Where is this place?

Anywhere is better than that desert of death...


When he saw the creature passing by in front of him clearly, the boy suddenly turned over from the ground.

"When I didn't say it!"

It was a little spider at home, but when it appeared so clearly in front of the eyes, no matter who it was, it would definitely be a big surprise.

So the boy subconsciously backed away to distance himself, and slammed into the foot of the bed with a bang.


He fell over on his side.

"My back! My back!"

The boy named Gaoshan Womeng felt very painful, and had a messy dream for no reason, but before he had time to figure out the situation, he suffered physical pain again in reality.


The morning light outside the window shines on the body of the mechanical figure, it looks at Gao Shan Womeng, who is still a boy, and thinks that it may have come a little too early.

The reliable man of the past is just a smart kid now.

At this time, I Meng reluctantly climbed onto the bed again, scratching my hair with a grin.

'What are you doing...'

As a child, he can be said to be quite concerned about the content of the dream.

Whether it was the red giant or the voice, he couldn't ignore it.

This dream... must have some meaning.

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