Even if I'm smart, my dream is still a small child now.

Compared with fear, this scene of destruction is more of some kind of impulse.

'Maybe I'm the Chosen One'

There was such an unexplainable feeling in his heart.

"Once again..."

In my dream, I stared at the ceiling and fell into deep thought. What does it mean to find the will of the earth?

How to find it?

Do you wait until the winter vacation and summer vacation to dig in the forest to find it?

Can't figure out what's going on.

After careful consideration, most of the excitement in my dream disappeared without a trace.

Compared with sports, he still prefers reading and learning more formulas.

That is interesting, and it is something that can be applied immediately after learning.

Unlike exercise, you won't get results if you don't keep going.

"Go to sleep."

It's only this time, and I still have to go to school later.

As for the will of the earth...

In my later dreams, I regarded it as a strange dream when I was young, and I still feel a little weird when I think about it occasionally.

It wasn't until "that day" came that he realized that the dream might not be as simple as a dream.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Mountains I dream, Gaia.

Hiroya Fujimiya, Aguru.

The Earth's immune system endowed humans with power, and humans turned into giants.

It's just that it was too late at that time, so everything had to be changed earlier.

Rather, it is necessary.

Butterfly storm refers to the fact that a small difference can even lead to changes in the entire big event, not to mention the visit of 'Zaki' itself is a big event.

Now that the change has already begun, there is no need to continue to dawdle and be restrained.

kind of...

'That hellish future, it's better to change. '

In the next time, it should be the problem of alien beasts.

Without contact with anyone, the mechanical figure hides in the dark.

Chapter Fourteen Ultra Armor

What is different from ordinary firearms is not only the appearance, but also the light golden beam that is shot out after the trigger is pulled.

Instead of a heavy weapon, the soldiers faced the monstrous foe with a bizarre pistol.

But it was this pistol that showed its power beyond that of an assault rifle.

The night was dispelled, and the alien beast, which felt pain during the attack, left the enemy and turned to flee.

"Target traveled to coordinate J53."


Inside the communicator are words of mutual communication. On the radar, the alien beast code-named 'Arakunai' is moving fast, which is a speed that humans cannot rely on their legs to catch up with.

But for this team, this is not a big deal.

Because the ordinary people and civilians in the entire area have been dispersed, the alien beasts are firmly blocked in this area.

"Predict contact in three seconds."


One, two, three, that figure was reflected in the night vision device.

Fast, indisputably fast.

The soldiers even thought it was a supercar approaching them.

Aiming in that direction, the energy inside the pistol poured out continuously with the firing, a large number of beams formed a barrage, and the firepower suppressed the enemy.

And Arakunai's still maintained its speed, it covered its head with its hands in front, even covering its eyes.

Even so, the action is fast and completely unaffected.

The abdomen, arms, and khaki fur were scorched in the high temperature.

Realizing that there was no way to stop the enemy's movement by shooting alone, the soldiers quickly hurled the stun bombs.

Does the enemy use hearing or vision?

Flashes of light and loud noises completely broke the tranquility in an instant, and the heavily armed soldiers were not affected, but what about Arakunai?

Its body structure is completely different from that of humans, making it immune to shock bombs aimed at humans. Its blurred figure blows the wind, and its sharp claws can easily tear humans into pieces.

But it didn't do that, instead it quickly wrapped its tail around a person's body.


The captured soldiers turned into shields, and Arakuna used his tail to control the body to block the rays.

"Someone has been kidnapped, and the alien beast really has not low intelligence, it will even take hostages."

The information obtained during the battle was reported to the headquarters again, and Arakunai was already approaching the edge of the encirclement net.

The sniper can't play a role, regardless of whether it can break its tail or not, whether it can hit it is a problem.

Not knowing exactly what kind of way of thinking it was, Arakuna walked a route that he couldn't find a pattern for the time being.

It raised its paws facing the light shining on its body, and the humans wrapped around its tail were not only shields, but also food.

The next moment, the ground was lifted.

A whole block of road blocked the shooting line, and the soil below was exposed.

Arakunai immediately stretched out his claws quickly, and within two seconds, a huge hole was dug out.

Until now, it has shown excellent burrowing ability.

The insect-like appearance has the same digging ability as some insects, and it may be the product of the combination of the xenobiotic factor and some insects.

Four meters, formed by deep pits.

But Arakunai found that it had no way to move forward, and two light spots appeared in the eyes of the captured soldier.

Half a second later, the lifted cement block hit the ground and shattered, and the soldiers who hurriedly avoided felt the ground shaking.

They were a little embarrassed because they didn't have much experience in fighting alien beasts.

What's more, the same alien beasts are extremely rare, God knows what's going on with this one.

This slight delay might have allowed the enemy to escape, but before that, someone arrived.

The pitch-black armor has only three different colors.

One and two are the two electronic eyes on the helmet.

The third is the blue energy core on the chest.

"Alpha, can you hear me? Alpha, I didn't ask you to move."

A superior's call came from the helmet, and the armored wearer who tore Arakuna out of the ground was using his arms vigorously.

Left hand, right hand, after a stalemate for half a second, blood spurted out.

Arakunai fell forward, its tail was forcibly torn off, and the soldier who was caught earlier fell to the ground and gasped.

"Thank you, thank you!"

He reluctantly thanked him, if he lifted his clothes at this time, he would definitely be able to see abnormal bruises on the part where his tail was rolled up.

Even fully armed, the power of the alien beast is unimaginable to humans.

If they hit the human head from top to bottom, let alone the head, the whole body including the bones will be smashed into pieces.

If the soldier continues to be restrained and fights in such a situation.

Then, as long as Arakunai loses control a little bit, the soldiers may not only experience internal bleeding, but also be cut in half... It is not impossible.

"Stay away."

All the soldier heard was this sentence, and then the black 'mechanical soldier' ​​jumped out directly.


There was another click of the tongue from the helmet.

"Immediately start the test record of the prototype armor, why let such a layman..."

The first half of the sentence is very loud, and the second half is inaudible to normal people.

However, people who wear 'prototype armor' are not actually normal people.

The superior recalled the information—Kazama Kazama, he had no experience in the military, and was just an ordinary person.

It was such an ordinary person who relied on 'adaptability' to become a test candidate for the prototype armor.

For other hard-working soldiers and police officers, it is simply a great mockery.

Besides, even if he has passed all the training, how much can he actually perform in battle?

No.1 said that in the screen of the perspective monitoring, the right side is a fist that is punched forward.

The Spethium energy flows within the armor, increasing the wearer's abilities to superhuman levels.

This level is necessary to be able to compete with alien beasts.

After the loud bang of silence, Arakuna firmly blocked the attack.

"Arm energy transmission is abnormal!"

Researchers keep recording today's data, and the battle continues.

Facing another sharp claw from the enemy, Kazama took a step forward.

This action attracted the attention of the superiors.

'this person......'

In an instant, the layman's impression was shattered.

No matter who it is, they will retreat subconsciously in the face of danger.

People who consciously face up must have undergone corresponding training.

Without waiting for the superiors to think about it, one person and one beast collided.

Arakunai tried his best to adjust the angle of the claw attack, but it was still a bit slower after all.

Its wrist hit Kazama's shoulder, poor force, bad focus, plus the defensive power of the prototype armor, the three caused the blow to return in vain.

And Kazama's left hand stretched out quickly, the angle was the enemy's crotch.

The next moment, he lifted Arakunai directly from the ground.

Upside down, the head falls, and Kazama's throw throws the opponent into the ground.

He stepped forward quickly, tearing the enemy out of the ground again before they could escape.

In the eyes of the other soldiers, the alien beast, which was showing off its power before, is now like a piece of rag, which arced in the air and then hit the ground.

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