A strange cry came from Arakunai's mouth, but it was a pity that its arms couldn't touch the enemy attacking it at all.

To reverse the situation, when it was pulled up a second time, the broken tail appeared odd.


The scenery in front of Kazama's eyes turned red, and Arakunai spurted out blood and sprinkled it in front of his eyes.

That patch of red looked terrifying, so the soldiers opened fire.

Compared with rapidly moving enemies, enemies that hit the ground are obviously better fixed targets.

The soldiers' attacks hit, causing pain and certain damage.

Although Kazama does not need to rely on vision to fight, he knows that normal people cannot do such things.

He immediately took a step forward and pulled his left hand upwards.


The superior's voice echoed in the helmet, and the helmet that was taken off fell to the ground.

Alakunai, who received a round of volley, was hit hard again, and Kazama's fists kept hitting it on the head.

Unlike 'Enpat', Kazama's weight can't suppress the alien beast.

With the sound of breaking wind, he quickly raised his arms, and when Arakunai's counterattacking claws hit his waist, the clasped arms locked the enemy firmly.

Pull, turn, knee strike.

At an incomparably close distance, Kazama and Arakuna faced each other head-on.

He didn't feel afraid of this inhuman face.

Knee Bump attacks non-stop and blocks the enemy's movements.

The soldiers fired at the enemy again, and the beams of beams scorched Arakunai's khaki fur, turning the scorched fur into ashes.

After an unknown number of attacks, the elbow hit by Kazama pushed the enemy to the ground, but the knee hit immediately after that knocked the enemy into the air.

Turning around, kicking sideways, his legs turned into spears, and he stabbed at Arakunai with all his strength.

Half a second later, Arakunai, who crashed into the ground, was unable to act immediately due to his injuries.

Seizing this opportunity, Kazama immediately connected his wrists, and the information inside the armor was transmitted to the distant base.

"Alpha requests the use of Specium Rays."

The communications soldier looked at the officer, asked for his opinion, and finally got a nod.

At the same time, the energy core on the chest of the prototype armor emitted a dangerous red light, and the edge of the palm also shone with blue light.


Suddenly, Kazama opened his eyes wide.

"Everyone get out of the way!"

Accompanied by his shout, the released Spathum rays spewed out of control.

The beam cannon several meters high swallowed Arakunai in an instant, basically burning it up and vaporizing it.

The blow strafed upwards as it struck, splitting the cloudy sky in two in the shocked eyes of the soldiers.

In less than two seconds, the energy core of the prototype armor went out.

Kazama felt a vibration, blue light gushed out from the edge of the energy core, and his arms exploded in the beating of the arc.

'The bandaging is not well controlled yet. '

He commented silently in his heart, then turned his head away, and a small ball of light exploded on the right shoulder of the prototype armor.

The entire armor system went down because of this attack.

In the sky, the recovered helicopter slowly approached.

A brave soldier approached a few steps, and the only thing left at the place where Arakunai was before was a scorched black mark.

I don't know if this is left by the high temperature, or the traces left after the body of the alien beast was destroyed.

Tonight is extremely special.

Meteors are rare, but not unpredictable.

However, meteors rising from the ground are very unusual. It is said that a passing passenger plane saw a ray of light flying farther into the sky.

In addition, the evacuation of the residents did not cover up at all, so the news that the government was developing new weapons to fight against the alien beasts also spread.

The government has not concealed this in the slightest, and they don't mind more rumors that can make people feel at ease.

What's more, there is actually nothing wrong with it.

The first actual use of the prototype armor was barely considered a success. It was able to fight the alien beasts in the front, and the Spethium beam did display more power than expected... Well, the latter is nothing A good thing is right.

This time, the armor was overloaded and self-destructed. If one is not well controlled, it may self-destruct later.

When the battle was over and finishing work was in progress, the adjutant walking towards the office blinked. She looked at the man leaving the office in surprise. The two nodded to each other and passed each other.

The gate opens, the gate closes again.

"You let him go so easily?"

The adjutant was puzzled by the superior's choice, because she knew that her superior had always been unhappy with Kazama.

After all, the soldiers under him who had been training for so long were robbed by an ordinary person, of course they would be upset.

"It's just in time, bring me Kazuma Kazuma's information."

In fact, the superior didn't read Kazama's information very carefully, after all, looking at that photo made him angry.

Now, he's interested.

The opponent's performance during the battle is not like a layman at all, it is completely wrong.


The superior was silent for a while, and he spoke again:

"I have to admit that he was right at the time."

Later, Aracunai would be allowed to escape, and the first to save the soldiers also avoided casualties.

So what is this?

talent?Born to be a warrior?

What happened in the base has nothing to do with the wind.

He was on his way home, and he didn't know about the flaws of Otto's armor until now.

Rather, it is only when we arrive in this world that we know.

For the human beings in this world, not everyone can wear that thing. They lack the most important thing, which is the 'ultra-ancient gene'

In Nangonglan's world, the ultra-ancient genes that everyone has do not exist in this world.

This led to his world, Riot Armor, which everyone can use, but this world depends on adaptability.

In order to complete the armor as soon as possible, he became a tester of the prototype armor.

After all, something like an ultra-ancient gene...he only needs to simulate Uniform's physical condition.

The footsteps stopped, and Kazama turned and walked into the shop.

About half a minute later, he walked out of the shop with the cake in his hand.

During this period of time, because of the frequent testing of the prototype armor, he has not been able to stay at home with Xi Li.

This cake exists to apologize.

With a cake in one hand and a mobile phone in the other, Kazama at this time is like the kind of young man who is addicted to mobile phones.

What is on the screen is a course that I don’t know whether it is true or not - 'Teach you how to educate your children and how to communicate with your children'

Fifteen chapters play

"a long long time ago!"

The ups and downs of the voice echoed in the room, a man and a woman, the age gap and similar appearance proved their identity as father and daughter.

The father told the story, and the daughter blinked and listened carefully.

The so-called children's fables themselves are not very long stories, they can be told clearly and simply.

At the end of a story, the man's expression was a little embarrassed.

He stared at the girl lying on the bed, and asked a very concerned question:

"Xili, why don't you close your eyes?"

Kazama...or Nangong who has the appearance of Kazama, for him, taking care of children is something he has never touched.

Compared with the real Kazama, he doesn't have ten years of experience with children.

So during this time, he kept flipping through various books.

Of course, I read it completely, but the problem is that it doesn't seem to play any role.

For example, now, after telling the story, Xi Li is still blinking her eyes.

Facing Kazama's question, Xi Li gave a straightforward answer:

"Because when you tell a story it's like a speech."

Impressive, cadenced.

The ten-year-old Xi Li didn't know how to describe it. Most people in the world call this pretentious.

'Too much force. '

Kazama reflected on himself in his heart.

Because he knew that he didn't usually speak with a strong tone, so he tried to change it.

Too bad it changed too much.

Also, how can I fall asleep with such a passionate appearance?

If you want to fall asleep...

Xi Li's right hand stuck out from under the quilt, patting the quilt.

"Then I want to eat cake, and I can fall asleep after eating cake."


Kazama gave the answer of refusal without even thinking about it, and eating cake at ten o'clock in the evening, does that mean he wants to become chubby in the future?

He really wants to take care of Xili, but it doesn't mean he wants to spoil her with everything, it's not good for education.

So what to do next?


After thinking for a while, what Kazama took out from his pocket was a silver harmonica.

When seeing this thing, Xi Li felt a little puzzled.

She had never seen a musical instrument at home before, but she had seen it in music class at school.

"How about a song?"

After Kazama finished speaking, he raised his harmonica to touch his lips.

The blown wind turned into notes, and the notes combined into music, echoing in this small room.

The hypnotic calm tone made Xi Li close her eyes.

It is actually very simple for a child of this age to fall asleep. She just closed her eyes and remained still. It didn't take long before she heard the sound of steady breathing.

The tune starts off flat and ends flat.

Kazama put down his harmonica and stared at the sleeping girl.

He didn't need to breathe, and he didn't even have a normal weight, so he didn't even make a sound when he left.

Since then, half a year has passed.

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