He nodded his thanks in exchange for a smile from the front desk.

There are always salesmen and such, and it's the job of the front desk to keep them out.

Kazama went straight to the office, he was thinking about what the boss who didn't like him wanted him to do.

Could it be that he suddenly found that the previous reprimand was lightened and he made a comeback today?

With strange thoughts, he stopped in front of the door and knocked.

"Commander, it's me."

"Well, come in."

Push the door open and walk in.

Then, Kazama felt something different.

If it is said that the commander always sneered at him from time to time, a layman who is essentially ignorant of the military, today he...became gentle?

"sit down."

When the conductor said this, Kazama felt a little uncomfortable.

"Before, I was too strict with you, and this is my problem."

When I sat down, the first sentence I heard was such a self-reflection.

For a person, when he hates something or someone, he will inevitably judge with subjective emotions, which is the case for most people and cannot be controlled.

The same is true for the commander, but in the previous battle, the commander found that he seemed to be surprised by the combat quality of this 'layman'.

After that, the information that he had roughly read before was turned up again, and only then did he realize that he had done something he shouldn't have done.

"Now, let's talk openly again. First of all, why did you join this army as an ordinary person?"

At this time, the text in the file flashed in the commander's mind:

Kazuma Kazuma lost his wife Rino Kazama in the attack of the alien beast Pedron.

Chapter Sixteen: A team that doesn't deserve its name

The question is, is there more panic in exchange for killing people during the day, or more panic in exchange for silently disappearing people at night?

The former is fast enough and the effect is immediate.

The latter accumulates and slowly spreads.

Xenobiotic beasts are not the kind of beasts without any brains, their minds are always very flexible on the point of 'how to eat more, how to eat better'.

Kazama stood on the top floor of the building, the sun shining on him.

To be precise, it was sprinkled on the red and white armor that was not shining, and the sealed helmet had good air permeability.

"Thinking about it, we are really miserable."

From the helmet, came the voice of ridicule.

"It's obviously called a night raid team, but it turns out that it looks like night now?"

There was actually helplessness in the tone of his teammates.

The so-called alien beasts are just such a mess. They don't necessarily move in secret, nor do they necessarily only appear at night.

The so-called night raid team was originally intended to protect human beings in the dark.

It's a pity that the alien beast said that what you humans think is none of my business.

"Wouldn't fighting during the day be more suitable for your show-loving personality?"

Another voice continued, this was the third person in the line.

Currently there are only three Ultra armor wearers in Tokyo.

The complete 1.0 model, then the improved 52A model, and finally the improved 7 model that is trying to make it usable by ordinary people.

While the Spicyum ore is limited, they will not be responsible for the alien beasts throughout Japan.

In fact, the night raid team has different branches in every city. The strength of a single person is limited. Even a three-year-old child can understand the principle that the strength of a large number of people is great.

The noise in the helmet was still going on at this time, and Kazama listened quietly and seriously to the conversation between the two.

"It's one thing that I love to show, but I also know when to show and when I can't."

The wearer of Type 7 armor is codenamed γ in action.

"Although this is the case, I think your focus of thinking may not be right."

The wearer of the Type 52A armor was codenamed β in action.

Unlike the electronic sound when he was wearing armor, Kazama could clearly hear that it was a serious female voice in the helmet.

Now, she continues to tell her worries:

"We have expelled so many alien beasts, but the disasters of alien beasts are still appearing non-stop. Not only that, the strength of these alien beasts is gradually increasing, and they seem to be able to inherit those who were killed. Like the experience of the alien beast, it has become more cunning."

For example, killing people secretly, or appearing during the day to create chaos.

Now there are even alien beasts that do not kill people, but create hallucinations on a large scale.

When the attackers woke up, they were terrified. They are now being treated in the hospital, and they seem to have seen shadows and fears that they can't get rid of.

They're like a...renewable resource?

Those who are afraid will die when they die, and those who are afraid will continue to be afraid because of the shadows after they survive.

In this situation, it is really hard to think that the alien beast is a beast without the ability to think.

In the discussion between the two, a third person's voice intervened.

Kazama, who had been silent all this time, spoke:

"Either the alien beast evolved by itself, or there is a leader in the alien beast, a superior existence, which directs all the alien beasts' actions."

This is his point of view. For things like alien beasts, he doesn't have much information, it's just the foundation.

But one thing is very clear, that is, alien beasts have the ability to bring a prosperous civilization into danger of extinction.

This speculation made γ touch his chin. He leaned against the wall, playing with the straight knife at his waist, and asked what he cared about:

"So how do we know which answer is true?"

Is it self-evolution, or the superior commander?

"I hope this is not verified."

Kazama gave an answer, which instead made γ tap the floor with his scabbard in confusion.


The person who answered the answer is β

"If we say that one day we know that the alien beasts have a commander, then the alien beasts must have done something on that day to surprise us that they have a superior commander, well, it sounds stupid, But that’s about it.”

Her point was simple, and when verified, it would certainly cause untold havoc.

At this moment, a signal came from the helmets of the three at the same time.

"Preparation is complete."

That was the news from the assault force of the night raid team. Knowing this, Kazama looked at β on the other side of the roof.

The two nodded to each other, and Kazama fell directly from the roof of the building.

Beside him, γ, who had been doing nothing before, drew out the straight knife from his waist.

This is a painful lesson. In one mission in the past, he approached the alien beast and drew his sword slowly for the sake of showing off.

In the end, before he could pull it out, he suffered three consecutive falls. The so-called lesson is-be prepared to fight before entering the battle!

"I don't want to go down."

γ spoke immediately.

"I go."

Kazama said so, and walked towards the sewer entrance that was opened earlier.


β's tone was quite dissatisfied, she could see that the team members were so delicate.

Before the two quarreled again, Kazama immediately explained to β:

"γ's knife is not suitable for use in the narrow space of the sewer, and you need to be ready to pursue at any time, so you have to stand by at a high place. Of all the people present, I am the most suitable for this job."

He has a headache for tit for tat... no, it should be said that β is very troubled by unilateral tit for tat against gamma.

When the two of them fight, they don't hold each other back. It's just the usual situation that makes people a little annoying.

As the captain, Kazama certainly tried to ease the relationship between the two.


'Not the time. '

He jumped into the sewer, the pungent smell was isolated, even so, he still couldn't avoid the dirty feeling.

Because the water stains on the road are very... I can only say that God knows what is mixed in it.

Along with their thoughts, their respective armors were shielded to some extent.

The superhuman senses are a by-product of this suit of armor, which leads to the possibility of injury to the human body inside.

In the eyes of the three, sooner or later, unique fluctuations spread.

The sonic weapon touched the ground and spread crazily underground.

The weapons that specifically target creatures have been further strengthened and adjusted when facing alien beasts. If there are normal people underground, he will probably have passed out within two seconds.

Kazama swung his arms and sprinted in the direction of the alien beast.

A certain shock was transmitted to the armor, and a roar followed.

The emergency lights hanging on the wall were all turned on, and in the distance, the strange posture of the alien beast appeared before his eyes. It had no shoulders.

Because the shoulders turned into heads, the head of the vicious dog is located on both sides, and in the center, it looks more like... Alien?

The alien beast Garubelos, according to eyewitness information, is a three-headed dog.

Now it seems that it is not unreasonable.

'I'm in a hurry now. '

Kazama thought of another thing for a moment, and it was just a moment.

The height of less than 1.9 meters in armor is a bit thin compared to the huge size of Galubellos who is more than 2 meters.

In an instant, a disproportionate number of parties clashed head-on in this narrow sewer.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Today, we are celebrating the seventh anniversary of the school on this sunny day. As the principal, I am honored to share this joy with you."

At the end of the playground is a higher-level podium. Now the principal, the vice-principal, and in short, big figures who are hardly seen in normal times are giving speeches that few students are actually listening to.

Yes, today is the anniversary of the school, the students don't have to go to class for these three days, they just enjoy this event to their heart's content.

Of course, people will come to visit the school's open day, and many people come to visit.

Not only parents whose children are about to graduate from junior high school come to see how this school is like, but also college students who have no class to hang out and parents of students may also come here to relax.

The seats are neatly arranged, and the students sitting on the playground wait for the end of the boring lecture.

Among them, one took out her mobile phone, and she just sent the send button for a message when she heard a cough.

The girl's eyes were unavoidably widened due to fright, and when she raised her head, the head teacher raised her eyebrows.

'be careful'

There was such a sentence in that look.

A few seconds later, the head teacher continued to inspect the back, and the classmate Himino Dongyang next to the girl patted her on the shoulder.

"Xi Li, although you usually look like a static and melancholy beauty, why are you even more melancholy today?"

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